[cia-drugs] Plunge Protection Team Now in Hyperactive, Preemptive Mode

2007-05-24 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

May  Wednesday 23  2007 (21h20) : 
Plunge Protection Team Now in Hyperactive, Preemptive Mode 
The market is the place set apart where men may deceive each other.


How odd it is that over the past 20 years Deconstructionists and lingusitic 
experts have rendered much of philosophy - other than analytical variations 
- impotent based on the premise that the imprecise language used in speculative 
and metaphysical strains invalidates their significance. OK. So Plato's innate 
ideas, Spinoza's pantheism, Hegel's dialectics, and most of existentialism, for 
instance, are not empirically verifiable. Still, there's a treasure trove of 
concepts in those ideas, but, granted, ones that can't be empirically asserted. 
But in a world stripped to its unreflective essence, where presidential 
candidates are elected to a great extent based on 30-second ads, charges of 
linguistic inadequacy are not groundless.

Now that the art of philosophy has been ruined to a great extent, leaving the 
door open for Neocon strategists supported by lengthy white papers 
substantiating neoimperialism, the Deconstructionists/lingusitic experts 
ahould move onto another fertile field of study: the common vernacular of 
everyday people. Begin, for instance, with the word, democracy or freedom. Are 
these words in reality the same as they are on paper? The same as Jefferson 
intended them to be? Or are they, like some amorphous, metaphysical philosophy, 
misrepresenting actuality? Are they now merely tools for deception used by 
ideologues manipulating the general masses? Freedom in Iraq? Really?

Or, take for instance, the term, free market - that cherished system so many 
still believe exists, that so many are willing to die for. Of course, most 
ideologically inclined adherents of free markets would agree that free was 
always a relative term due to changing rates in tariffs, taxes, interest rates, 
and inflation, if not a million other considerations such as commodities, 
investment vehicles, natural disasters, etc. Nonetheless, those adherents would 
say, the West's markets are far more free than any in history and in any other 
part of the world. Old fashioned conservatives, like Goldwater and Scoop 
Jackson, tied their anticommunist campaigns to the preservation of markets that 
were not controlled by the state. Their view was that Adam Smith's Let it Be 
philosophy would produce a continuum of prosperity.

But times have changed. It appears that the well heeled don't like losing their 
gadgets and assets, as they did in 1987. They like their 28-room mansions, 
Hummers, and 3rd and 4th homes even if the market isn't kept free. Apparently, 
the captains of industry, while preaching Free Markets to the common 
investors and the rest of the world, have been following a policy of market 
manipulation. Note: Here you rabid Deconstructionists, have a field day where 
you'll be able to illustrate the enormous gap between language and reality, 
between promises made and bargains broken. Consider the dialectic, Free Market 
vs. Plunge Protection.

America has reached a quiet 20th anniversary of Plunge Protection, which has 
recently gone into an offensive mode propping up stock markets, hedge funds and 
selected capital markets around the world. Ever wonder how stock prices in the 
midst of a sluggish GDP, massive credit and bank failures, and a crippled 
housing market continue to rise nearly every single day without a correction 
or selloff? Ever wonder how experienced critics such as Greenspan predict a 
recession and then, presto, the markets seem to go wicked good? Ever wonder 
about those short critiques on the networks (Markets are humming today Sally 
due to a steep rise in pork bellies in Manilla.) that seem to encapsulate 
market complexities as if such immediate understanding were possible? Ever 
wonder, Hey, maybe something else is going on? An Invisble Hand, no, make that 
an Invisble Group stepping in to shift valuation in order to fortify the notion 
that America, as W. insists, is really doing quite well, thank you. It's no 
wonder that W. and co. would control markets in the same way he's controlled 
Justice, or as it's now commonly known, Just Us.

For the unitiated, the following sites have ample proof that what you see is 
not what you get in Free Markets, that there are words like Freedom, Democracy, 
Capitalism, Free Markets, and Liquidity that actually have entirely different 
meanings. And more and more people around the world, including Kuwait, which 
recently unleashed its monetary tie to the dollar, are waking up to the 
disparities. What are Americans waiting for? A memo?

