The Martial Law Act of 2006

by James Bovard

April 10, 2008

Martial law is perhaps the ultimate stomping of freedom. And yet, on September 
30, 2006, Congress passed a provision in a 591-page bill that will make it easy 
for President Bush to impose martial law in response to a terrorist “incident.” 
It also empowers him to effectively declare martial law in response to what he 
or other federal officials label a shortfall of “public order” – whatever that 

It took only a few paragraphs in a $500 billion, 591-page bill to raze one of 
the most important limits on federal power. Congress passed the Insurrection 
Act in 1807 to severely restrict the president’s ability to deploy the military 
within the United States. The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 tightened those 
restrictions, imposing a two-year prison sentence on anyone who used the 
military within the United States without the express permission of Congress. 
(This act was passed after the depredations of the U.S. military throughout the 
Southern states during Reconstruction.) 

But there is a loophole: Posse Comitatus is waived if the president invokes the 
Insurrection Act. 

The Insurrection Act and Posse Comitatus Act aim to deter dictatorship while 
permitting a narrow window for the president to temporarily use the military at 
home. But the 2006 reforms basically threw any concern about dictatorial abuses 
out the window. 

Section 1076 of the Defense Authorization Act of 2006 changed the name of the 
key provision in the statute book from “Insurrection Act” to “Enforcement of 
the Laws to Restore Public Order Act.” The Insurrection Act of 1807 stated that 
the president could deploy troops within the United States only “to suppress, 
in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or 
conspiracy.” The new law expands the list of pretexts to include “natural 
disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack 
or incident, or other condition” – and such a “condition” is not defined or 

One might think that given the experience with the USA PATRIOT Act and many 
other abuses of power, Congress would be leery about giving this president his 
biggest blank check yet to suspend the Constitution. But that would be naïve. 

The new law was put in place in response to the debacle of the federal response 
to Hurricane Katrina. There was no evidence that permitting a president far 
more power would avoid future debacles, but such a law provides a comfort 
blanket to politicians. The risk of tyranny is irrelevant compared with the 
reduction of risk of embarrassment to politicians. According to Washington, the 
correct response to Katrina is not to recognize the failure of relying on 
federal agencies a thousand miles away but rather to vastly increase the power 
of the president to dictate a solution, regardless of whether he knows what he 
is doing and regardless of whether local and state rights are trampled. 

The new law also empowers the president to commandeer the National Guard of one 
state to send to another state for as many as 365 days. Bush could send the 
South Carolina National Guard to suppress anti-war protests in New Haven. Or 
the next president could send the Massachusetts National Guard to disarm the 
residents of Wyoming, if they resisted a federal law that prohibited private 
ownership of semi-automatic weapons. Governors’ control of the National Guard 
can be trumped with a simple presidential declaration. 

Section 1076 had bipartisan support on Capitol Hill, including support from 
Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), Sen. John Warner (R-Va.), Sen. Ted Kennedy 
(D-Mass.), and Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Armed 
Services Committee. Since the law would give the feds more power, it was very 
popular inside the Beltway. 

On the other hand, every governor in the country opposed the changes. Sen. 
Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, 
warned on September 19, 2006, that “we certainly do not need to make it easier 
for presidents to declare martial law.” Leahy’s alarm got no response. Ten days 
later, he commented in the Congressional Record, “Using the military for law 
enforcement goes against one of the founding tenets of our democracy.” 

A U.S. Enabling Act

The new law vastly increases the danger from the actions of government 
provocateurs. If there is an incident now like the first bombing of the World 
Trade Center in February 1993, it would be far easier for the president to 
declare martial law – even if, as then, it was an FBI informant who taught the 
culprits how to make the bomb. Even if the FBI masterminds a protest that turns 
violent, the president could invoke the “incident” to suspend the Constitution. 

“Martial law” is a euphemism for military dictatorship. When foreign 
democracies are overthrown and a junta establishes martial law, Americans 
usually recognize that a fundamental change has occurred. Perhaps some 
conservatives believe that the only change when martial law is declared is that 
people are no longer read their Miranda rights before they are locked away. 
“Martial law” means: Obey soldiers’ commands or be shot. The abuses of military 
rule in Southern states during Reconstruction were legendary, but they have 
been swept under the historical rug. 

