USCFR: The U.S.-China Relationship: Policy Goals
Submitted by Absurdfool on Fri, 2006-11-24 22:54. :: 

This article was aggregated from Absurdist Republic 


As President George Bush prepares to leave for state visits to Japan, Korea, 
China, and Mongolia November 15-21, the U.S. relationship with China is coming 
under increasing scrutiny. China's stunning economic rise has made it a 
formidable potential competitor to the United States in areas from trade to 
diplomacy to military supremacy. Yet the relationship is a critical one. "These 
two very different countries will have to cooperate closely in the decades, 
indeed centuries, to come," wrote Financial Times columnist Martin Wolf in a 
September op-ed. And the United States, which has long had special security and 
trade relationships in Asia, can't take its position in the region for granted. 
"China has dramatically improved its relations with neighboring countries, 
particularly in Southeast Asia," says Nicolas Lardy,senior fellow at the 
Institute for International Economics and an expert on the Chinese economy. As 
a result, "these countries' foreign-policy positions are now taking into 
account China instead of the United States," he says. "It's a sea change. The 
center of gravity has shifted."Below are summaries of some of the most 
important bilateral issues between China and the United States:


China's economy has grown at an average rate of 10 percent per year for the 
last fifteen years, the highest growth rate in the world. The staggering growth 
has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty and transformed an agricultural 
society into one of the world's most dynamic, industrial markets. Total trade 
in 2004 was more than $1.1 trillion, making China the world's third-largest 
trading nation, after the United States and Germany. China today has the 
greatest openness to trade of any large economy: the ratio of trade to China's 
gross domestic product (GDP) was 70 percent last year, compared to less than 25 
percent each for the United States and Japan. The United States is one of 
China's largest trading partners, and the two countries have managed their 
complex trade relationship: They reached an agreement November 8 to limit 
imports of Chinese textiles from flooding U.S. markets. But tensions are still 
rising among U.S. officials over the U.S. trade deficit with China, $162 
billion in 2004. Protectionist pressures are growing as politicians accuse 
China of keeping out U.S. exports while flooding the U.S. market with 
low-priced Chinese goods. But, since the overall U.S. current account deficit 
is $665 billion, some experts say it's unfair to pin the blame on China for 
massive U.S. consumption. Bush will stress the importance of trade ties with 
the region during his visit to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 
forum in Busan, South Korea November 18-19.


Anger has been building in the United States over China's alleged manipulation 
of its currency. For the last decade, China had pegged the value of its 
currency, the renmenbi, to the U.S. dollar at what critics called artificially 
low rates. Manufacturers accuse China of undervaluing its currency-which makes 
Chinese goods cheaper in the United States and U.S. goods more expensive in 
China-by as much as 40 percent and say the currency rates contribute to the 
giant U.S. trade deficit with China, projected to exceed $200 billion this year.
In July, mounting pressure caused China to revalue the renmenbi upward by 2.1 
percent and change its peg from the dollar to a basket of international 
currencies. But advocacy groups like the China Currency Coalition accuse 
Beijing of exercising a deliberate policy to force American manufacturers out 
of business. They say China is still interfering to keep a fixed exchange rate: 
Their graph shows that the value of the renmenbi against the dollar has stayed 
basically unchanged since July. But others say the fuss over China's currency 
is overblown. The Carnegie Endowment's Albert Keidel writes in this policy 
briefthat the renmenbi is not undervalued and points out that China has a trade 
surplus with the United States but a trade deficit with the rest of the world. 
"Focusing on China's currency is a distraction," Keidel writes. "If the United 
States wants to improve its economy for the long haul, it had best look 
elsewhere, beginning with raising the productivity of American workers."


