Look at the names in paragraph 3.  These are the power people behind the public puppets.  Earlier today I read that George Schultz was the person who 'vetted' George Bush for the next president and he picked Bush's cabinet.  That explains why they were all Reagan recycles.  They named themselves "The Vulcans". 
North American merger
topic of secret confab
Meeting on integration of U.S., Mexico,
Canada brings together top officials

And a link in the above article "NAICP summit meeting in 2004" links to the pdf below  -   on page 3 
"To establish a true North American convergence"
The Reagan Recycles that George Schultz picked for George Bush's cabinet named themselves "The Vulcans".   It was the Office of Special Plans that 'produced' the evidence of Saddam Hussein and WMD
"Stephen Hadley is a fire-tested Vulcan--a hardliner close to Vice President Dick Cheney and to the neoconservative camp. Named by the president in mid-November 2004 to replace Condoleezza Rice as his National Security Adviser, Hadley formed part of a loosely constituted group of foreign policy advisers known as the Vulcans who advised presidential candidate Bush in 2000 and were at the core of the presidential transition team following BushÂ’s election victory. Among the other Vulcans who later moved into the first Bush administration were Rice, Colin Powell, Cheney, Richard Perle, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz."
Whoa..... and what do we have here... George Schultz... Saddam Hussein must be removed immediately. 
Act Now

The danger is immediate. Saddam Hussein must be removed.

By George P. Shultz
Friday, September 6, 2002; Page A25
OMG!    Look at the political connections on George Schultz. 
Connections to Nicolas Brady who was chairman of the Brady Commission that recommended that the Federal Reserve control stock market volatility: 
"The question has been around since before the advent of stock index futures contracts in 1982. The decade-old debate was given new life after the October 1987 crash by the Presidential Task Force on Market Mechanisms, headed by Nicholas Brady. In its postmortem of the crash, the Brady commission report focused on volatility emanating from the futures markets, and a key proposal was "harmonization" of margins on stock index futures and stock purchases. The Brady commission suggested that the Federal Reserve Board take on the job of establishing consistent margins across markets.[1] Chairman Alan Greenspan declined, and the current treasury secretary, Brady, has offered the job to the SEC. Chairman Breeden seems anxious to take up the challenge."
This one on the LaRouche website is the most interesting on George Shultz.  It explains a lot about his background and probably why Schultz signed the education cooperation agreements with the Soviets during Reagan's Administration - and why Margaret Spellings just recently signed more agreements with the soviets.  
Orwellian Education - William Jasper
"And it was George Shultz in the Reagan Administration who signed the Carnegie-drafted U.S.-Soviet education agreements with Gorbachev. That was in 1985, the same year Carnegie brought Mark Tucker on board."
Know Your War Profiteers
What strikes me about this is that everybody focuses on Halliburton while nobody mentions Bechtel.   That was the same with Enron.  Everybody focused on Enron while Global Crossing was ignored.    This reminds me of the pickpocket scams.  Have you ever seen how they work?  They work in teams.  Several of them will create a disturbance.  When everybody looks towards the disturbance, the pickpocket goes to work grabbing wallets.  As he gets one, he passes the wallet off to somebody walking through the crowd so that in case the person notices their wallet missing, the wallet is out of the area and the pickpocket is standing there as if he had nothing to do with it.   
Iraq..."look over here.. look over here"       While George and the gang dismantle our institutions and subvert the Constitution with the "Security and Prosperity Partnership". 

Vicky Davis
"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man - brave, hated,
and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the TIMID join him, For then
it costs NOTHING to be a Patriot." -- Mark Twain

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