2007-03-29 Thread kaylee
It is revenge, not justice, they say is best served cold, but the messages 
Florida's justice system keeps sending are absolultely chilling.

Most of you remember the death row prisoner who was viciously beaten and 
murdered by prison workers at Florida State Prison in 1999.  Frank Valdes' 
widow worked long and valiantly to keep his case in the public eye until four 
of the workers were finally put on trial in 2001. They were shortly pronounced 
not guilty ostensibly because no one could prove which of the 8 who beat on the 
inmate actually dealt him the killing blow. The second half of the Valdes 
murder team never so much as stood in a courtroom.

Everyone agreed it was a very poor excuse for justice, so Ms. Valdes continued 
pushing a civil suit, which the FDOC very recently settled, finally admitting 
some degree of guilt by paying the dead inmate's family a relatively minor fee. 
Still not one of the offending officers ever owned their part in that brutal 
crime, and when they went free, an officer expressed many worker's thoughts 
when he wrote, EeeHah, Let the blood flow!  

Another equally disgusting message has recently been sent by the outcome of 
another Florida excuse for justice where the bad guys temporarily win again. 
Like the increase in violence and threats of violence after the Valdes fiasco, 
I won't be surprised to see an increase in harassment by male officers on 
females in the department.  After all, the message was loud and clear.

In the following statement, one of the female officers whose sexual harassment 
lawsuit turned out a lot like the Valdes trial, explains the outcome and what 
she plans to do about it. Thank goodness some people don't quit easily or 
there'd be no justice at all in Florida!   You got cases like this in your 

Kay Lee
2683 Rockcliff Road Southeast
Atlanta Georgia 30316

Dear KayLee:  I am writing to you so that you can possibly get everyone to 
understand just what went wrong with my lawsuit and trial. 

First:  This is the FIRST [sexual harassment of female officer by male prison 
workers] lawsuit that has actually made it to the Courts.  Especially the 
Federal Courts.  So, that in itself is a victory.  Now I will take it from here.

The trial was scheduled for three weeks.  It ended in two.  Reason is because 
Judge Adams made it CLEAR that he was NOT going to tie up a jury for three 
weeks over this situation.  Honestly, both sides, the state and the 
plaintiffs, needed three weeks of testimony to fairly prove this claim of 
Sexual Harassment, Retaliation, and Hostile Work Environment.  Witnesses that 
needed to testify could not due to time [constraints].  I blame the judge for 
this and I believe that on appeal this will make a huge difference.

Testimony about the past history of the accused was side benched before it 
could be brought out to the jury.  In other words, the magistrate judges ruled 
that we COULD use DOC discipline and other employment issues, but Judge Adams 
had to hear the argument BEFORE any questioning could occur.  In every case he 
sustained the objection.  Clearly, this helped the state make their side look 
as if these men and women had great work histories and no discipline.  Again, I 
blame Judge Adams for this and I believe that on appeal again this will make a 
huge difference. 

I did NOT object to any of my past history being dragged into the court room.  
Problem was that several of my co-plaintiffs had some very damning pasts which 
involved their work ethics and history.  One plaintiff in particular tainted 
our case to the point of complete disaster.  In other words, she made all of us 
look very bad.  For YEARS, me and ex-Lieutenant Felicia Suelter BEGGED our 
counsel to sever with this other plaintiff.  To no avail.  

I went attorney shopping but was told that too much money, time and attorney 
ethics would prevent me from obtaining other counsel.  In other words, another 
attorney would not touch this case because it was already way to expensive and 
too long in the making.  

Towards the last several months before trial, a huge argument between me and my 
law firm occurred.  I should have fired them and held this case up until 
counsel and client could either sever or agree on certain issues with my case.  
I blame MYSELF for not firing my attorneys.  But, with this said, I stand 
behind all the women who were in court with me because I KNOW we were all 
sexually harassed, etc., and regardless of anything else I admire all of us who 
stood up to be heard.

The jury was all white.  Four men and four women.  Most were from St. 
Augustine, Ponte Vedra Beach, and the Greater Jacksonville area.  We had a 
total white collar jury.  Everyone had a bachelors degree on up to one with a 
PhD. The average income for these jurors was over $80,000.00 a year.  One was a 
manager for the power company, in Jacksonville, another a Physical 

[cia-drugs] Hey NSA

2007-03-29 Thread Arlene Johnson
Out of 40 Emails which were in my Inbox today here, 32 of them were repeats of 
the original 8 messages. Also, in my Yahoo account, of the 5 messages sent, 24 
of them were repeats.