NOTE: This is a lengthy but illumintaing PDF,





[cia-drugs] Moscow, Idaho Shooter: US Government Agent?

2007-05-24 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Moscow, Idaho Shooter: US Government Agent? 

According to an article in the Spokane, Washington Spokesman-Review 
newspaper, Jason Hamilton, the shooter who killed three people and himself in 
Moscow, Idaho last weekend was a card-carrying member of the heavily 
government-infiltrated Aryan Nations group, as well as a criminal with a long 
arrest record and someone who was licensed by the federal government to 
possess fully automatic weapons, including a military-style machine gun...

While automatic weapons were not used by Hamilton during his killing spree, it 
is nevertheless true that an automatic weapons license issued by the Bureau of 
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms is very difficult to obtain and persons who apply 
for the license are closely scrutinized by government agents.

Hamilton had been affiliated with the Aryan Nations group for the past seven 
years. He had an extensive criminal record in Idaho, Arizona, California and 
Oklahoma. He was convicted of domestic battery in 2006, aggravated assault in 
1992 and marijuana possession in 1996.

It seems possible that Hamilton was a government agent or informant who had 
infiltrated Aryan Nations, otherwise how would he ever have been granted the 
coveted fully automatic weapons license? Note well this quote from the 

...shortly ...after (he) became a member of the Aryan Nations...Hamilton was 
arrested in Latah County for shooting at a building or a car, but the charge 
was reduced through a plea bargain, incomplete court records show.

So what was the plea bargain? Having him turn government informant on Aryan 
Nations and then eventually moving him higher up the shadow government's 
ladder, to the point of privileged possession of automatic weapons? 

The question investigators need to ask is: what role did the US government play 
in their (probable) agent's terror spree last weekend in Moscow, near the 
campus of the University of Idaho and on the grounds of the Latah County 

Is this terror for terror's sake? Getting the fear? Man's government needs to 
sow fear and terror if they wish to retain their power over us. Jason Kenneth 
Hamilton may have been an instrument toward that end. 

How else would a clearly unstable extremist with a criminal record, legally 
obtain automatic weapons, and plea bargain a circa 1999 or 2000 shooting, into 
an inconsequential (and unspecified) sentence, about which conveniently 
incomplete records are silent?

Cf. Shooter Linked to Aryans, The Spokesman Review, May 23, 2007, pp. 1 and 9.


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[cia-drugs] LaRouche To Democrats: Impeach Cheney Now!

2007-05-24 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
LaRouche To Democrats: Impeach Cheney Now!

This release was issued on May 23, 2007 by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action 
Committee (LPAC).

In one of his most forceful statements to date, Lyndon LaRouche today demanded 
that the Democratic Party leadership in the U.S. Congress immediately launch 
impeachment proceedings against Vice President Dick Cheney. LaRouche was 
responding to the latest capitulation by Congressional Democrats on the issue 
of the timetable for a troop withdrawal from Iraq.

LaRouche cited the recent state Democratic Party conventions in California and 
Massachusetts, where strongly worded impeachment resolutions were passed, in 
stark contrast to Congressional Democratic leadership insistence that 
impeachment of Cheney is off the table. The Democratic leadership has lost 
the confidence of their own core political base, LaRouche declared, and they 
are unwilling to take the only steps that would regain it. You cannot mobilize 
public opinion, LaRouche continued, without mobilizing the base of the 
Democratic Party. And the Congressional leadership has been running away from 
that base since the beginning of 2006, when they capitulated on the issue of 
the confirmation of Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court and then totally 
caved in to the hedge funds, to Felix Rohatyn and his friends, and allowed the 
looting and destruction of the entire U.S. automobile manufacturing sector 
without lifting a finger.