Section 1076 is an Enabling Act-type legislation – something which purports to 
preserve law and order while formally empowering the president to rule by 

Bush can commandeer a state’s National Guard any time he declares a “state has 
refused to enforce applicable laws.” Does this refer to the laws as they are 
commonly understood – or to the “laws” after Bush “fixes” them with a signing 
statement? Unfortunately, it is not possible for Americans to commandeer the 
federal government even when Bush admits that he is breaking a law (such as the 
Anti-Torture Act). 

Section 1076 is the type of “law” that would probably be denounced by the U.S. 
State Department’s Annual Report on Human Rights if enacted by a foreign 
government. But when the U.S. government does the same thing, it is merely 
another proof of benevolent foresight. The “comfort blanket” on Section 1076 is 
that the powers will not be abused because the president will show more concern 
with the Bill of Rights than Congress did when it rubberstamped this provision. 
This is the same “pass the buck on the Constitution” that worked so well with 
the PATRIOT Act, the McCain Feingold Campaign Reform Act, and the Military 
Commissions Act. As long as there is hypothetically some branch of the 
government that will object to oppression, no one has the right to fear losing 
his liberties. 

The military on the home front

Section 1076 is more ominous in light of the Bush administration’s long record 
of Posse Comitatus violations. Since 2001, the Bush administration has 
accelerated a trend of using the military as a tool in the nation’s domestic 
affairs. From its support of the Total Information Awareness surveillance 
vacuum cleaner, to its use of Pentagon spy planes during the Washington-area 
sniper shootings in 2002, to the Pentagon’s seizures of Americans’ financial 
and other private information without a warrant, the Bush administration has 
not hesitated to use military force and intimidation at home whenever 
convenient. And Americans may have little or no idea of how far the military 
has actually gone on the home front, given the Bush team’s obsessive secrecy. 

The Pentagon has sent U.S. military intelligence agents on domestic fishing 
expeditions. In 2004, two U.S. Army intelligence agents descended on the 
University of Texas’s law school in Austin. They entered the office of the 
Journal of Women and the Law and demanded that the editors turn over a roster 
of the people who attended a recent conference on Islam and women. The editors 
denied having a list; the behavior of one agent was described as intimidating. 
The agents then demanded contact information for the student who organized the 
conference, Sahar Aziz. University of Texas law professor Douglas Laycock 

  We certainly hope that the Army doesn’t believe that attending a conference 
on Islamic law or Islam and women is itself ground for investigation. 

Military officials later declared that U.S. Army intelligence agents had 
overstepped their bounds. But this did not stop the Bush administration from 
having a provision inserted in a bill passed in secret session by the Senate 
Intelligence Committee that would allow military intelligence agents to conduct 
surveillance and recruit informants in the United States. reported, 

  Pentagon officials say the exemption would not affect civil liberties and is 
needed so that its agents can obtain information from sources who may be afraid 
of government agents. 
The provision would authorize military agents to go undercover and never inform 
their targets that they were dealing with a G-man. Kate Martin, director of the 
Center for National Security Studies, denounced the provision: 

  This ... is giving them the authority to spy on Americans. And it’s all been 
done with no public discussion, in the dark of night. 
The controversy over the amendment scuttled its enactment, though it is unclear 
whether that has deterred the military from expanding its domestic spying. 

There is no Honesty-in-Absolute-Power mandate in the federal statute books. The 
more power government seizes, the more easily it can suppress the truth. There 
is nothing to prevent a president from declaring martial law on false pretexts 
– any more than there is to prevent him from launching a foreign war on false 
pretenses. And when the lies become exposed years later, it could be far too 
late to resurrect lost liberties. 

James Bovard [send him mail] is the author of the just-released Attention 
Deficit Democracy, The Bush Betrayal, and Terrorism & Tyranny: Trampling 
Freedom, Justice, and Peace to Rid the World of Evil. He serves as a policy 
advisor for The Future of Freedom Foundation. Visit his website.

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