Cut it out NSA. Some of these messages are very large so take up a lot of space 
in any given Inbox, and could cause an Inbox to fill up, which would prevent 
other legitimate Email from being delivered.

We're on to you now, so cease and desist.


Arlene Johnson
To access my editions, click on the icon that says Magazine
Password for 2006 editions: message
No password is needed to access any other edition.

[cia-drugs] Globalists Love Global Warming

2007-03-29 Thread norgesen
Globalists Love Global Warming 
Trilateral Commission, chairman of British Petroleum, CFR, Club of Rome fan 
hysteria to achieve world government 

March 28, 2007 
Paul Joseph Watson 

A common charge leveled against those who question the official orthodoxy of 
the global warming religion is that they are acting as stooges for the western 
establishment and big business interests. If this is the case, then why do the 
high priests of the elite and kingpin oil men continue to fan the flames of 
global warming hysteria? 
The Trilateral Commission, one of the three pillars of the New World Order in 
alliance with Bilderberg and the CFR, met last week in near secrecy to 
formulate policy on how best they could exploit global warming fearmongering to 
ratchet up taxes and control over how westerners live their lives. 

At the confab, European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberger and 
chairman of British Petroleum Peter Sutherland (pictured top), gave a speech to 
his elitist cohorts in which he issued a Universal battle cry arose for the 
world to address “global warming” with a single voice. 

Echoing this sentiment was General Lord Guthrie, director of N.M. Rothschild  
Sons, member of the House of Lords and former chief of the Defense Staff in 
London, who urged the Trilateral power-brokers to Address the global climate 
crisis with a single voice, and impose rules that apply worldwide. 

Allegations that skeptics of the man-made explanation behind global warming are 
somehow doing the bidding of the elite are laughable in the face of the fact 
that Rothschild operatives and the very chairman of British Petroleum are the 
ones orchestrating an elitist plan to push global warming fears in order to 
achieve political objectives. 

We have a similar situation to the Peak Oil scam , which was created by the oil 
industry as a profit boon to promote artificial scarcity, and yet is parroted 
by environmentalists who grandstand as if they are in opposition to the oil 

In his excellent article, Global warming hysteria serves as excuse for world 
government , Daniel Taylor outlines how the exploitation of the natural 
phenomenon of global warming was a pet project of the Club of Rome and the 

In a report titled The First Global Revolution (1991) published by the Club 
of Rome, a globalist think tank, we find the following statement: In searching 
for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the 
threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the 
bill All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The real enemy, 
then, is humanity itself. 
Richard Haass, the current president of the Council on Foreign Relations, 
stated in his article State sovereignty must be altered in globalized era, 
that a system of world government must be created and sovereignty eliminated in 
order to fight global warming, as well as terrorism. Moreover, states must be 
prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies if the international system 
is to function, says Haass. Globalization thus implies that sovereignty is 
not only becoming weaker in reality, but that it needs to become weaker. States 
would be wise to weaken sovereignty in order to protect themselves... 

Taylor also points out future British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's 
admonishment that only a new world order (world government) can help fight 
global warming. 

Other attendees at the recent Trilateral meeting raised the specter of climate 
change as a tool to force through tax hikes. 

Calling on the United States government to adopt a carbon monoxide control 
policy, former CIA boss and long term champion of creating a domestic 
intelligence agency to spy on Americans John Deutch, argued that America should 
impose a $1-pergallon increase in the gasoline tax under the pretext of 
fighting pollution. 

The lapdog media have proven adept in the past at taking their orders from the 
elitists in pushing higher taxes in the name of saving the environment. 

When the TC called on the United States to increase gas taxes by 10 cents at a 
meeting in Tokyo in 1991, The Washington Post, which is always represented at 
TC and Bilderberg meetings, called for such an increase in an editorial the 
following day, reports Jim Tucker . 

Tucker writes that an essential means of achieving global government by consent 
over conquest, as has long been the ultimate goal of the elite, is by fanning 
public hysteria over climate change, encouraging further integration by 
forcing countries to adhere to international law on global warming. Such 
restrictions have prevented the development of third world nations and directly 
contributed to poverty, disease and squalor by essentially keeping them at a 
stone age level of progress, as is documented in The Great Global Warming 
Swindle documentary. 