LaRouche underscored that the only way to get the American troops out of Iraq 
is by the impeachment of Cheney. This is the key domestic issue, LaRouche 
said. All U.S. politics at this moment centers on the ouster of Cheney, 
warning, furthermore, that The Democratic Party is finished for the time being 
if they don't go for Cheney's impeachment-now. It is time for the Democratic 
Party leadership to stop this practice of running way from its own base of 
political support from within the Party itself.

The Party base wants Cheney impeached. The base is right, and the leadership is 
wrong. Rally the base, by going hard against Cheney, and the Republicans will 
have no fair choice but to support a veto-proof vote against Cheney's new wars. 

[cia-drugs] Pakistani soldiers accused of trading weapons for gold

2007-05-24 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Pakistani soldiers accused of trading weapons for gold

Steven Edwards, CanWest News Service
Published: Thursday, May 24, 2007 
UNITED NATIONS - A new scandal rocked the biggest United Nations peacekeeping 
force in the world Wednesday as allegations surfaced that Pakistani 'blue 
helmets' in the Democratic Republic of Congo had traded weapons for gold with 
rebel groups they were supposed to be disarming.

Human rights groups in the sprawling central African nation say Pakistani 
officers serving in the 17,600-strong force were involved in the illegal 
smuggling of up to $5 million USin gold from the trouble-plagued northeastern 
Ituri region. They add the shady dealing saw weapons returned to rebels of the 
Front of Nationalists and Integrationalists (FNI), said by the Congolese 
government to be responsible for war crimes during Congo's long-running 

Pakistan has rejected the allegations as malicious and distorted, but adds it 
has launched an investigation, saying it knew nothing of the allegations before 

It's additionally alleged that when UN officials began to investigate, the 
Pakistani force switched from initially being co-operative to being threatening.

Acknowledging that the probe hadn't been plain sailing, UN spokeswoman Michele 
Montas spoke Wednesday of the very difficult circumstances faced by the seven 
UN investigators assigned to the case.

According to some reports from the country, Pakistani soldiers reacted to the 
UN's attempt to seize a computer containing apparently incriminating 
information by laying barbed wire around UN police guarding the investigators.

The Pakistanis also dispatched two armoured personnel carriers to the 
investigators' living quarters.

The allegations refer to events in late 2005, but even though the UN denies 
rebels were re-armed, it admits it has yet to complete the investigation into 
the dealing.

Canada will have the new scandal in mind next Tuesday when John McNee, Canada's 
ambassador to the UN, co-hosts the opening of an exhibition marking UN 
Peacekeepers' Day at UN headquarters and speaks on the need to strengthen 
standards amid other reforms.

In late 2005, Pakistani UN forces were stationed in the Ituri mining town of 
Mongbwalu as fighting between ethnic militias still raged.

It's alleged Pakistani soldiers colluded with both the local armed groups and 
Indian businessmen from Kenya to obtain gold.

We have very solid information, said Anneke Van Woudenberg, a senior 
researcher with U.S.-based Human Rights Watch.

Woudenberg and other HRW researchers briefed UN peacekeeping officials 
Wednesday on the evidence they say they have that Pakistani officers helped 
arrange for between $2 million US and $5 million US in gold to be smuggled from 

Charges the Pakistanis returned weapons to the FNI rebels come from the 
Congolese human rights group Justice Peace.

There was co-operation between the Pakistanis and the FNI, said Joel Bisubu, 
a researcher with the group.

The first draft of the report was produced at the end of March and it is 
currently going through the final stages of a very rigourous, due-diligence, 
and quality assurance process, said Montas.

It is expected to be finalized in about three weeks.

The slow pace of the probe has led to charges of a coverup, with the BBC 
reporting from DRC that initial findings were buried to avoid a political 

Because Pakistan rotates its troop deployments every six months, the battalion 
allegedly involved in the gold-for-arms trading is no longer in DRC.

The Congo mission has served as a test of how effective huge blue-helmet 
deployments can be as the world body's peacekeeping operations reach record 
levels around the world, with more than 100,000 soldiers serving in some 15 

But while the force led the war-torn country to historic elections last year, 
the latest scandal follows a series of others. One of the more infamous was 
2004 revelations UN personnel had been involved in sexual exploitation of local 
girls and women, including rape and pedophilia.

