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Subject: [work_democracy] Kenn Thomas - Wilhelm Reich, Flying Saucers, JFK & MJ-12
Date:   Mon, 21 Apr 2008 18:06:15 -0500
From:   Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

the first part is free, but you have to subscribe to get the second part, which is the part that apparently includes the wm reich material.


Kenn Thomas - The Octopus
*April 17, 2008*

Author, conspiracy researcher and editor of /"Steamshovel Press"/ <http://www.steamshovelpress.com/>, Kenn Thomas joins us to discuss /"The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro"/ <http://www.amazon.com/Octopus-Secret-Government-Death-Casolaro/dp/0922915911>, world conspiracy, the Inslaw affair, PROMIS software, and much more. Topics Discussed: Background on Steamshovel press, PROMIS software, The October Surprise - Iran Contra, Earl Bryan, Inslaw, Danny Casolaro, the agenda of "the Octopus", Zapruder Film, Fear, Pentagon 9/11, Lone Gunman, Richard Armitage, Parapolitics, Barrack Obama & Muslim agenda, Iran, Vllerie Plame and much more. We continue our interesting conversation with Kenn Thomas in our members section and dive into what some the main motives and plans of the "Octopus" could be. We also discuss Wilhelm Reich, orgone energy, cloudbuster, UFO's, MJ-12, The assassination of JFK and much more <http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2008/04apr/RICR-080417-SUB.php>.


Kenn Thomas - Wilhelm Reich, Flying Saucers, JFK & MJ-12
*April 17, 2008*

We continue our interesting conversation with Kenn Thomas and begin talking about some of the main motives and plans of the "Octopus". We move on talking about Wilhelm Reich, orgone energy, cloudbuster, UFO's, MJ-12, The assassination of JFK and much more: Topics Discussed: Outlines of the Octopus, Wilhelm Reich, Orgone energy, cloudbuster, flying saucers, UFO's, MJ-12, JFK, Clay Shaw, Jim Garrison, Fred Crismon, the Maury Island Case, X-Files, Philip Corso, Pine Gap, Jeckie Gleason & Richard Nixon, Eisenhower and the military industrial complex, Twining memos, Robert Cutler and much more. Tune into our first part with Kenn Thomas here <http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2008/04apr/RICR-080417.php>.

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