Two two-bullet journalist suicides, artillery round(two would
be suicide!) into window of journalist, Mark 77 white phosphorus
incinerating thousands of live civilians in reprisal for insurgents
burning four privateer CORPSES(previously dead) in Faluja,
seizing hospitals in several Iraqi cities to capture white phos
civilian reprisal war crime evidence i.e. "hospitals suspected
of treating combatants(whiskey-pete war crime civilian victims)",
anthraxing the Reichstag, and now this beating of a Reichstag
investigator of fascist militarist graft--

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photo of Emilia DiSanto:
The attacker was dressed in black with a hood obscuring his face and made no demands for money from DiSanto.
Grassley said a work-related motivation could not be ruled out.
“You just don’t know,” he said. Federal law enforcement has joined the case based on concerns that DiSanto’s role in Grassley’s high-profile anti-corruption efforts could have put her in physical danger.
Two days after the attack on DiSanto, a bomb threat was issued against a Marshalltown, Iowa, veterans home hours before a scheduled appearance by Grassley.

Senator Grassley asks F-B-I to investigate attack on his aide

by O.Kay Henderson

A top aide to Senator Charles Grassley was attacked outside her home a week ago, and Grassley has asked the F.B.I. to investigate. The F.B.I. and U.S. Capitol Police are investigating amid concerns the incident may be connected to Emilia DiSanto's work for Grassley. DiSanto is chief investigator for the Senate Finance Committee, which Grassley chairs.

Last Wednesday, she was attacked outside her home in a D.C. suburb by a white man wielding what she thinks was a baseball bat. Authorities say she received significant injuries, including a head wound. She is back at work this week.

Grassley spokeswoman Jill Kozeny told Radio Iowa via e-mail that "all of Senator Grassley's staff members have been informed of what is known and not known about the attack and advised to be cautious until the matter is resolved." Kozeny went on to say that Grassley has "taken steps to ensure the staff feels as safe as possible." But she didn't say what those steps were.

Kozeny said there's "no evidence" at this point to rule out that the assault was "work-related" but there's also no evidence at this point to suggest it is. Grassley has a long record of challenging powerful authority figures and institutions, ranging from the F.B.I. and the Defense Department to the pharmaceutical industry.

Grassley Aide Attacked
Des Moines, November 8th, 2005-- Republican Senator Charles Grassley is considering taking extra precautions following two incidents. The first took place last Wednesday, one of Grassley's top investigators was attacked at her home. Then on Friday, there was a bomb threat at the Marshalltown Veteran's Home, shortly before an appearance by Grassley.
Emilia DiSanto is a top investigator for Senator Grassley, who heads up the Senate finance committee. On Wednesday, a man in a hooded shirt attacked her as she unloaded items from her car. He hit her repeatedly with what is believed to have been a baseball bat. She called out to her family inside her home, and the attacker fled. Now the FBI and police on Capitol Hill are investigating.
Grassley does not know if the attack was related to any special investigations DiSanto was working on, and says "We had no reason to believe these things were so controversial that it would lead people to hire somebody to do a hit...but I suppose it could be..but we can't find it in the investigations that are going on, but quite frankly we have a lot of investigations going on."
DiSanto is back at work this week, but she did suffer a fairly severe head injury requiring nine staples.

Grassley aide attacked in D.C.
Published: 11/08/2005   10:53 AM
Mike  Myers  -  News correspondent

Authorities are investigating the attack on a top aide to Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, as possibly related to her work on the Senate Finance Committee, a spokesman said Tuesday.

Emilia DiSanto, 49, suffered a head wound that required nine stitches in the attack in the garage of her of suburban Virginia home on Nov. 2. She described her assailant as about 6-feet tall and dressed in black, including a head hood. The assailant apparently was armed with a baseball bat.

DiSanto’s screams alerted her family and the assailant fled. She was treated at a hospital for her head injuries and returned to work the next day, Grassley spokesman Jill Kozeny said.

DiSanto serves as chief investigator for the Finance Committee headed by Grassley.  Kozeny said the Fairfax County, Va., police and the FBI were investigating the incident as possibly work-related.

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