Despite the huge size of the UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 
(MONUC), only nine Canadians are part of it, working as staff officers in 
Kinshasa, the capital, and at the sector headquarters in Kisangani.

The UN dispatched the force in stages following years of warfare that not only 
left three million dead, but had seen rebel groups and also the armies of five 
neighbouring countries occupy large parts of the country, often pillaging 
timber, diamonds, gold and other resources.

[cia-drugs] The End of National Currency

2007-05-24 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
The End of National Currency May 24, 2007
Posted by pjwalker911 in Economic Meltdown, Global Government, Crime  
Corruption, European Union. trackback 
Foreign Affairs | May/June 2007

Below is another position paper by the Council on Foreign Relations on how they 
plan to manipulate the world into accepting three global currencies based 
loosely on the EU, the NAU (North American Union) and the Asian Union. 

Monetary nationalism, the audacous idea that nations should control their own 
their own destinies, their currencies and economies, is considered a sin. Yeah, 
well John D. Rockefeller said competition is a sin and proceeeded to 
monopolize the oil industry. So I guess that's what they mean since they work 
for the Rockefellers' interests over an above those of Americans and everyone 
else for that matter.

This reads like a globalist manifesto, claiming how wonderful the EU is and how 
much better people are off under its jackboot. Yes, the Nazis and the 
Communists have said similar things, but most of the people knew differently, 
though they were too afraid to voice their opinions. 

And of course, the Asian system would be based on the Chinese monetary system, 
which may resemble a free-market, but the fact is that most Chinese are barely 
surviving under grinding poverty, harsh and dangerous work conditions, punitive 
taxation, rising inflation and apparently have very little in the way of rights 
under the Communist legal system. And you may be surprised to know that this 
socialist country offers little in the way of services to its citizens for 
all the taxes they are forced to pay. So yes, China is the model for the world 
according to the globalists. This is precisely what the aristocrats want for 
all of us commoners. 

The bottom line is that they want to concentrate currencies into the Euro, the 
Dollar (which would become the Amero) and the Chinese Renminbi which would 
probably take on another name. And needless to say, the people of these 
countries would have absolutely no say over the matter. It is dictated by the 
incredibly arrogant and secretive Bilderberg banking elite and royalty who have 
no allegience to any country but only to themselves for the purpose of further 
concentrating the wealth of the world into fewer and fewer hands, just as we 
have seen happening in the past two decades. That is what is called a 
mercantilist dictatorship, one that is growing to a global scale day by day, 
into the all-powerful New World Order empire.

The only way to avert this totalitarian agenda is to take back control of 
national governments. For America, it means to support whoever is for national 
independence and sovereignty, sound money, the rights of the individual and 
non-interventionism. In our case, that means one and only one thing: support 
Ron Paul for 2008! 

Don't be fooled by the establishment puppets like Romney, Giuliani, Obama and 
Hillary. That bucket of writhing snakes all work for the Council on Foreign 
Relations which is nothing but a front for the aristocratic elite. They do not 
and will not represent the interests of the people, no matter what they say. It 
is all a pack of lies so stop voting for CFR puppets! 

It is time to wake up America and defend your country to preserve your own 
freedom because I guarantee the elites want to enslave you and they can only do 
it if you let them. 


The End of National Currency

By Benn Steil

Summary:  Global financial instability has sparked a surge in monetary 
nationalism - the idea that countries must make and control their own 
currencies. But globalization and monetary nationalism are a dangerous 
combination, a cause of financial crises and geopolitical tension. The world 
needs to abandon unwanted currencies, replacing them with dollars, euros, and 
multinational currencies as yet unborn.

Benn Steil is Director of International Economics at the Council on Foreign 
Relations and a co-author of Financial Statecraft.

