First it was ticks and lymes disease.  Then Avian  Flu.  Yadda yadda 

'Alien Species' of Ants Spreads in Texas


(May 20) -- Destructive Crazy Rasberry ants are headed for San Antonio, 

Crazy Rasberry ants crawl on the arm of exterminator Tim Rasberry, who 
discovered them in Texas in 2002. The destructive ants, which invade 
homes and wreak havoc on electrical systems, are spreading and heading 
toward San Antonio.

First found in Houston in 2002 by exterminator Tom Rasberry (yes, that's 
how he spells it), the pests swarm in the billions. They destroy 
electrical systems and attack beneficial insects and wildlife, according 
to The Tribune in Texas.

And, no one knows how to control them well.

"This is an alien species," Dr. Jerry Cook, an entomologist at Sam 
Houston State University, told KENS5-TV. "This is in higher densities 
than any other insects I've ever seen. They number in the billions and 
cover everything around them."

"They form a carpet of ants over acres that is several inches thick," he 
The ants are even more destructive than the feared fire ants because of 
their huge numbers and the speed with which they are able to reproduce.

"If we don't do something, they could actually devastate the entire 
coastline of the Southern U.S.," Rasberry, the ants' namesake, told KENS5.
Experts believe the ants entered the U.S. by way of a cargo shipment in 
the port of Houston in 2002 and started multiplying. They could reach 
San Antonio this year

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