-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, 8 May 2008 11:18 am
Subject: "Our" Terrorists (Lee Harvey Oswald Included) Are "GOOD" Terrorists 

You should read "Our Man in Mexico: Winston Scott and the 
Hidden History of the CIA," by Jefferson Morley and?[Winston's son] Michael 


< reviewed in?http://washingtonindependent.com/view/in-federal-court-cia?> 



CIA Lawyers to Face JFK Questions


By Jefferson 
    Morley 02/26/2008 

The Central Intelligence Agency will quietly defend its refusal to 
    release a batch of top-secret files related to the assassination of 
    President John F. Kennedy in a Washington courtroom tomorrow.

Amid all the headlines about the discovery of a cache of previously 
    unknown JFK material in Dallas, agency lawyers will make their first 
    response to a court order to explain the secrecy surrounding a career CIA 
    undercover officer allegedly involved in the events that led that to the 
    murder of the president on Nov. 22, 1963.

For four years, the agency has been battling in federal court to block my 
    Freedom of Information Act request seeking disclosure of the secret 
    operations of a deceased CIA officer named George Joannides. He is a 
    figure in the complex story of JFK's assassination. At the time of the 
    Dallas tragedy, Joannides was serving as chief of the CIA's Miami-based 
    "psychological warfare" operations against Cuban leader Fidel Castro. In 
    December, a three-judge panel in the D.C. Court of Appeals threw out the 
    many of the agency's decades-old claims of secrecy around Joannides.

Circuit Judge Judith Rogers and two colleagues ordered the CIA to search its 
operational files for more 
    material on Joannides. They also ordered the agency to explain why 17 
    reports on Joannides' secret operations in 1962, 1963 and 1964, are missing 
    from CIA archives. In legal briefs, agency officials have claimed that more 
    than 30 documents about Joannides's actions in the 1960s and 1970s cannot 
    made public in any form--for reasons of "national security."

Joannides' curious connection to the JFK assassination story was unknown 
    until 2001. Declassified CIA records revealed that Joannides had 
    [controlled] a Cuban exile group that publicly denounced the pro-Castro 
    activities of Lee Harvey Oswald in August 1963. Three months later, Oswald 
    shot Kennedy dead from an office building. Joannides' agents in Cuban Miami 
    shaped the first day press coverage of JFK's assassination by generating 
    [bogus] evidence of Oswald's support for Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

The Joannides files could shed light on the question of whether CIA 
    officers manipulated Oswald as he made his way to Dallas.

The complete Joannides file has never been public. What remains unknown 
    is the extent of Joannides' control over his agents in the Cuban exile 
    community who sought to link Oswald to Fidel Castro. The day after JFK was 
    killed the Cuban communist leader scorned the reports that Oswald was a 
    supporter of his revolution and suggested?the CIA was behind the 
    charge. The available records show that Castro was right: CIA 
    funds?helped publicize the allegation.

Joannides has been?never questioned by JFK assassination 

... to learn?WHY Lee Harvey 
Oswald?was?already under constant surveillance by the CIA in 
1963 --BEFORE?JFK was murdered--? and what 
role "Seven Days in May" and?Operation 
Northwoods played in the?reasoning behind?the 
Democratic president's false-flag assassination --?"REGIME CHANGE."


Luis Posada Carriles, a terror suspect abroad, enjoys a 'coming-out' in 

A dinner with 500 Cuban exiles 
honors the militant and former CIA operative, now 80 and still wanted in 
Venezuela on terrorism charges.


"Posada was serving 
    time in a Panama prison when the country's outgoing president?pardoned 
    him -- as a favor to President Bush,?who used it to?rally the 
    Cuban vote in?Florida?for his 2004 

Carol J. Williams

Angeles Times,?May 7, 2008


MIAMI -- The dapper octogenarian in a crisp blue suit, his 
face smoothed by plastic surgery, swanned from table to table in the candlelit 
banquet hall, bestowing kisses and collecting accolades.

An aging movie 
star being feted by fans? A veteran politico taking his bows?


No, the man being honored by 500 fellow Cuban 
Americans at a sold-out gala was Luis Posada Carriles, the former CIA operative 
wanted in Venezuela on terrorism charges and under a deportation order for 
illegally entering the United States three years ago.

