Guest Post: Google's Mysterious Threat To Pull Out Of China - Is A Covert War 
Brewing Between The U.S. And China?
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/13/2010 19:10 -0500
Submitted by the Firecracker Report

In an extremely intriguing development today Google threatened to close down 
its China operations after unearthing a highly sophisticated attack aimed at 
accessing gmail accounts of Chinese human-rights activists. According to Google 
the attacks originated in China and included accounts of U.S. and E.U. based 
activists. Google made the announcement today in its blog-post titled "A New 
Approach to China".
  In mid-December, we detected a highly sophisticated and targeted attack on 
our corporate infrastructure originating from China that resulted in the theft 
of intellectual property from Google. This attack was not just on Google. As 
part of our investigation we have discovered that at least twenty other large 
companies from a wide range of businesses--including the Internet, finance, 
technology, media and chemical sectors--have been similarly targeted. We are 
currently in the process of notifying those companies, and we are also working 
with the relevant U.S. authorities.
By labeling these attacks as "highly sophisticated" Google is essentially 
pointing a finger at the Chinese government/intelligence agencies. That the 
cyber attack has been elevated to a U.S. national security threat level, is 
evidenced by the State Department's involvement, and a statement by Secretary 
Hillary Clinton in which she asked Beijing to respond to Google's allegations. 
A report in the Telegraph offered further details:
  The State department said that Mrs Clinton had met with executives from 
Google and Microsoft, as well as with Cisco Systems, which provides much of 
China's internet infrastructure, to discuss how to stop countries from 
"stifling" access to information.
Most interestingly, the Telegraph went on to point out that:

  Next week the US is to launch a new technology policy to help citizens in 
other countries to gain access to an uncensored internet.
Returning to Google's announcement, Google's blog outlined the reasons why 
Google has decided to potentially pull out of China completely:
  We have taken the unusual step of sharing information about these attacks 
with a broad audience not just because of the security and human rights 
implications of what we have unearthed, but also because this information goes 
to the heart of a much bigger global debate about freedom of speech.
  We launched in January 2006 in the belief that the benefits of 
increased access to information for people in China and a more open Internet 
outweighed our discomfort in agreeing to censor some results. At the time we 
made clear that "we will carefully monitor conditions in China. These attacks 
and the surveillance they have uncovered--combined with the attempts over the 
past year to further limit free speech on the web--have led us to conclude that 
we should review the feasibility of our business operations in China. We have 
decided we are no longer willing to continue censoring our results on, and so over the next few weeks we will be discussing with the 
Chinese government the basis on which we could operate an unfiltered search 
engine within the law, if at all. We recognize that this may well mean having 
to shut down, and potentially our offices in China.
We do not doubt the veracity of Google's claims. Cyber warfare is the covert 
game nations play, and these attacks are nothing new. Several U.S. military and 
scientific institutions such as NASA - with far more sensitive national 
security information have been the target of hacking from China. In November 
2008, a bipartisan U.S. Commission to analyze economic and national security 
relationship with China concluded that, "China has stepped up its capacity to 
penetrate U.S. computer networks to extract sensitive government and private 
However, what we question is the following:

