Wednesday 13th July 2005 (17h40) :
Was Giuliani in London for terror 'exercises'?

(Hey kids. Just your friendly neighborhood Libertythink Director Emeritus
checking in here. This item was posted this morning to and And the sites promptly went down and have stayed down.
Investigation is pending. Special thanks to TBF for leaving me the key to
the back door.)

Rudolph Giuliani was in World Trade Center 7 on 9/11 for, as he testified
before the 9/11 Commission, a FEMA terror 'exercise.' He went on the support
the official story, earned his bones and was named Knight of the British
Empire by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

So, what was he doing in London on 7-7?

Greg Nixon of 11InsideJobbers decided to find out. From a Jul 11, 2005
posting: I spoke with Giuliani's press secretary to pose the following

Giuliani Partners 5 Times Square 212-931-7300

Question: What was Rudolph Giuliani's stated purpose of the London visit?

She would only say it was for "business" . Question: Was he a paid/ unpaid
consultant or a crisis manager for Visor Consultants in regards to a terror
drill for an unnamed company as cited by a BBC Radio 5 interview 7/7/05?

Could not comment. there was nervous awkward silence. She then stated again
"it (trip) was for business and that's all the information I can give out"
abruptly ended call..... The President of Visor confirmed that the
"exercise" involved simultaneous bombings on the London Underground.

by : scoop leads
Wednesday 13th July 2005

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