Treason Abounds ~ Gov't Cabal Plots North American Union (NAU) 

    This research will reveal the betrayal of the American people by a 
government cabal who are bent on destroying our sovereignty in order to create 
a North American Union.  The miscreants include many who function at the 
highest levels in our government.  Many hold membership in the Council on 
Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission and pursue a subversive 
agenda.  The cabal is deliberately circumventing the U.S. Congress and 'We the 
People' in blatant violation of our Constitution.  Collectively they are 
committing TREASON.  If you continue to believe that the illegal alien invasion 
is the biggest threat to America, you will never understand that there is 
something far more dangerous to our country called the "Security and Prosperity 
Partnership of North America" (SPP).  As bad as the illegal alien situation is 
. . . you will learn that this nation is in dire peril far exceeding the 
illegal alien problem.
    continued >> 


     Illegal Alien Anarchy . . . Connecting the Dots!

    There is no society that can indefinitely allow a relentless flood of 
illegal aliens to contravene its laws, violate its sovereign borders, overwhelm 
its infrastructures and social systems, degrade employment opportunities for 
its own people, while the massiveness of the illegal invasion constantly 
degrades America's way of life, culture and language. Why then is that being 
allow to happen here in America? You may think that the illegal alien protest 
rallies and school 'walkouts' were spontaneous eruptions, but think again. They 
were carefully orchestrated by many, many people, groups and organizations that 
receive megabucks from unions, corporations and foundations and MOST 
IMPORTANTLY tacitly endorsed by our government. Ask yourself why such insanity 
    continued >> 


    Creating a North American Union for the One World Order 

    The following will expose the United States Government's plot to sell out 
America by surreptitiously forming a North American Union. They are 
circumventing the US Congress and We The People, in violation of our 
Constitution. They are committing TREASON. If you keep believing that the 
illegal alien invasion is the problem you will never understand that the REAL 
problem is something called the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North 
America" the SPP for short. As bad as the illegal alien situation is . . . you 
will learn that this nation is in dire peril far exceeding the illegal alien 
    Educate yourself. Follow the links. Read what your own government has 
posted on government sites such as the White House and You will be 
aghast at the nearly complete destruction of our sovereignty, Bill of Rights, 
Constitution and laws of the Republic that has been engineered by President 
Bush and many, many members of the 'Shadow Government' who are dismantling this 
country in plain sight while America sleeps. 

    To BEGIN to understand what is REALLY going on, read the Illegal Alien 
Anarchy . . . Connecting the Dots article by this author, found here. Make sure 
you follow the suggested links in the article in order to educate yourself 

    continued >> 


     Reference List: One World Order (OWO) Info Available on the Web

    There are many in our government who are 'global elites' who believe in a 
One World Order (OWO) and who EMBRACE the tenets of the 'Communist Manifesto.' 
They have infiltrated our government at ALL levels. They are members of the 
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) who publicly announced last summer (2005) 
that they plan to eliminate our borders by 2010, thus eliminating our 
sovereignty and ignoring our Bill of Rights, our Constitution and planning an 
end to our laws and our Republic. 
    These references are varied and many, but they will allow you to educate 
yourself. Once you have delved into this material you should be able to form an 
educated opinion as to their efficacy. You will be able to decide whether or 
not there exists a cabal of global elitist traitors running our government and 
just what they plan to do! The question will then be . . . how to defeat and 
remove them from governance. 

    continued >>

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