  1.. Why is Google threatening to close operations at this juncture - i.e. 
four years after they entered China knowing full well that they will have to 
censor information to comply with Chinese government regulations. In 2006, 
Google seemed to completely disregard the human rights and freedom of speech 
considerations arguing that "the benefits of providing increased access to 
information to Chinese citizens outweighed the discomfort of censorship". Then 
why the sudden about face and embracing of altruistic values such as "freedom 
of speech" now? 
  2.. If the U.S. Government has not stopped doing business with China, despite 
its Communist status, countless cyber attacks, stealing of state secrets, human 
rights abuses and lack of freedom of speech and democracy, then why the about 
face by Google?
  3.. The link between the Chinese Government's (implied involvement but not 
explicitly stated by Google) hacking of gmail servers to extract dissident 
information and Google closing its entire operation in China (search engine and 
cell phones running on Android) is tenuous and illogical at best. While the 
attacks are no doubt serious, we wonder if they are serious "enough" for a 
company like Google to forsake the world's largest internet subscriber market. 
  4.. So far Google has not had much success in China's internet search market 
having captured only 1/3 market share. Its chief competitor controls 
the remaining 2/3. In addition by pulling out of China Google does not stand to 
lose too much, as pointed out by Bloomberg: "A pullout would deprive Google of 
an estimated $600 million in annual revenue [out of total revenues of $24 
billion, thus a very small percentage] and may help domestic Baidu extend its 
lead in the world's largest online market. "There's no other competitor, so if 
Google pulls out, Baidu is left by itself," said Erwin Sanft, an analyst at BNP 
Paribas SA in Hong Kong". Now Google has to have factored in the scenario that 
the Chinese government calls its bluff and asks them to "leave". 
  5.. It is highly unlikely that the Chinese government will acquiesce to 
allowing Google to operate an unfiltered search engine, especially when Baidu, 
a domestic Chinese player (that the government can control), holds a 2/3 market 
share. In the current shaky economic scenario the Chinese government will try 
its level best to keep a lid on citizen's dissent. To do this it has 
unfortunately resorted to severe censorship of the Internet banning services 
such as facebook, twitter and youtube. Even so, the Chinese government is not 
illogical in this endeavor - it is well aware of covert campaigns launched by 
the U.S. government via facebook and twitter in Iran to help overthrow the 
Iranian government. China is not about to let the U.S. push the same fate on 
its own government.
So in our opinion, what all this posturing boils down to, is the fact that a 
new and dangerous war-front has opened up - one between the U.S. and China. 
Currently the war is economic, political and covert in nature. The U.S. 
government knows that the nations fiscal situation is abysmal and that China 
holds the trump card over its fate by being its largest creditor. In addition 
faced with rampant joblessness, a weakened U.S. consumer is more dependent that 
ever, on cheap goods manufactured in China. While cheap Chinese imports allow 
the Fed to keep a lid on domestic inflation, they do not alleviate rampant U.S. 
unemployment. Protectionist pressures are growing on a desperate U.S. 
government struggling to fix the unemployment situation. This tussle has led to 
the imposition of trade sanctions against Chinese companies on non-strategic 
sectors like certain steel and tire imports.
To top this situation neo-con hawks in the U.S. government and military 
accustomed to the nation being the world's sole super power, fear the rapid 
rise of China. They fear the global domination of a Communist nation and this 
in turn has led to naval and airspace incursions into Chinese territory by the 
U.S. military, as well as the geo-political blockages by the U.S. to severe 
Chinese access to the world's mineral and oil resources. The current crisis in 
the Middle East an oil rich region is a direct result of this strategy.
As the economic situation deteriorates, these tensions are only going to 
escalate. While the U.S. government is not going to start a military excursion 
with China anytime soon, strategy hawks know that one way to slow the rise of 
China and reduce its grip on America's economic collar is to create a suitable 
diversion for the Chinese government. The U.S. intelligence apparatus, which 
has several decades of experience staging coups and overthrowing democratically 
elected governments across the world, is now staging a similar policy with 
China's non-democratic set-up and autocratic communist party rule is its 
Achilles heel in its rise as the world's leading economy. With China's economy 
deeply intertwined with declining U.S. consumption, huge swaths of its 
population who are employed in manufacturing and related sectors stand to lose 
their jobs. Couple this with the fact that there exists a complete lack of 
democracy, freedom and human rights in China. The Chinese government knows that 
young unemployed people, especially those whose rights have been suppressed, 
always make a deadly cocktail. It wants to avoid setting off this bomb at any 
cost. The Chinese government has unfortunately responded to this threat by 
clamping down on information provided via the internet.
And this is the loophole the U.S. government is now trying to exploit in its 
pursuit to weaken China. This explains the recent "freedom of speech" campaign 
launched by the U.S. to "educate" the Chinese people to revolt against their 
own government. Barack Obama fired the first salvo when he visited China last 
year where he told a town hall gathering that he was "a big supporter of 
non-censorship". He went on to state that "These freedoms of expression, and 
worship, of access to information and political participation - we believe they 
are universal rights. They should be available to all people, including ethnic 
and religious minorities, whether they are in the United States, China or any 
nation." Now the State Department along with Google (whose CEO Eric Schmidt is 
a huge supporter of Obama) have joined the "freedom of speech" chorus, which 
will only grow louder in the coming days.
We would like to point out to our reader that we do not support China's 
autocratic suppression of its people's freedoms. What we are merely trying to 
point out here is that there a deeper strategic (and frankly on some level 
inherently evil) rather than altruistic motive behind Google and President 
Obama's "freedom of speech and democracy" lecturing. If China is truly to try 
to become a global power it needs to willingly unleash democratic forces within 
its borders. The Chinese government would be safer doing this on their own 
terms rather than have their hand forced by American propaganda (at which point 
widespread civil unrest in China is a given). The Chinese people would do well 
to pay attention. 

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