RON PAUL12:39PMMay 5th 2008

Ron Paul, known as "The Taxpayer's Best Friend," has said some
interesting things about true patriots, oppressive state demands, and
their possible consequences:

"The true patriot... rejects the notion that patriotism means
obedience to the state. Resistance need not be violent, but the civil
disobedience that might be required involves confrontation with the
state and invites possible imprisonment." - Ron Paul, Who Are The

Dr. Paul is the ONLY candidate who has been honest about the subject
of the income tax and who has a real plan for tax reform. He has
become more successful than most of his forerunners in the "Tax
Honesty" movement in bringing to light just how severely Americans

have been deceived about taxes. He is the only politician who is
willing to state plainly that the federal government neither needs
your money nor uses it for essential services - it is all being
wasted in a completely unnecessary global military presence.

Daniel Webster once said "The power to tax is the power to destroy."
The destruction of our beloved country is almost complete, as Dr.
Paul has shown us - brought about through the twin evils of the
communistic income tax and through the hidden "inflation tax." Those
who have resisted have been marginalized:

"True patriotism today has gotten a bad name—at least from the
government and the press. Those who now challenge the
unconstitutional methods of imposing an income tax on us, or force us
to use a monetary system designed to serve the rich at the expense of
the poor, are routinely condemned." - Ron Paul, Who Are The Patriots?

Thankfully, America is now on the verge of reaching a "critical mass"
of citizens who have become sufficiently awake, aware, and angry over
what has been done to us by the banksters and their lackeys in all
branches of the federal government, especially unjust taxation.

"Non-violent protesters of the tax code are frequently
imprisoned—whether they are protesting the code’s
unconstitutionality or the war that the tax revenues are funding." -
Ron Paul, Who Are The Patriots?

Have you had enough? Are you finally "Mad as hell, and not going to
take it any more?" Are you willing to "step out of line," stand for
what is right, ready to be a true patriot, having counted the cost?
If so, you may wish to investigate these educational resources with
an open mind:

RON PAUL12:40PMMay 5th 2008

Ron Paul wrote this book in the midst of his 2007-2008 educational
campaign for the Republican nomination. It is a response to the
demand from so many to understand the political and economic
philosophy that led to his campaign, which was a defining moment in
modern libertarian history. The result is outstanding. He patiently
explains why the average voter must care about liberty and what can
be done about it in terms of public policy. He explains the workings
of the free market, the incompetence of government, the real purpose
of the Constitution, the dangers of an imperial foreign policy and
much more. 

You learn things in this book that don't appear anywhere else. He
explains that government has increased in size regardless of the
party that is in power and why this happens. He takes on all three
branches of government and the entire process that is rigged against
the the American people. Mostly, however, he shows that there is no
reason for despair. A people determined to keep their freedom will do
so, provided they refuse to go along with the status quo that the
regime offers. 

Ron says that if we are to enjoy peace, freedom, and prosperity once
again, we absolutely must return to the principles upon which America
was founded. 

This book was a bestseller even before it came off the presses. There
can be no question that this is the best political primer written in
our age, and it has a strong emphasis on the Austrian School of
economics, as well as the contribution of the Mises Institute toward
public education. 

Here is a book that you will appreciate, and you will want to hand
out to all your friends and colleagues. You will especially enjoy his
reading list at the end.

Ron Paul is a hero of our times, and it seems that this book, of all
his books, will go down in history as his greatest work.

192 page hardcover, 2008, 9780446537513 

RON PAUL12:42PMMay 5th 2008

The Revolution is continuing. A successful opposition is being
mounted against the status quo. Ron Paul is leading us to "begin to
pull ourselves out from the crushing burden of debt and unfunded
obligations. Enjoy a far more robust economic performance. Look to
the future with confidence. Lift ourselves out from underneath a
state apparatus that threatens our liberties, squanders our resources
on needless wars, destroys the value of the dollar, and spews forth
endless propaganda about how indispensable it is and how lost we
would be without it."

But the propaganda of the state is simply that. Propaganda. There are
those of us who do know that we would not be lost without government
micromanaging our steps. We know, in fact, that only without such a
state will we be free to breathe and choose and risk and love and
live. Ron Paul has delivered a powerful indictment of the one-party
system that governs and loots us and of official media that pretends
we have real debate. No one in Washington would ever consider writing
a book such as this

What does our tomorrow look like? Our tomorrow looks like our finest
moments of our past. We go back to the future. We continue the
Revolution. We do what voluntary Sons of Liberty did as

The revolutionary situation rendered the royal executive impotent and
the colonial assemblies ineffective. The judges did not usually meet,
and when they did it was at the behest rather of the radical
organizations of the people than of the legally constituted
authority. In short, effective rule of the colonies passed from the
organs of government to voluntary organizations: to the Sons of
Liberty and their popular allies. P. 138, Vol III, Chapter 32. 

Ron Paul volunteer groups, building upon thousands of MeetUps, arise
across the entire land to be heard and listened to. They are our Sons
of Liberty returned. Their bombs are forcefully explosive, yet
life-friendly, unlike those of the state. Candidates espousing
similar freedom-friendly views of mankind now run as ‘Ron Paul

Read and listen to Ron Paul’s message. Hear the echoes of our
forefathers as they established ways to live respectfully, lovingly,
prosperously and peacefully. As Paul proposes, honor ourselves.

Continue the Revolution.

RON PAUL12:44PMMay 5th 2008

The Revolution is the best thing happening at the right time to the
best of ordinary people. 

Reading through The Revolution: a Manifesto, I see so clearly the
humble hero that is Ron Paul. I see him living his values as few do.
His embrace of truth, his courage to speak that truth to power affect
me deeply. I see that he, himself, describes his own efforts as a
peaceful continuation of the American Revolution

Robyn12:45PMMay 5th 2008

Sen Obama wins the nomination, I will vote Republican for the 1st time
in my life. All I've heard is Change! Well, what are you going to
change, how do you propose to do it, how will you pay for it, and don't
forget that pesky Congress you'll have to deal with. I see no foreign
policy experience and very little domestic experience. Not exactly what
the country needs right now. But don't dare question his judgement or
ask for specific, concise answers...makes you a racist. Then again, why
should I bother...I'm one of those "typical white folks" who was raised
in a home with guns, worked and paid taxes since high school, raised a
family, etc. etc. Is a conservative Democrat an I just

Ragin Moderate12:47PMMay 5th 2008

you folks aware we as a nation are facing some of the most difficult
issues in our history. We need someone strong and decisive..,We need
all the experience of Hillary, and anyone else she thinks can help
solve some of our major problems.

Mr. Obama is simply not
qualified at this time. It is not a racial issue, it is a common sense
issue. Who best can get this country back on track again? Someone who
would need four years of OJT (on the job training) or someone who has a
huge rolodex and knows how to use it, especially at 3:00 a.m.

Vote and support Hillary for the good of the US of A.

7 Up12:48PMMay 5th 2008

Ron Paul is still in and spending money running ads.  If anything happens to 
McCain, Ron Paul will still be standing.  

like the Fed will be creating yet another bubble by manipulating
interest rates and inflating the currency, causing them to borrow even
more from Saudi Arabia and China. It will feel good for awhile but in
the long run will make it much worse.

Vote for Ron Paul !!

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