But the world can do better. Since economic development outside the process of 
globalization is no longer possible, countries should abandon monetary 
nationalism. Governments should replace national currencies with the dollar or 
the euro or, in the case of Asia, collaborate to produce a new multinational 
currency over a comparably large and economically diversified area.

Europeans used to say that being a country required having a national airline, 
a stock exchange, and a currency. Today, no European country is any worse off 
without them. Even grumpy Italy has benefited enormously from the lower 
interest rates and permanent end to lira speculation that accompanied its 
adoption of the euro. A future pan-Asian currency, managed according to the 
same principle of targeting low and stable inflation, would represent the most 
promising way for China to fully liberalize its financial and 

[cia-drugs] When Vice President Dick Cheney visited Baghdad

2007-05-24 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

May 24, 2007 -- When Vice President Dick Cheney visited Baghdad on a surprise 
visit on May 9, he was booed by U.S. troops during an appearance before them in 
the Green Zone, according to our congressional sources. These incidents may 
explain why the Army has ordered its personnel to submit web postings, 
including videos, to Army censors before uploading to web sites.

[cia-drugs] Re: I Vote No - John Kerry

2007-05-24 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Senator Kerry,
  Did you hear about Dennis Kucinich on Cspan yesterday? from the house he 
denounced the
  Bush administration for he is backing a contract with Iraq Parlement to sign 
to give the U.S.and British Oil Companies 80% of their Oil rights.  Can you 
believe that?  He is blackmailing them for their oil and it is said that he has 
been doing that for a couple of years, and destroying their country in the 
meantime and having our military risk their lives everyday for this reason.  I 
believe this is the only reason they went in to Iraq, now remember Cheney 
refused to give us the energy meeting minutes.  No wonder, look what they were 
planning at the beginning of the Bush administration. It has been that all 
along. I read the constitutuion the Iraqis drew up and it sounded o.k. until 
the end, which said that the Ayatollah would have the last say,  You see, all 
ARabs have dictators or kings, and it is even in their genes.  So that is that 
for the democratization.  Actually, It appears that Sadaam had added a lot of 
democracy himself.  He gave free Univerisity for the
 highschool graduates, and also he saw to it that they attended school.. If 
not, they went to jail..he did a lot of very update activities and I saw 
pictures of the People down town Iraq who were going to work in their business 
suits walking on the street.  Now the women dressed just like we do and they 
wear skirts up totheir knees and highheel should with very nice coffures for 
their hair and with great hygene at that.. They all looked very European or 
like us.  So, we only gt pictures from the war showing women wearing black all 
over and old timey way of dress.  
  We are being deceived on every view of Iraq.  It appears that the world 
international law ( I heard they have a warrant out for Rumsfeld and also the 
General who led the war in Iraq).  could very easily step in and do something 
about this to the leaders of this atrocity.  It is more serious than we 
  I don't think our soldiers like being there fighting those people for oil and 
greed.  It is time to come home..and take care of our own business, like the 
border, ie...and giving away our country to the North Atlantic Union, 
forerunner New World Order Police state.. And where do you think Bush will get 
his police from? ???
  Theresa J. Steed

John Kerry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A, A:link, A:visited {TEXT-DECORATION: underline; color:#00539F}  A:hover 
{TEXT-DECORATION: underline; color:red}
  Hi Theresa j.,   The compromise supplemental will 
probably be presented to the Senate later today, but I wanted to drop a quick 
note to let all of you know my thoughts on it. I'm voting against it. I explain 
my feelings in a post I put up on the blog Daily Kos. 
  You can read it here.
  Here are the first couple of paragraphs:
  Let's be really clear about the Iraq vote coming down the pike in Congress 
this week.   I'm voting no on this bill. I'm tired of the false choices of 
Republicans and all the recycled spin of old battles and the political 
calculations that do nothing for our troops who bear the real costs of this 
war. Bottom line: we support the troops by getting the policy right, and this 
bill doesn't do that. I've said it again and again and I'm not about to stop: 
we need a deadline to force Iraqis to stand up for Iraq and bring our heroes 
home, not watered down benchmarks and blank check waivers for this President. 
We support the troops by funding the right mission, not with a White House that 
opposes a pay raise for our brave men and women in uniform. Do we need to bring 
out the hand puppets and make the case again?
  Thanks for all of your help so far in this fight. I'm disappointed in the 
compromise bill, but I'm more convinced than ever that we'll win this fight.
  John Kerry
  Paid for by John Kerry for Senate.  
  We apologize if you received this message in error. Click here to 
unsubscribe from our mailing list. 

