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Date: August 14, 2008 9:43:53 AM PDT
Subject: Limited Hangout to Rescue Bush Legacy: Poppy Gives Turdblossom Judas Kiss

Karl Rove writes, instead of showing up for his subpoena...
Karl Rove writes for the Wall Street Murdoch (amazing collection of propaganda today) instead of showing up for his Congressional subpoena, again. Does it really matter what he has to say about anything, when he is in contempt of Congress and the majority of Americans have nothing but contempt for him?

I won't bother quoting his latest theory on how the upcoming election will be rigged, err, won. There is no point.

And Now For Something Completely Different (but related)

But I will share this with you. On my last trip to the deep south, I learned - from a well informed individual - that the "old man is going to pull his protection of Karl."

Who is the old man? Well none other than George H. W. Bush.

Apparently the old man has had "quite enough" of Karl and believes Karl (rightly or wrongly) is the cause of everything gone wrong in Jr.'s presidency.

Although, to be fair, I don't think Jr.'s failed presidency is all Rove's fault, despite the many scandals attached directly to Rove. But that is my opinion. The old man, however, is apparently convinced that Karl is entirely responsible for Jr.'s failures or perhaps he just wants someone to blame. Either way, his opinion - rightly or wrongly - is what determines the fate of the Rove machine.

I am also told that Rove's assets -- people installed in positions of power -- will fall one by one starting in October and the old man will at that point pull the proverbial plug. These assets, I am told, include a few judges, attorneys, FBI officials (in particular, a Northeastern person), and so forth. You know who you are, but soon, the public will as well. I don't know if these people were bribed or what the allegations against them will be. I was not given many details for obvious reasons.

Just a caveat here too. This is a single source, which is why I am not writing a news article about it and instead am sharing this with you on my blog. That said, this person is incredibly close to the situation, and incredibly familiar with those involved. If things were different -- and I was free to name names -- then you would be a bit taken aback by who this is (must be my absolute stance against the Soviets during the cold war that has won me such friends). So although this is a single source and although I ask that you read the information I have provided fully aware that this is a single source, I also want to make sure you understand that this is no low- level foot-soldier.

So back to Rove. What will this mean? It will mean that Karl will be left to his own devices, with many-a-scandal coming at him and without the benefit of the Bush family -- no matter what W says. It will also mean that as his loyalists start falling, they will likely flip against him.

It might not be a bad idea for Rove to actually work with Congress now, in advance of this upheaval, if he wants to try and politically survive what is coming. Somehow, I doubt his arrogance will give way to reason, which is fine by me as I always enjoy a good show.

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