The Pentagon's annual report to Congress on the strength of the Chinese 
military estimated that China currently spends some $60 to $90 billion on 
defense, two or three times its officially published estimate. The nation has a 
standing army of 2.3 million, and is in the middle of a strategic and 
well-funded military modernization plan. China's army could soon legitimately 
challenge that of the United States, experts say, which has attracted attention 
and raised concerns worldwide. In a June speech at the International Institute 
for Strategic Studies in Singapore, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld 
questioned China's military buildup. He asked why China is increasing its arms 
purchases, investment, and deployments when it has no clear enemies and 
criticized the fact what while China's economic growth has fed its military 
spending, a growth in political freedom has not followed. "With a system that 
encouraged enterprise and free expression, China would appear more a welcome 
partner and provide even greater economic opportunities for the Chinese 
people," Rumsfeld said.
China has also taken steps to show it is establishing control over security in 
the region. China-along with Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan-is 
a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which cooperates to 
address security threats in Central Asia. China conducted its first-ever 
military training exercises with Russia in August under the auspices of the 
group. SCO has grown in influence over the past year, and now counts Mongolia, 
Pakistan, Iran, and India as observers.
China must also be aware of its location. The nation is surrounded by 
distrustful neighbors -India, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam-that could 
unite against it to check its power if it acts too aggressively. Certainly, a 
Chinese invasion of Taiwan-a constant threat from Beijing to counter talk of 
independence from Taipei-would draw a strong and possibly punitive response 
both regionally and internationally. That awareness has contributed to a 
scaling back of provocative rhetoric on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, 
experts say. "Tensions seem to have subsided quite a bit," Lardy says. But 
China still has to walk a fine line on the Taiwan issue, trying to rein in the 
island's ambitions for independence while reaching out to reassure its 
neighbors. The debate over whether China is a military threat continues. 
Richard C. Bush III, director of the Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies 
at the Brookings Institution, testified before Congress in September on the 
impact of China's military modernization on the cross-strait balance of power.


China and the United States are leading efforts to prevent North Korea from 
developing nuclear weapons. China hosted the fifth round of six-party talks on 
the North Korean nuclear issue-with the United States, Russia, South Korea, 
North Korea, and Japan-held November 9-11 in Beijing. In preparation for the 
talks, Chinese President Hu Jintao went to Pyongyang for a three-day visit in 
late October. The visit was seen as both a reward for North Korea's September 
agreement to give up its nuclear weapons program in return for aid and security 
guarantees, as well as pressure on Pyongyang to continue its cooperation in the 
current round of talks.
China is actively pursuing a foreign policy of "peace and development to bring 
harmony, security, and prosperity to all," the official Xinhua News Service 
wrote October 1. Wu Jianmin, one of China's top diplomats, told Xinhua 
September 12 that China was entering a "golden age" of diplomacy, where it has 
closer ties and better relations with more countries in the world than ever 
before. In 1971, China had diplomatic relations with sixty countries; today, 
that number is 160. It is reaching out to its neighbors as part of Beijing's 
"friendly neighborhood policy." Chinese leaders, including President Hu Jintao 
and Premier Wen Jiabao, have actively courted friends in the region. In April 
2005 alone, they visited Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippines, Pakistan, 
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia. This activity is in contrast to the 
United States, which critics say has neglected important relationships in Asia 
to focus on Iraq and the Middle East. Bush's Asia trip will last six days; he 
will spend only two days in China. "For the president to spend so little time 
in China is almost like [the Bush administration's] checking off a box," Lardy 
In contrast, Chinese officials have actively wooed new friends and allies. 
Southeast Asian nations that are members of the Association of Southeast Asian 
Nations (ASEAN) have responded: Trade between China and the ASEAN nations 
reached $105.8 billion in 2004. China has also dealt with a longtime border 
dispute with Russia, established business and diplomatic relations across 
Africa, and launched the China-Arab Cooperation Forum and the China-Latin 
American Cooperation Forum to improve relations with those regions.
With its confident new diplomatic posture, China is becoming more assertive. 
Recently, the SCO pushed the United States to withdraw its troops from 
Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, reflecting Chinese and Russian tensions over the 
U.S. military presence in resource-rich Central Asia.
Wu says China's new engagement with the world is paying off. "Increasingly 
vigorous foreign affairs have made unprecedented contributions to expanding 
China's influence on the international arena," he told Xinhua. "They have won a 
peaceful and stable environment for China's development, [and also have helped] 
support China's economic development."


