Begin forwarded message:

From: Marc Perkel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: October 21, 2006 11:33:17 AM PDT
Subject: "Why Bush's NSA Wire tapping is defeated by VoIP Networks on Google Video

Here is a link to a Google video that I made of myself explaining a lot of the technical details of Bush's wire tapping program and why it will never work. It explains that terrorists would use private voice over IP networks (Internet phones) that can not be tapped. It is explained in a manner that the average viewer can get a good idea of how it works. Feel free to use this and pass it around. It puts a new light on the whole "we need NSA wiretapping to fight the terrorists" excuse. Show this to as many people as possible.

Marc Perkel
Uber Geek

Your friend, [EMAIL PROTECTED], has sent you the following video from Google Video and included this message:

check this out

Why Bush's NSA Wire tapping is defeated by VoIP Networks

13 min 29 sec - Oct 20, 2006
Description: Bush claims he needs NSA wire tapping to break up terrorist networks but terrorists are not using the phone network Bush is tapping. They are using private voice over IP internet phones (VoIP) that can't be tapped. This video explains how it works.


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