Shabak in Florida, 9-11 in NY

by Barry Chamish

September 18, 2006

It's so nice to be appreciated, even by my enemies, but better
by my friends.

SO much better by friends because here is what the enemies can do in America. They can try and take it over.

For the first time in my checkered bookselling history, I was tossed out of an event, and by no less than the Orlando, Florida. I chose to sell at an event sponsored by one Battalion of Deborah who promised me the "biggest" event to save Israel on American soil. At least 2000 genuine patriots would show.

In fact, maybe 120 people showed and maybe 60 vendors sold to them, including a dozen Israelis... half or more Shabak agents. My mistake was identifying one who I had seen in Israel. He had made his name short and friendly but I went up to him.

I asked, "How you doing, Amichai?" or something like that. His first name has slipped me but not his last.


He looks more German than Israeli. And his cover is selling e-mail messages to the Western Wall by a firm called IPS. Another Shabak firm is Ami Tours of Chicago who kept a pretty good watch on me as well after I pointed to Neumann and asked, "Why is the Shabak here?"

It was in getting thrown out that was more than a reminder of the Israel I had run from. Filming this non-event was Nitzan Chen, the broadcaster sought out by Avishai Raviv to give him a poster of Rabin in a Gestapo uniform. To this day Chen's broadcast is used to prove how "fascist" are the settlers. Chen, religious and I thought anyway, married, spent more time chasing the Christian girls than film making.

He told me, "This is the Golden Land." I suppose it was his first shot at Christians. I can only assume the Land stopped shining at some point.

Night one was full of preachers like Hagee. Night two was
filled with Knesset members and politicians like Mudie Zemberg, Benny
Alon, Elyakim Rubinstein et al.

After a conversation with Zemberg, I told a Deborah Battalioner that I initially supported him but he let us all down. She was aghast. "He is better than ever," she insisted. I told her he began in Rafael Eitan's Tsomet Party, which saw defections that gave Rabin a Jewish majority for Oslo, and he ended up in the viciously anti-religious party, Shinui run by Tommy Lapid.

The lady had never heard of Shinui and didn't want to know who Zemberg was. She added, "The Jewish Agency supplied the Israelis for us anyway."

The Jewish Agency? THE JEWISH AGENCY????

That explained why the speakers were all turncoats and the vendors agents.


I will reveal a source. In 1997, a young man named Arye Landesburg revealed to me how he got involved in Avishai Raviv and Yigal Amir's super-radical EYAL organization. "I was at a rally at Orient House in East Jerusalem when Benny Alon approached me and insisted I meet the nicest guy here...Avishai Raviv. He got half his members through Alon. That's how Alon identified him so quickly after the Rabin assassination. They worked together in the Shabak."


Elyakim Rubinstein is the only Yesha commentator who knows my work and condemns it.

What Are They All Doing Here?


The auditorium was too empty for Chen's film. It was humiliatingly empty, so they ordered the vendors to shut down sales and sit and watch the Israelis speak.


The speeches were all written for the MKs. They were dreadful. All these so-called right-wing MKs prove Israel must be democratic. "When Israel is attacked we become the best fighters in the world." Which explains why Hizbullah shut down the country for a month. "Next time WE WILL USE OUR STRENGTH TO ATTACK IRAN."



Here comes the Holocaust. And out I went.


I left the auditorium with its quiescent Israelis, and Americans standing and clapping for every militaristic word. THAT WAS ILLEGAL.

We had gathered to STAND WITH ISRAEL.

And that means ATTACK IRAN. That's why Olmert 's sister-in-law was selling tours in the vending room. That's why we're all here.


So the Shabak taught an itty-bitty little American girl their words, just the way Israelis, so sadly, have heard them thousands of times before. With Neumann watching the performance, the dumb girl recited the lines while being protected by a dozen black security guards: "I'm going to say this once. If I say it twice a uniformed police officer will..."

Blah Blah Blah. She was so thrilled by her phoney power she actually hummed a country song by the end.


This is how the Shabak set me and thousands of people up in Israel. Now look at the reply former Shabak chief and today's Police Minister Avi Dichter sent me. I asked that Israel police cooperate with my attorney Dov Even Or and supply him with the results of the investigation of my near deadly car "accident."

Dear Mr. Chamish,

In order to reply to your E-mail to Mr. Dicter, could you please supply with your mailing address?

Best Regards,

Ruti Koren
Bureau Manager

-----Original Message-----

From: Barry Chamish [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:38 PM
Subject: A. Dichter

I gave him my attorney's address. We never got a letter.


From the complete and dangerous loss of freedom to redemption. As usual, the nutcase prof from Haifa spreads the lie that I was at a Holocaust deniers convention. Never heard of it. Far from it, I was at the alternative 9-11 conference in New York and I was well received.

And yes, I could have done Israel some job. I could have talked about Frank Lowy, the Israeli who owned the WTC land, Menachem Atzmon, former partner of Ehud Olmert as Likud Treasurer and CEO of the security company of Logan and Newark Airports on 9-11. I could have asked why both architects chosen to rebuild the WTC were Israeli. And there is Aaron Swirski of my e-mail list and a WTC architect who told me the WTC was designed to take a plane hit.

But I spoke of Larry Silverstein who decided to "pull" building 7 of the WTC at 5 PM, in the shadow of the fallen towers. It takes weeks to demolish a 47 storey building. Who put the explosives in Building 7? There were 4 buildings and 3 planes. The missing plane that was to have felled Building 7 was UA93, which was shot down by an F16 in Pennsylvania.

Go to my web site ( and seek the article, Larry Pulls It. Silverstein, all tied to Sharon and the CFR, BROUGHT DOWN THE BUILDING.

And unlike the worst of the speakers I explained that Sharon was a "peacemaker" and it was the "peacemakers" who were destroying Israel.

The Israeli people know nothing.


Then I taped a show for Charlie Bernheid and Helen Freedman of AFSI. They are the most generous and decent people in the world. But they close their minds about 9-11 because if the Arabs didn't do it, they lose their right to defend Israel.

This was so sad to me. Israel is being lost to a government which believes in globalism first and Judaism, oh, just after corn malt liquor or the Best Of The Monkees.


My whole Orlando - 9-11 adventure became a speech for The American
Freedom Network. Their engineer George Forfa made me 50 copies of the CD Rom speech given in Denver. Write me quickly for a $14 copy at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Of note, Alex Jones correctly cited me in his exciting closing 9-11 speech. Google my New Jersey host, Cliff Shack. He is a brilliant thinker. Have a look at


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