Please send far and wide -

Howdy one and all, 
The Register Guard censored my letter to the editor this morning. Here is
what they cut out:

 “Bob, you have been given several of our books and press releases. You have
only mentioned one, and that was to make jest of the length of the
sub-title. You didn’t tell your readers that the book Dr. Mary’s Monkey told
how the polio vaccines handed out to millions trusting school kids from 1955
to 1963 were contaminated with cancer-causing monkey viruses, resulting
later in a huge spike in soft-tissue cancers. You simply made fun of the

What are they afraid of? The truth.

 I find their actions disgusting. Here is my letter as sent:

Letter to the editor:

Dear Sirs,

Bob Welch stressed that newspapers are run by “professionals” and all will
be lost without the “watch-dog” of the press.

Sadly, our “free” press stopped performing sentinel duties long ago;
becoming willing handmaidens to our corrupt crytpocracy ― clothiers of our
naked emperor.

People are leaving newspapers because of a lack of honest reporting. Recent
polls show less than 20% of Americans implicitly trust the mainstream media..
Why did the Internet grow so fast? Because it offers uncensored
communication for citizens.

Mr. Welch is concerned that these “discussions begin with stories spun by
nonprofessionals with no accountability to anyone to be fair, accurate or
comprehensive.” Platitudes do not substitute for real reportage.

TrineDay has brought many substantial news stories to the Guard, to no avail
We hear: RG doesn’t have the reporter time, or funds; or that is not local;
or that they must wait for sanctification from the Times, or the Post.

Bob, you have been given several of our books and press releases. You have
only mentioned one, and that was to make jest of the length of the
sub-title. You didn’t tell your readers that the book Dr. Mary’s Monkey told
how the polio vaccines handed out to millions trusting school kids from 1955
to 1963 were contaminated with cancer-causing monkey viruses, resulting
later in a huge spike in soft-tissue cancers. You simply made fun of the

When there is no water at the well, why shouldn’t the people go elsewhere?


Kris Millegan
Walterville, OR

Here is what the Register Guard ran:

Why readers are leaving

Bob Welch stressed that newspapers are run by “professionals” and all will
be lost without the “watch-dog” of the press (Register-Guard, March 21).

Sadly, our free press stopped performing sentinel duties long ago, becoming
willing handmaidens to our corrupt cryptocracy ― clothiers of our naked

People are leaving newspapers because of a lack of honest reporting. Recent
polls show less than 20 percent of Americans implicitly trust the mainstream

Why did the Internet grow so fast? Because it offers uncensored
communication for citizens.

Welch is concerned that these “discussions begin with stories spun by
nonprofessionals with no accountability to anyone to be fair, accurate or
comprehensive.” Platitudes do not substitute for real reportage.

TrineDay has brought many substantial news stories to The Register-­Guard ―
to no avail. We hear: The Register-Guard doesn’t have the reporter time or
funds or that is not local or that they must wait for sanctification from
The New York Times or The Washington Post.

When there is no water at the well, why shouldn’t the people go elsewhere?

Kris Millegan

Publisher, TrineDay


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