05 February 2007
Impeccable logic to sale of IMF`s gold reserves
Letter to the Editor in today's Financial Times 
Sony Kapoor, International Finance, Environment and Development Consultant

Late in 2003, fresh out of a career in investment banking, I was the first to 
make a water-tight case for the sale of IMF gold under the Central Bank Gold 
Agreement. Working with several prominent development organizations such as 
Jubilee, Debt Development and Eurodad, I had recommended that the proceeds be 
used to fund cancellation of poor-country multilateral debts. 
"After several promising and successful meetings with policymakers from 
creditor and gold-producing debtor countries, our efforts were thwarted by an 
apparent lack of majority in the U.S. Congress. They did, however, successfully 
ratchet up the pressure for a comprehensive multilateral debt cancellation 
deal. The economic logic for the sale of IMF gold is as impeccable now as it 
was then. 
However, the use of scarce international public resources to bail out what is 
widely regarded as an increasingly irrelevant, bloated institution, complete 
with a shiny and expensive new building, is both economically and morally 
indefensible. The case for the use of gold to finance under-funded 
international public goods or to provide some of the missing resources to meet 
the Millennium Development Goals remains as strong as ever." 

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