-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 8:58 pm
Subject: Neocons Circle Their Wagons Around John McCain

13 March 2008

McCain and PNAC 



McCain has surrounded himself with the 
best and brightest from the now-defunct Project for the New American 
Century: Randy Scheunemann, one 
of its directors, is serving as McCain’s top foreign policy advisor. He is 
joined by PNAC’s founder, Bill Kristol, along with Gary Schmitt (President), 
Robert Kagan (director), and James Woolsey 

More than any other group, PNAC has exerted 
the greatest influence over the Bush administration with regard to foreign 
policy. In 1998, PNAC sent a letter to President Clinton (signed by the likes 
Cheney, Rumsefeld, Wolfowitz, and others) urging him to effect regime change in 
Iraq because of Saddam Hussein’s so-called development of WMDs. Clinton 
responded by initiating Operation Desert Fox, bombing military targets over a 
period of several days to “degrade” Iraq’s ability to produce nuclear weapons. 

A mere nine days after 9/11, PNAC sent a letter (signed again by 
many of the same luminaries) asking that President Bush attack Iraq even if 
no links to 9/11 were found. The Bush administration promptly proceeded to 
do just that: according to the testimony of ex-CIA and FBI, every intelligence 
agent in Iraq was tasked to discover links between Hussein and al-Qaeda. When 
they came up with nothing, they were ordered to look again. Despite the lack of 
credible links, the Bush administration proceeded to act as PNAC had 

PNAC is an intellectual thinktank founded in 1997 by 
Bill Kristol. Its purpose, as set forth on its website, is to “advance American 
in the new century” by asserting “American global leadership” through 
“a foreign policy that boldly and purposefully promotes American principles 
abroad.” This would involve “challeng[ing] regimes hostile to our 
interests and values” and “preserving and extending an international 
order friendly to our security, our prosperity, and our principles.” This 
would all be accomplished, of course, through the use of force, or by the 
of force. 

PNAC makes no secret of its intent for American global 
hegemony (in Kristol’s own words, a ”benevolent global hegemony”): in a 
position paper published in 2000, PNAC 
advocated the nuclear strategic superiority of the United States, not simply 
over Russia, but over the world. One of the ways it would promote American 
military dominance is by “fight[ing] and decisively win[ning] multiple, 
simultaneous major theater wars.” 

Can you say frightening? The 
only thing more bizarre than this plan for world dominance is that PNAC has 
so overt and straightforward about it. And more frightening still, these are 
men who have filled the Bush administration at its highest levels. 

It was from PNAC that Bush became persuaded of the triple 
threat emanating from Iraq, Iran, and North Korea (borrowing David Frum’s 
“axis of evil” phrase). No sooner did PNAC indicate a so-called threat from 
(a country with no army, no navy, no air force, and no nuclear weapons), then 
the administration began its saber-rattling. It was a heavy blow to PNAC’s 
interests when the NIE issued a finding that Iran had halted production of 
nuclear weapons in 2003 because of international pressure. Cheney, one of the 
strongest voices opposed to Iran and a PNAC member, is undeterred; he has 
his focus from nuclear weapons to ballistic missiles. If one recalls that the 
possible presence of a nuclear arsenal in Iraq was the only legitimate 
justification for a preemptive strike (side issues like the good of liberating 
Iraqis from Hussein’s oppression and the furtherance of democracy could never 
justifications per se for a preemptive war) and that WMDs were never 
found, one surmises that any future administration controlled by PNAC (such as 
McCain’s, if elected) will hardly find it necessary to justify a strike based 
the actual presence of nuclear weapons. Another excuse will do. One way or 
another, the plan for American empire will move forward.

Case in point: 
PNAC has proposed establishing permanent bases in 
Iran even if no real threat exists: 

Over the long term, Iran may well prove as large a threat to 
  U.S. interests in the Gulf as Iraq has. And even should U.S.-Iranian 
  relations improve, retaining forward-based forces in the region would still 
  an essential element in U.S. security strategy given the longstanding 
  interests in the region.
If its members get their way, 
expect an increase in American troops in Iraq, and for a very long time: 

[T]here is little reason to anticipate that the U.S. air 
  presence in the region should diminish significantly as long as Saddam 
  remains in power…. From an American perspective, the value of such bases 
  would endure even should Saddam pass from the scene.
PNAC has since disintegrated due to internal conflict (there have been 
disagreements over the way the Iraq war is being waged and the government’s 
position towards Iran), its inner circle continues to do its work now advising 
the Republican nominee for president. McCain, with his talk of an occupying 
presence in Iraq for upwards of “10,000 years”, his recklessly aggressive 
attitude towards Russia, his glibness toward Iran, and his rock-solid 
belief that America must continue to be the world's policeman (a phrase, 
normally used pejoratively, employed in a complimentary fashion by him), McCain 
is PNAC’s dream candidate.

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