Begin forwarded message:

From: "renee boje" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 22, 2006 9:41:38 PM PDT
Subject: RB: Renee Boje is finally free

Reefer refugee Renee Boje is finally free. In 1998 fearing persecution over 
medical marijuana charges, Boje fled from the US to Canada on the advice of 
her lawyer. Boje faced a 10 year mandatory minimum to life sentence in a US 
Federal Prison for her minor involvement in a well known medical marijuana 
and research garden owned by cancer patient and marijuana activist Todd 
McCormick and best selling author and Aids patient Peter McWilliams.

In 2001 Boje Married Canadian marijuana activist and author Chris Bennett 
and in 2002 she gave birth to their Canadian son, Shiva Sun Bennett. Many 
had hoped that Boje's marriage to a Canadian and the birth of her Canadian 
son would be enough for her to be allowed to stay in Canada and avoid the 
ten year sentencing she was facing in the US. But sadly through the decision 
of the same Justice Minister who allowed US authorities to raid Emery Seeds, 
this was not to be the case.

As some may recall Boje lost her fight against US extradition when the 
Liberal Justice Minister Irwin Cotler decided against her in 2005. Boje and 
her family were devastated by the decision because they were told by her 
lawyers that the Minister’s appeal was her best chance for winning her 
freedom in Canada and that there was a 99% chance she would lose her appeal 
in the higher courts with the current Conservative government in power. Boje 
appealed Cotler's decision and in that intervening period she received an 
offer from the US for a plea bargain and negotiations then were initiated 
between Boje's Canadian lawyer John Conroy and Federal US Prosecutors in LA.

On August 10th Boje traveled to Los Angeles for an August 14th court date in 
which she pled guilty to possession of ½ of a gram of marijuana. Judge 
George H. King who was the judge throughout the McCormick and McWilliams 
hearings sentenced Boje to one year’s probation, giving her permission to 
reside in Canada with her family. Boje returned to Canada on August 15th and 
Canadian officials almost denied her entry into Canada, but relented and let 
her stay for one week while a decision about her status was in the works at 
Immigration Canada. In the end after a week of worrying she might be 
deported Canadian Immigration officials granted Boje a 6 month visitors 
permit, which will likely give her time to secure Canadian citizenship so 
she can remain in Canada permanently with her family.

Attached is a photo of Renee Boje and her son Shiva Bennett taken today by 
her friend Tim.
For further information refer to Boje’s website at:
Contact Renee Boje at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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