Iran Begins Shift from Petrodollar to Eurodollar        
      Written by Daniel Maldonado     
      Friday, 08 December 2006  
      Two Iranian news agencies are reporting that Iran has begun its long 
anticipated move away from the U.S. Dollar to the European Union's Euro as the 
(Petrodollar and Eurodollar, respectively) method of payment for its oil 
      The Iran Daily and the Tehran Times are both reporting that the Iranian 
Minister of Economy, Davoud Danesh-Ja'fari, has stated that Iran is now keeping 
its dollar based transactions to a minimum. Iran, the world's fourth largest 
oil producer, has had plans recently for opening its own oil bourse. This is 
intended to compete with London's and New York's oil exchanges, who cozily 
share the oligopoly. 

      But recently China and before them, Russia announced that they too had 
intentions on creating their own oil exchanges. Russia's plan also includes 
using the Ruble instead of the Petrodollar or the Eurodollar. 

      Meanwhile, investors' expectations have sent the dollar plummeting to a 
20 month low on news that Arab states would be cutting back on their dollar 

      But the dollar remains king. Millions of transactions done worldwide 
every day could eventually lead investors to see a bargain and step in and buy 
the dollar, or so the U.S. hopes. And at what price will the sellers become 

      With Iran, China and Russia offering new products and developing their 
own markets and with the Arab nations cutting back on their dollar inventories, 
we could be witnessing the end to the dollar hegemony. 

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