Click here to change your current email address. 

John Kerry for Senate, 129 Portland St. Suite 500 Boston, MA 02114-2014, U.S.A. 

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[cia-drugs] Cheney Attempting to Constrain Bush's Choices on Iran Conflict: Staff Engaged in Insubordination Against President Bush

2007-05-24 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
May 24, 2007
Cheney Attempting to Constrain Bush's Choices on Iran Conflict: Staff Engaged 
in Insubordination Against President Bush 

There is a race currently underway between different flanks of the 
administration to determine the future course of US-Iran policy. 

On one flank are the diplomats, and on the other is Vice President Cheney's 
team and acolytes -- who populate quite a wide swath throughout the American 
national security bureaucracy.

The Pentagon and the intelligence 

intelligence establishment are providing support to add muscle and nuance to 
the diplomatic effort led by Condi Rice, her deputy John Negroponte, Under 
Secretary of State R. Nicholas Burns, and Legal Adviser John Bellinger. The 
support that Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell, Secretary of 
Defense Robert Gates, and CIA Director Michael Hayden are providing Rice's 
efforts are a complete, 180 degree contrast to the dysfunction that 
characterized relations between these institutions before the recent reshuffle 
of top personnel.

However, the Department of Defense and national intelligence sector are also 
preparing for hot conflict. They believe that they need to in order to convince 
Iran's various power centers that the military option does exist.

But this is worrisome. The person in the Bush administration who most wants a 
hot conflict with Iran is Vice President Cheney. The person in Iran who most 
wants a conflict is Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Iran's Revolutionary 
Guard Quds Force would be big winners in a conflict as well -- as the political 
support that both have inside Iran has been flagging.

Multiple sources have reported that a senior aide on Vice President Cheney's 
national security team has been meeting with policy hands of the American 
Enterprise Institute, one other think tank, and more than one national security 
consulting house and explicitly stating that Vice President Cheney does not 
support President Bush's tack towards Condoleezza Rice's diplomatic efforts and 
fears that the President is taking diplomacy with Iran too seriously.

This White House official has stated to several Washington insiders that Cheney 
is planning to deploy an end run strategy around the President if he and his 
team lose the policy argument.

The thinking on Cheney's team is to collude with Israel, nudging Israel at some 
key moment in the ongoing standoff between Iran's nuclear activities and 
international frustration over this to mount a small-scale conventional strike 
against Natanz using cruise missiles (i.e., not ballistic missiles). 

This strategy would sidestep controversies over bomber aircraft and overflight 
rights over other Middle East nations and could be expected to trigger a 
sufficient Iranian counter-strike against US forces in the Gulf -- which just 
became significantly larger -- as to compel Bush to forgo the diplomatic track 
that the administration realists are advocating and engage in another war.

There are many other components of the complex game plan that this Cheney 
official has been kicking around Washington. The official has offered this 
commentary to senior staff at AEI and in lunch and dinner gatherings which were 
to be considered strictly off-the-record, but there can be little doubt that 
the official actually hopes that hawkish conservatives and neoconservatives 
share this information and then rally to this point of view. This official is 
beating the brush and doing what Joshua Muravchik has previously suggested -- 
which is to help establish the policy and political pathway to bombing Iran.

The zinger of this information is the admission by this Cheney aide that Cheney 
himself is frustrated with President Bush and believes, much like Richard 
Perle, that Bush is making a disastrous mistake by aligning himself with the 
policy course that Condoleezza Rice, Bob Gates, Michael Hayden and McConnell 
have sculpted.