People who still trust the platitudes of politicians and elitists who implore 
us to change our way 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Konformist: Alex Constantine Goes South

2007-03-29 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 28, 2007 11:35:20 AM PDT
Subject: Konformist: Alex Constantine Goes South


A few months ago, I received the following unsolicited e-mail from  
one Alex Constantine, author of the book Psychic Dictatorship in  
the U.S.A :

Jaye: This may come as a big revelation to you, but I'm not a  
conspiracy theorist. I write about fascism, and it's impossible to  
write about fascism and not describe conspiracies. Only the  
ignorant think of me as a conspiracy theorist, but there are some  
around who still do. I'm not so concerned with that, but I'm  
defining terms and clarifying here. I've written about Jadczyk,  
Cooper, other fascist conspiracy theorists who you promote. Jadczyk  
draws her 9/11 information from the National Alliance, it's mostly  
and demonstrably false (I disproved her false statement that Ariel  
Sharon claimed Jews run the US, and that's why she's angry at me),  
and she writes constantly about Jewish people, who, she claims,  
control media and the government. Constantly, but I guess somehow  
you missed all that ... or did you? This illustrates that these  
frauds make my life more difficult because I have to work overtime  
to counter their CRAP. Why are you promoting these people? My own  
life is about saving lives. This is what I've done for 20 years. I  
believe that my Nutrasweet research alone saved thousands. How can  
I do that when you and others are promoting fascists like Cooper  
and Jadczyk? My own publisher puts out LeVey - he thinks it's all  
very amusing too. Well, he did until he was thrown in a mental  
institution for publishing a book of mine and the CIA turned  
someone he admired into a vegetable. His eyes turned red from  
crying over that one. Have a good laugh. I resent what you are  
doing, even though I treat you with respect because I don't believe  
you are actually evil. But you make my life harder by not  
discriminating between the real and the false, which you seem to  
embrace. How should I feel? How can I feel any other way? Life- 
affirming fills a gap, is badly needed, but only if you don't  
promote life-denying frauds. Why are you making my life harder?

- AC 

I had to read Constantine’s curious e-mail a few times before I  
could discern what was brewing between the lines, i.e . the  
rantings of a marginalized conspiracy writer who is looking for a  
convenient target to vent his frustrations upon-in this case  
myself. What is so ironic about his accusation that I promote  
‘fascist conspiracy theorists’ is thatwell I actually promoted  
Constantine’s work on several corporate radio stations back in 2002- 
primarily his book on the suspect death of rock musicians, etc.   
Now, once again, I'm compelled to emphasize that just because I  
promote/endorse some of the books that conspiracy authors such as  
Jadczyk send me to review, doesn’t mean that I necessarily buy into  
all of their views. Rather, I cull information in a syncretic way  
and take what I feel is useful and pretty much reject what isn’t.  
Having reviewed hundreds of conspiracy books, it really is the only  
healthy approach IMHO.

Recently, I discovered a comment he posted beneath a review I wrote  
for one of Jadczyk’s books on UFOs. Here’s Alex’s further attempt  
at slander (complete with original misspellings) :

 'Aliens' are an invention of the intelligence communtity to  
conceal human experimentation. And fiercely anti-Semtic Knight- 
Jadzyck's intellectual moonshine furthers the cover story. Her  
Internet bodyguards, eg. reviewer Jaye C. Beldo, promote this  
nonsense and verbally attack anyone who points out the obvious  
lunacy in all of this. Both Knight-Jadzyck and Beldo engage in  
channelling spirits and such. No, they aren't merely crazy, just  
paid liars doing the usual useless work of the intelligence  
community. Steer clear of these irrational charades, and explore  
the real world of illici human experimentation instead. The cover- 
up artists will only leave you derationalized and politically  

- Alex Constantine

Wow! A paid liar working for the intelligence community? It would  
be great to actually get paid for what I do. Channeling spirits?  
Alex you are going to have to point out to me what spirits I have  
channeled in the past because I’m pretty clueless on that one. I  
confess that I did try channeling Ramtha once, but J.Z. Knight has  
the pineal gland copyright on that entity. Internet Bodyguard? Do I  
really have that much muscle on the WWW to bounce truth seekers? As  
a cover-up artist, I’ll leave people derationalized and politically  
unaware? I guess the articles I’ve written advocating the  
impeachment of George W. Bush, the dangers of Codex Alimentarius  
and chem trails (all published in Pulse of the Twin Cities and  
elsewhere) have that dumbing down  effect now don’t they Alex? How  
about the politically