Posada, 80, has 
mostly kept a low profile since his release from a Texas prison a year ago and 
federal judge's dismissal of the only U.S. charges against him -- making false 
statements to immigration officials.

But recent events like the Friday 
dinner and an exhibition and sale of his paintings last fall show that the man 
who spent his life trying to topple the communist government of Fidel Castro 
returned to the social forefront of this city's exile community.

"We are 
coming to the end of a terrible stage. The end of our struggle is near," Posada 
told the crowd of supporters in evening dress, referring to Castro's failing 

Venezuela's ambassador in Washington, Bernardo Alvarez Herrera, 
condemned the celebration of Posada as a mockery of justice and evidence of a 
Bush administration double standard in fighting terrorism.

"This is 
outrageous, particularly because he kept talking about violence," Alvarez said 
of Posada. "He said that the whole thing now is 'to sharpen our machetes' " for 
a confrontation with leftist regimes in Latin America.

The U.S. 
government has never given Venezuela a formal answer to its 3-year-old request 
for extradition of Posada, despite a treaty providing for such cooperation that 
has been in effect since 1922, the ambassador said.

Posada, a naturalized 
Venezuelan citizen, is alleged to have masterminded the bombing of a Cuban 
airliner in 1976 on which all 73 on board were killed, including a youth 
team returning from a tournament in the Venezuelan capital, Caracas. He is also 
suspected of plotting a series of hotel bombings in Havana in the late 1990s, 
one of which killed an Italian tourist.

He has boasted of his many 
attempts to kill Castro and has allegedly been involved in, according to court 
documents, "some of the most infamous events of 20th century Central American 

Posada was serving time in a Panama prison for a 2000 
assassination attempt on Castro when outgoing Panamanian President Mireya 
Moscoso pardoned him and three accomplices in August 2004 in what some 
saw as a favor to President Bush to rally the Cuban-dominated Florida vote for 
his reelection.

The three other Cuban Americans returned to Miami as 
heroes; Posada arrived six months later, reportedly fetched from Mexico by a 
shrimp boat owned by an anti-Castro benefactor.

As Venezuela, Cuba and 
human rights groups clamored for Posada's extradition for trial on the 
plane-bombing charges, federal authorities here arrested him in May 2005 for 
illegal entry. A federal judge in Texas ordered him deported, but another judge 
prohibited his being sent to Venezuela, heeding claims by Posada's lawyers that 
he could face torture or execution there.

None of a half-dozen friendly 
countries contacted by the State Department would agree to take 

An immigration fraud case was brought by federal prosecutors 
later that year but dismissed in May 2007. U.S. District Judge Kathleen Cardone 
accused federal authorities of using trickery, fraud and deceit in pursuing a 
criminal case against him.

Federal prosecutors appealed and are waiting 
for a ruling from the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, said Dean Boyd, 
spokesman for the Justice Department.

Analysts speculate that the U.S. 
government has dodged calls for prosecution of Posada for fear he would 
details of CIA involvement in coups, assassination plots and scandals, 
the Iran-Contra Affair.

Peter Kornbluh, head of the Cuba Documentation 
Project at George Washington University's National Security Archive, has 
compiled declassified CIA and FBI documents on Posada that show he remained in 
close touch with Washington handlers throughout his covert service.

spectacle of a wanted international terrorist being publicly feted as a hero in 
Miami makes a mockery of the Bush administration's commitment to wage a war on 
terrorism," he said of Posada's coming-out party.

Rep. William Delahunt 
(D-Mass.) convened a congressional hearing in November on the administration's 
handling of the Posada case, arguing that there was "compelling evidence" 
implicating Posada in the plane bombing.

Delahunt said Tuesday that 
"there doesn't seem to be much enthusiasm" under the current administration for 
prosecuting Posada, but that he would push again for legal action against 
after the fall election. "To have Posada honored in such a way sends a terrible 
statement to the rest of the world," the congressman said of the 

Posada, still under a supervision order with U.S. Immigration 
and Customs Enforcement, entered the banquet to a standing ovation, his face 
beaming and minus the scar from a 1990 attack by gunmen in 

"He's a real hero for Cuba. He's been fighting for the 
freedom of Cuba since the day he arrived in the United States," said Hector 
Morales-George, a retired surgeon who attended the 

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