[cia-drugs] Google: "Arrest Bush 41"

2005-10-08 Thread david


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[cia-drugs] Democrats to force Dobson to testify?

2005-10-08 Thread Jim Rarey

What madness is this? Teddy is losing it! 


  Saturday, October 8, 2005

CHANGING OF THE GUARDDemocrats to force Dobson to testify?Senator wants 
  to know if he's hiding Miers' pro-life views
  Posted: October 8, 20051:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com 

DobsonDemocrats on the Senate Judiciary 
  Committee might subpoena James Dobson during the confirmation hearings for 
  Harriet Miers to probe the family advocate about "confidential" 
  information he has about the Supreme Court nominee, a Capitol Hill source 
  Dobson recently said his endorsement of Miers was founded on 
  "confidential" information he was "privy to" but "not at liberty to talk 
  about," according to the political weblog Ankle Biting Pundits. 

  Although not a Judiciary Committee member, Sen. Ken Salazar, D-Colo., 
  has taken up the cause, pitching the idea to top Democratic staffers on 
  the panel. 
  "It seems to me, all of the [information] the White House knows about 
  Harriet Miers should be made available to the Senate and the American 
  people," Salazar said. "If they're making information available to Dr. 
  Dobson – whom I respect and disagree with from time to time – I believe 
  that information should be shared equally with a U.S. senator." 
  Citing "insiders," the weblog says Salazar believes Dobson should be 
  called before the panel to answer what he knows about Miers, when he knew 
  it and who provided him with the information. 
  The unspoken suspicion is that someone in the Bush administration – 
  presumably presidential adviser Karl Rove – told Dobson that Miers is 
  pro-life and has pledged to vote against Roe v. Wade should she be 
  confirmed, the weblog says. 
  Some of Salazar's colleagues, however, including Minority Leader Harry 
  Reid, believe calling Dobson before the committee as a hostile witness 
  would be seen as a disastrous public relations stunt that would further 
  alienate the Democrat Party from Christian conservatives. 
  "We're not going to conduct an Inquisition," one top Hill staffer told 
  the weblog. "Salazar's idea is half-baked." 
  But another Hill staffer said Sen. Ted Kennedy, a Judiciary Committee 
  member, likes the idea and is trying to craft it as a "separation of 
  powers" issue rather than a religious issue. 
  It might work, Kennedy believes, if Democrats can make it an issue of 
  President Bush withholding information. 

  If you would like to sound off on this issue, participate in today's WND Poll. 


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[cia-drugs] SMOKE AND MIRRORS BABY - Washington Insider: Subway Alert Is Fake Terror To Distract From Indictments

2005-10-08 Thread judson witham

The Great Texas Bank Job and W & Company's BOGUS ASS WAR in IRAQ, how many BILLIONS are now unaccounted for 

The Culture of Corruption Nancy Pelosi and many others are aware of is working feverishly to distract, derail and cloud MURKY WATERS to Cover Up massive POLITICAL and INJUSTICE SYSTEM CRIMES here and around the world.  YUP the evil BASTARDS are using HELTER SKELTER to COVER UP THEIR INIQUITIES.  The Great Texas Bank Job is REAL and sorry it DWARF's DeLays tempest in a teapot DISTRACTION !!

Here's The Link the BLACK ROBES HATE  
The  Technicalities,   Loopholes,  Secret Signs 
& INCANTATIONS    will drive you CRAZY   - JW

There are some fine legal links at the bottom of
OperationMissouriFreedom "it's no Joke"
also [EMAIL PROTECTED] probably will be more specific on this subject !
Judson Witham
Son Of Swamp FoxJudson WithamOperationMissouriFreedom "it's no Joke"
No Justice - No Peace 
norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Washington Insider: Subway Alert Is Fake Terror To Distract From Indictments 
Wayne Madsen | October 7 2005
After it was reported that Karl Rove had agreed to give further testimony to the Grand Jury investigating the CIA leak, Rove's attorney Robert Luskin denied his client had received a target letter from special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, a formal "heads up" sent to individuals who are about to be indicted.
However, it is being reported from well-informed sources throughout Washington that 1) target letters have been sent to Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, and Ari Fleischer; 2) Rove has agreed to testify and possibly agree to a plea bargain agreement in return for his testimony against other targets of the criminal probe; 3) Cheney and Bush may be named as unindicted co-conspirators; 4) Bush's "war speech" before the National Endowment for Democracy and a late Thursday afternoon report that "19 operatives" have arrived in New York City to place bombs on subway trains are blatant attempts by the White House to divert attention from the impending indictments against the Bush White House.
The main stream media is just beginning to take notice that a "Watergate-level event" is about to occur in Washington.