According to this official, Cheney believes that Bush can not be counted on to 
make the right decision when it comes to dealing with Iran and thus Cheney 
believes that he must tie the President's hands.

On Tuesday evening, i spoke with a former top national intelligence official in 
this Bush administration who told me that what I was investigating and planned 
to report on regarding Cheney and the commentary of his aide was potentially 
criminal insubordination against the President. I don't believe that the White 
House would take official action against Cheney for this agenda-mongering 
around Washington -- but I do believe that the White House must either shut 
Cheney and his team down and give them all garden view offices so that they can 
spend their days staring out their windows with not much to do or expect some 
to begin to think that Bush has no control over his Vice President.

It is not that Cheney wants to bomb Iran and Bush doesn't, it is that Cheney is 

[cia-drugs] What's Behind the Withdrawals from the World Bank, IMF?

2007-05-24 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
What's Behind the Withdrawals from the World Bank, IMF?
24 May 2007by Alejandro Reuss
The backlash against neoliberalism in Latin America is now leading to 
confrontations between several of the region's governments and the World Bank 
and International Monetary Fund (IMF). In the span of just the last few weeks, 
there has been something of a mass defection from these institutions. President 
Rafael Correa announced that Ecuador was expelling the World Bank's 
representative from the country (1), President Hugo Chavez announced that 
Venezuela would be withdrawing from both the Bank and the IMF (2), and Bolivia, 
Nicaragua, and Venezuela announced their intention to withdraw from the World 
Bank-affiliated ICSID or International Centre for the Settlement of Investment 
Disputes (3). The Venezuelan government has also proposed the formation of a 
new regional lending institution, the Bank of the South, widely perceived as 
a challenge to the World Bank and the IMF. The government of Argentina has 
pledged to contribute funds to the new bank, and the Brazilian government may 
as well (4). 

The World Bank and the IMF are international lending institutions. While each 
has over 150 member countries, the representatives of a few rich capitalist 
countries hold most of the power. They hold disproportional voting rights and 
get to appoint their own representatives to the institutions' executive boards. 
The president of the World Bank, while formally appointed by the Bank's 
executive board, is de facto named by the U.S. government (5). Both 
institutions tie credit to the adoption of neoliberal policies like 
privatizing public enterprises, reducing public employment, eliminating price 
controls on basic goods, weakening protections for workers and labor unions, 
and opening up to international trade and investment (6).

Established and funded by the World Bank, the ICSID functions like an 
international court in which private companies can bring suits for damages 
against the governments of member countries. These cases are often brought 
under provisions of bilateral investment agreements (or so-called trade 
agreements, like NAFTA, which govern not only trade in goods, but also foreign 
direct investment). While the ICSID does not have police powers for enforcing 
its rulings, a government that does not comply faces the same possible 
retaliation as one that refuses World Bank or IMF conditionality- the cutoff of 
international credit. The ICSID itself stated in a 1988 order in the case 
Maritime International Nominees Establishment (MINE) vs. Guinea: 
Non-compliance by a State constitutes a violation by that State of its 
international obligations and will attract its own sanctions. The Committee 
refers in this connection . to the consequences which such a violation would 
have for such a State's reputation with private and public sources of 
international finance. (7)

The recent withdrawals from the World Bank, IMF, and ICSID by Latin American 
governments represent a rejection of the conditions these institutions have 
imposed on poorer and less powerful countries. The withdrawal from ICSID, in 
particular, represents an assertion of the power of sovereign states to 
determine the conditions under which they will permit foreign investment- a 
burning issue today in Venezuela, Bolivia, and other Latin American countries. 
The Venezuelan government has nationalized the largest telecommunications and 
electricity firms by simply buying their stock, including the shares owned by 
large U.S. corporations (8). The government has also asserted control over the 
country's oil industry- not by purchase but by threatening to expropriate the 
holdings of any multinational firms that refused to accept their new status as 
minority partners (9). Bolivia has made similar moves in asserting control over 
gas resources (10). 

