August 14, 2008 -- Was Karl Rove working with George Soros to  
destabilize Caucasus?
publication date: Aug 14, 2008
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August 14, 2008 -- Was Karl Rove working with George Soros to  
destabilize Caucasus?

The world of George W. Bush's alternatively described "brain" and  
"turd blossom" Karl Rove is one of backstage deals to destabilize  
situations for maximum political gain. "Progressive" financier George  
Soros acts in much the same way in ensuring maximum profits from a  
program of what Naomi Klein calls "disaster capitalism."

Last month, the worlds of Rove and Soros met in the Ukrainian Black  
Sea city of Yalta, suspiciously, a few weeks before the Republic of  
Georgia and its neocon- and Soros-backed president, Mikheil  
Saakashvili, launched a night time blitzkrieg attack against South  
Ossetia and its Russian peacekeepers while unwitting South Ossetians  
and their Russian protectors were watching the opening ceremony of the  
Summer Olympics in Beijing.

Rather then appear, pursuant to a subpoena, before the House Judiciary  
Committee hearing on his role in Justice Department prosecutions,  
including that of Alabama Democratic Governor Don Siegelman, Rove was  
winging off to Yalta to speak at a conference sponsored by the YES  
Foundation of Ukrainian billionaire steel tycoon Victor Pinchuk,  
considered one of the wealthiest of the Jewish Russian and Ukrainian  
oligarchs who amassed their fortunes after the collapse of the Soviet  
Union. Past participants in annual Yalta conferences have included  
Ukrainian neocon President Victor Yushchenko, who came to the aid of  
Saakashvili with military and political support after Georgia's attack  
on South Ossetia; International Monetary Fund President Dominique  
Strauss-Kahn; and, more interestingly, Georgia's Saakashvili.

The presence of Rove and Saakashvili in Yalta at a conference  
sponsored by a billionaire pal of George Soros, have many observers  
suggesting that Rove helped engineer, along with Soros, the Georgian  
attack on South Ossetia as a way to prop up the sagging political  
fortunes of GOP presidential candidate John McCain. More interesting  
is the fact that McCain's top foreign policy adviser, Randy  
Scheunemann, is a lobbyist for Georgia who has received hundreds of  
thousands in fees from Saakashvili's government and has lobbied McCain  
on 49 occasions over an almost four year period on behalf of his  
Georgian client.

Pinchuk's YES Foundation and Pinchuk Foundation have worked with Soros  
to establish "legal clinics" in many eastern European nations that  
have experienced Soros-initiated themed revolutions, including those  
in Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarus (the last two having been  
unsuccessful). Pinchuk is the only Ukrainian member of the Council on  
Foreign Relations and the International Crisis Group. The latter  
includes such anti-Vladimir Putin ideologues as Soros; Ken Adelman;  
Zbigniew Brzezinski, a top foreign policy adviser to Barack Obama; and  
imprisoned former Yukos boss and  Putin opponent Mikhail Khodorkovsky.  
Pinchuk's Interpipe company is also the only eastern European company  
on Richard Holbrooke's Global Business Coalition Against HIV/AIDS.  
Holbrooke was one the Democratic Party stalwarts who advocated taking  
a tough stand against Russia in its confrontation with Georgia.  
Pinchuk also supports local Jewish communities in eastern Europe and  
the Caucasus, including Ukraine and Georgia. Pinchuk and Soros also  
attended last January's World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland,  
where Soros spoke on a panel sponsored by Pinchuk.

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