Video:  We Are Change Colorado Chases Black Helicopters in Denver

Video:  We Are Change Colorado Chases Black Helicopters in Denver

Loose Change 911
June 19, 2008

Truth Alliance and We Are Change capture history in the making.

Article from Truth Alliance here.

Preparations for the DNC are made in Denver as the military excersizes
drills in the city. All captured by We Are Change Colorado.

Exclusive footage of the chase was caught by We Are Change Colorado
members Jonathan, Turtle, Jason, Josh, Rob, Shannon, Nick, and Brian.
A week of excitement exclusively captured by the crew in Denver. Here
is the
3 part video of the week's training excersizes in Denver for all to
see. We Are Change Colorado has information on where the detention
facilities will be for the DNC, as well as stagin area and police HQ.
Get ready for Martial Law, Colorado.

Week Long Military Urban Warfare Drills Hijack Denver Streets in
Preparation for Terror

Asking people about the un-marked, black military helicopters in the
streets of Downtown Denver were no longer met with blank stares and
scoffs, but with finger pointing and wild eyed expressions of
dis-belief earlier today.

Special operation forces have been conducting landings, and maneuvers
inside the downtown city limits of the mile high city for the past 2
days. According to the (AP) these exercises will be ongoing until Friday.

   MacDill Air Force Base, Fla.-based U.S. Special Operations Command
spokesman Lt. Steve Ruh says the flights are a culmination of a
two-week training exercise that is part of the "war on terror." One
official told KDVR-TV the flights are not security preparations for
the Democratic National Convention in August.

These exercises have been conducted at multiple locations throughout
the city. Two major staging grounds are a large abandoned rubber
factory on the south side of Denver, and also the former Children's
hospital at Downey and 21st street. These facilities have been placed
under military control with the blessing of the city according to Lt.
Ruh spokesperson for the unnamed branch of the military conducting
these ops city wide.

The image of helicopters loading and unloading Special Forces units in
Black Hawk helicopters will ultimately prove costly for the city. One
night is bad enough in a free Constitutional Republic, but for an
additional 2 -3 days the city will undoubtedly be met with harsh
criticism from the public.

Admittedly watching the helicopters take off and fly did stir images
of American strength and pride, but these quickly vanished when a
recent report from journalist Paul Joseph Watson comes to mind
revealing soldiers are being asked if they would "kill Americans". One
can't help but wonder if those soldiers flying over head are the ones
that said "Yes".

Article continues w/video clips:


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