Question: if Bloomberg really thought there was a credible threat against the subway, would he be riding it?
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[cia-drugs] Re: BREAKING: Rove backs off grand jury testifying; Fears indictments

2005-10-08 Thread LeaNder
--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, MA PA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

hmmmh, I am really curious how this story will end? Obviously he
either has to crack the "facts" served by the other side: "Sorry, we
did not know the lady was working under cover. We somehow thought she
was some minor file clerk, trying to secure a job for her husband, to
raise the family budget.."  Or ...

Good luck: Patrick J. Fitzgerald. ...



Recently lawyers said that they believed the prosecutor may be
applying new legal theories to bring charges in the case.

One new approach appears to involve the possible use of Chapter 37 of
the federal espionage and censorship law, which makes it a crime for
anyone who "willfully communicates, delivers, transfers or causes to
be communicated" to someone "not entitled to receive it" classified
information relating the national defense matters.

Under this broad statute, a government official or a private citizen
who passed classified information to anyone else in or outside the
government could potentially be charged with a felony, if they
transferred the information to someone without a security clearance to
receive it.

> BREAKING: Rove backs off grand jury testifying; Fears indictments
> Rove/Plame: Hurry up and wait
> Karl Rove's going back to the grand jury--but not today. "A source
close to Rove said Bush's chief political adviser and his legal team
are now genuinely concerned he could face charges," write Leonnig and
Vandenhei in the WashPost. "As recently as a week ago, people familiar
with Rove's role in the affair said they believed he was in the clear
because, after Time magazine reporter Matt Cooper testified in July
about his conversation with Rove, Rove had not heard back from
> Continued:
> http://www.livejournal.com/users/mparent/3468518.html
> BREAKING: Abramoff alleged co-conspirator Flanigan withdraws
nomination at Justice 
> http://www.livejournal.com/users/mparent/3468073.html
> Complaint of Voter Fraud Filed Against... Karl Rove!
> http://www.livejournal.com/users/mparent/3468743.html
7th, 2005
> http://www.livejournal.com/users/mparent/2005/10/07/
> http://www.livejournal.com/users/mparent
> -
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[cia-drugs] FreeRepublic.com Owner: ''Pat Buchanan is a Traitor''

2005-10-08 Thread spookyermomma
FreeRepublic.com Owner: ''Pat Buchanan is a Traitor''


by Jim Robinson
October 7, 2005 

The Rockwellians joined the enemy a long time ago. The Rockwelians, 
Buchananites, paleocons, et al, all aligned themselves with 
France/Germany/Russia and Iraq against America when we went to war 
against Saddam Hussein. No surprise to me that they'd join in with 
the America hating Communist backed International ANSWER and the 
PinkOs. Traitors all. 


Revising and extending my remarks. 

Why do I call these guys traitors? Well, we recently had the 
opportunity to witness up close and personal the communist led 
International Answer and Code PinkO people in action in Crawford and 
DC. I can tell you first hand that these slimy creeps are the real 
deal. Socialists, Marxists, Communists, punk anarchists, leftist 
revolutionaries, you name it. 

America haters. Baby killers. They are absolutely in love with every 
slimeball communist/terrorist/tin-pot dictator in the world. They 
hate our way of life, hate our freedom and want no limits on the 
depths of their depravity. That's why they hate God and hate our 
constitution. No limits means NO limits. 

They cannot wait to dissolve our constitution, our borders and our 
national sovereignty and make us subservient to some global 
socialistic power. Star-crossed communist utopians dancing, spitting 
and cussing in the streets. It was a real sight to behold. 

Slimy, filthy, foulmouthed creeps. The same kind of long-haired 
weirdo hippy freaks that slimed us in the 60's. In fact many of them 
were resurrected hippies. Aging old communist farts trying to relive 
the glory days when they brought America to her knees and forced her 
to surrender to the Vietnam communists after having defeated them in 

Thank you Walter Cronkite. Puke!. 

They hate America. Hate our troops. They are afraid that we're gonna 
win this war and bring peace and constitutional democracies to the 
Middle East. Can't have that. Spreading freedom would destroy their 
plans for global communism. They desperately want America to lose 
this war and the next one (which will be fought here at home if we do 
lose this one). 

And now we learn here today that Lew Rockwell is part of this filthy 
traitorous movement. I knew that he and Buchanan and many of the 
paleocons had long ago gone over the edge with their hate Bush 
campaigns, and that they sympathized with the French, German, 
Russian, Iraqi axis against America, but I didn't know how far they 
would go. 

Marching with communists in our nation's capital? Protesting at 
Army/Navy hospitals in full view of our recovering wounded 
servicemen? Parading in the streets with white crosses and makeshift 
coffins, spitting on the memory of our fallen heroes that fought and 
died for our country? Giving aid and comfort to the enemy during 
wartime? How low can you go? 

