Randi Rhodes website
links to one of my webpages. See the "narco-fascist drug war" link below:
Talk to The Randi Rhodes Show
LIVE (3-7pm ET) 1.866.303.2270


We've teamed with Habitat for Humanity to help rebuild the Gulf Coast.


Catch Randi TONIGHT on CNN’s Larry King Live (on after Bill Clinton)

Sen. Russ Feingold’s censure resolution is debated in committee today.  Randi has the clips.

The right wing corporatists show their true colors…

"The millions of young men who are prisoners in our country can pick the fruit and vegetables."
- Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)

Yep, prison slave labor.  The US comprises 5% of the world’s population and 25% of the world prisoners thanks in large part to the narco-fascist drug war.  The US incarceration rate also is the highest in the Western World.

And as we move closer to reopening debtor prisons in the US, the corporatists are scrambling to figure out how to profit off of all this.  Freedom’s on the march…man!

Today also commemorates the second anniversary of Casey Sheehan’s entry into Baghdad.

And today marks 2 years since Randi’s first show on Air America!

These stories and much more on today’s Randi Rhodes Show.
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The "narco-fascist drug war" link is to:

MMM (Global Million Marijuana March):
Newsweek, Nov. 14, 2005, page 36:
"The most recent evidence comes from autopsies of 44 prisoners who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan in U.S. custody. Most died under circumstances that suggest torture. The reports use words like 'strangulation,' 'asphyxiation' and 'blunt force injuries.' ...  A few months before the [Abu Ghraib] scandal broke [spring 2004], Coalition Provisional Authority polls showed Iraqi support at 63 percent. A month after Abu Ghraib, the number was 9 percent. Polls showed that 71 percent of Iraqis were surprised by the revelations."

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