Sunday, December 2nd Street Outreach


On Sunday, December 2nd, I'll be doing my thing again
with a few others. Going around NYC and the
surrounding areas to hand out sandwiches, blankets and
other stuff to those who are stuck in the streets and
need it most. If you are in the area and want to help
or have any blankets, hats, gloves, scarves, etc. that
you want to donate.... Hit me up and we'll make
arrangements to put em to good use. Let me know

Remember, its cold out there and there are plenty of
people who are desperately in need. Please REPOST this
and have people contact me at this page:
or they can contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
That is if they are interested in participating or
have anything to offer. Thanks for the help!

Peace & Love,
Steve a.k.a. Your Favorite Guinea

P.S. If you are too far away from NYC, just do it near
you. You'd be surprised what you are capable of and
how many people would actually want to contribute. If
everyone helped someone there would be no one left to
be hungry. Maybe you don't even have to go out there
and try helping everyone, maybe try changing one
person's life out there that is left in the streets.
Treat them to a day or try to get them back on their
feet. Its a dream, but its possible. Lets show the
people in power what this country really is about.
Stop asking for a better place, make it a better

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