How can this be called anything but treason? 

If this is what the Rockwells and Buchanans and their followers want 
and believe, if they want to align themselves and protest against 
America and march arm-in-arm with their America hating communist 
comrades during wartime then they're nothing but traitors themselves 
and should own up to it. 

And the rest of us should recognize them for what they are and treat 
them accordingly. 

[click above for links to the rest of this mental meltdown]

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[cia-drugs] The Case Against Tom DeLay By JOHN W. DEAN

2005-10-08 Thread Linda Minor


The Case Against Tom DeLay: What Has
Happened To Grand Jury Secrecy In Texas?

Friday, Oct. 07, 2005

What is one to make of the criminal charges against Tom DeLay? 
spoke with several knowledgeable Texas lawyers, of both parties, about
the case against DeLay; they were willing to speak, but only
off-the-record. Or, as one put it, "Who in hell wants to get in the
middle of a fight between a polecat and a skunk?" 

(I don't like unidentified sources. But I will use them in this
column, only because they are sharing nothing more their expertise, no
inside information. They were offering their professional
"speculation," if you will.)
There is no speculation, however,
by the grand jurors who have spoken out in this case; they are familiar
with the evidence prosecutors must have adduced, before them, to
convince them to indict. And what they are saying appears dangerously
close to breaking their oaths of secrecy. 
The Charges Against DeLay
(now) former Majority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives was
indicted on September 28, and again on October 2, by two different
Travis County, Texas grand juries. The second indictment is far more
serious than the first. 
The first indictment charges DeLay with engaging
in a criminal conspiracy in violation of Texas Penal Code Section 15.02.
It states that DeLay and two of his associates (also indicted) agreed
to make corporate political contributions which are prohibited by the
Elections Code. If convicted, DeLay faces up to two years in jail and a
$10,000 fine.
Six days later came the second indictment,
which is twice the length of the first, with its two counts. The first
count charges another conspiracy under Section 15.02, again to
the election law - but ALSO to launder corporate money, in
violation of
Texas Penal Code Section 34.02,
the state's money laundering prohibition. The second count charges
DeLay outright with the offense of money laundering, and because
amount of the money allegedly laundered exceeds $100,000, that is a
felony punishable by life in prison.
Not surprisingly, DeLay
angrily responded that the charges are blatantly political, reckless, a
sham, and "wholly unsupported by the facts." DeLay called the first
indictment "one of the weakest, most baseless indictments in American
history." He called the second indictment a "do over" by Texas
prosecutor Ronnie Earle, suggesting that Earle was facing a
legally-strong motion to toss the first indictment as defective, and
hedging his bets with the second indictment.
The First Indictment Is Not Flawed But It Is Now Irrelevant
those with whom I spoke said that DeLay's attorney, Dick DeGuerin,
extremely able. As one former judge, a Democrat who knows the players
well, told me, "DeGuerin is A-1, probably several notches above Ronnie
Earle." DeGuerin successfully defended Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson
when Earle indicted her in 1994.
DeGuerin's motion to dismiss
the first indictment has not been made public. All that is known is
that the gist of his argument is a claim that the conspiracy statute
cited in the initial indictment,
Section 15.02 of the Texas Penal Code, was not applicable at the time
of DeLay's purported offense, the alleged 2002 violation of the
Election Code prohibiting corporate contributions.
DeGuerin's skill, one of my sources suggests his tactic in filing the
motion to dismiss the first indictment when he did, may have been
faulty. "DeGuerin probably pulled the trigger too fast," one attorney
told me. "Had he waited until it was clear the statute of limitations
had passed, and had he made it clear DeLay's waiver of the statute of
limitations had ended, he might have done to Earle again what he did in
the Kay Bailey Hutchinson case, and raise the technical error when it
was too late to fix it. But by going in guns blazing, trying to blow
Earle out of the water, Earle simply issued a second indictment to
cover himself."
Another Texas attorney told me he thought that,
in any case, DeGuerin's technical argument about the defect in the
first indictment would not fly. Texas has had a conspiracy statute
forever. And it has had a prohibition against corporate contributions
for about as long. So the fact that the state legislature did not get
around to adding statutory language picking out, in particular, a
conspiracy to violate the elections laws does not seem especially
significant. Thus, it probably does not mean, as DeGuerin says, that
there cannot be a conspiracy to violate the election laws. This lawyer,
a former federal prosecutor, but now active criminal defense attorney,
believes that any thinking judge will deny DeGuerin's motion to dismiss
the first indictment.
"But it's irrelevant now, with the second indictment," he added,
"and DeLay is in much worse shape under the second indictment."
Could The Second Indictment Be Barred By The Statute Of
But what if the sec