China's massive economic growth has caused a corresponding spike in its energy 
needs. Although much of the international world is focusing on China's 
increased consumption of oil, most of China's economy is actually run on coal. 
Some 67 percent of China's energy needs are met by coal, while only 24 percent 
of its energy consumption is oil. In fact, "China is by no means anywhere near 
where [the United States is] as oil importers," says Kenneth Lieberthal, a 
China expert and professor of political science at the University of Michigan. 
China imported 117 million tons of oil last year, while Japan imported 200 
million tons, and the Untied States and Europe imported 500 million tons each, 
according to the Chinese State Information Center. China consumed 6.31 percent 
of the total world oil trade, while Japan accounted for 11.3 percent, and the 
United States consumed a whopping 29.6 percent, according to the National 
Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), China's economic planning agency.
While China still consumes far less oil than the United States, increased 
production in industries like steel, aluminum, and cement-which all feed 
China's export growth as well as its frenetic construction boom-have driven up 
its energy consumption. In response, China is going around the world to stake 
out reliable supplies of oil. China has struck energy deals with countries 
including Uzbekistan, Iran, Sudan, Myanmar, Chad, and Venezuela. China offers 
powerful incentives for these countries' energy resources: economic and 
military aid, access to Chinese markets, and support at the United Nations. 
China wields a powerful veto on the UN Security Council, and has used it to 
block punitive action against Sudan, for example, over the crisis in Darfur. 
"It's logical that China will take positions on sanctions" against its energy 
allies that the United States and other countries might not agree with, 
Lieberthal says.
China has used soft loans, debt relief, and development aid to strike energy 
deals in Africa. Its innovative deals also include Chinese construction of 
roads, bridges, and power stations to critical energy resources, according to 
the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, a nonprofit organization 
that examines the links between energy and security. China has invested more 
than $8 billion in Sudan, which now supplies over 7 percent of the nation's 
oil. Some 4,000 unofficial Chinese forces protect those resources. China has 
sunk another $70 billion into Iran's oil and gas industry, which now supplies 
11 percent of China's energy needs. Experts say these investments-and China's 
drive to lock down oil resources for itself without regard for the 
authoritarian regimes that control them-may lead to conflict with the United 
States in the years to come. "China currently imports 40 percent of its oil 
needs," Lieberthal says. "By 2020, it'll be importing 70 percent of its oil 
requirements. That will put new energy demands on the world market and gets 
China in bed with what America considers bad actors."


China's Communist-led government is pursuing a policy of ever-increasing 
economic development while preserving social stability, which translates into a 
tight rein on political protests or freedom of speech. Recent moves to censor 
the Internet and punish reporters have led to international protests and 
demands for more openness.
But Lieberthal says that's not how this government works. The current 
leadership's formative years were during the Cultural Revolution from 1966-76, 
he says. That time of great social upheaval caused this generation of leaders 
to view chaos as the deadliest threat and value stability at all costs. 
However, maintaining this policy is a challenge during a period of such 
dramatic change; some 140 million people have moved from rural areas to cities 
in the last two decades, the largest internal migration in history.
The United States has also had to tread carefully with China. Despite 
Washington's stated goals of encouraging transparency and anti-corruption 
initiatives in China, its engagement with Beijing-and the web of significant 
security, economic, public-health, and trade relationships between the two 
countries-means the United States is not applying much political pressure to 
open up Chinese society, Lieberthal says.
Income inequality, corruption, and abuses of power are flourishing along with 
China's burgeoning economy. The World Bank ranks China in the 40th percentile 
for its application of the rule of law (100 percent is the highest). The 
country ranks in the 40th percentile on control of corruption, a significant 
drop since 1998, when it ranked in the 61st percentile. When judged on 
"democratic voice and accountability," China fell to the 8th percentile. These 
factors are contributing to what the Carnegie Endowment's Keidel calls the 
economic basis for social unrest in China.
It remains to be seen whether the Chinese experiment of market reforms married 
to a repressive political system can coexist for long. "Can they do it? No one 
knows," Lieberthal says. "It's one of the biggest gambles in history, and we 
all have stake in how it turns out."

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