Disputes over property rights exist in every society. In the United States, for 
example, conservative legal scholars argue that the passage of environmental 
legislation constitutes an illegal taking since it deprives property owners 
of potential benefits. Others insist that this does not constitute a violation 
of property rights since there is no right to damage the environment and to 
harm other people. Different states differ, moreover, on what property rights 
they enforce. The differ over whether the government can expropriate property 
without the consent of the owner, under what circumstances it may do so, 
whether it must give compensation, how fair compensation is determined, and 
even what constitutes an expropriation. Some of the recent moves of the 
Venezuelan, Bolivian, or other Latin American governments may run counter to, 
say, property rights under U.S. law- but they are, of course, sovereign 
countries with their own laws.

Some of the recent nationalizations (though not the ones 

[cia-drugs] Fw: [GATA] China concedes little at U.S. summit

2007-05-24 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

- Original Message - 
From: Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee 
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 8:41 PM
Subject: [GATA] China concedes little at U.S. summit

  China concedes little at U.S. summit  

Submitted by cpowell on 06:41PM ET Wednesday, May 23, 2007. Section: Daily 
By Krishna Guha, Eoin Callan,
and Doug Cameron
Financial Times, London
Wednesday, May 23, 2007


China on Wednesday agreed to a new aviation deal with the United States and 
offered limited concessions in financial services at the conclusion of 
top-level economic talks in Washington.

The financial sector opening will help foreign companies access China's booming 
stock market but fell short of the far-reaching liberalisation sought by Hank 
Paulson, US Treasury secretary. With no new commitments on the currency, the 
outcome did not satisfy China's critics in Congress, who threatened to 
introduce new legislationtargeting Beijing for alleged currency manipulation.

China said it would lift the block on new securities joint ventures, and in 
time let these firms participate in a wider range of activities. Foreign banks 
would be allowed to issue local currency credit and debit cards, and the 
ceiling on the amount qualified foreign institutional investors could invest in 
domestic financial markets would rise from $10bn to $30bn.

But the delegation led by Wu Yi, China's vice-premier, rebuffed US calls to 
allow foreign securities firms to set up wholly owned subsidiaries or raise the 
ownership caps on foreign investment in Chinese financial institutions.

Mr Paulson, who personally pressed Ms Wu for financial reform, said the steps 
were incremental changes.

The aviation deal paves the way for a significant expansion of bilateral 
passenger and cargo traffic. Flights operated by US carriers between the two 
countries will more than double from 10 to 23 a day by 2012.

China agreed to an open-skies deal for cargo from 2011, but would discuss a 
similar deal for passenger services only from March 25, 2011. The US and China 
also said they would expand cooperation on energy, and expand trade in 
environmental goods and services.

Mr Paulson told the Financial Times he would like there to be more movement. 
But he said: I am totally convinced that the dialogue is letting us achieve 
results we would never achieve without it. He added: You are going to see 
more progress over time and I think you are going to see it accelerate.

Ms Wu said the announcements reflected China's acknowledgement of the need to 
accommodate as appropriate hot-spot questions in current China-US economic and 
trade relations.

US lawmakers warned that the modest progress could undermine relations with 

The Chinese delegation meets with Senate leaders on Thursday, after a 
highly-charged meeting with members of House of Representatives late on 

U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel said the Chinese delegation had given all the same 
answers on currency and trade imbalances.

Sen. Max Baucus, chairman of the Senate finance committee, welcomed Wednesday's 
progress but said he was deeply concerned that the dialogue did not address 
the undervaluation of China's currency.

* * * 

at the
World Gold, PGM, and Diamond Investment Conference
in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Sunday and Monday, June 17 and 18, 2007


* * *

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[cia-drugs] Greag Palast uncovers the Atty Gen debacle about Justice Dept investigators

2007-05-24 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  I received this email on the internet email.  This is about Greg Plast and 
his finding, plus a lot of behind the scene concerning Robert Kennedy Jr. and 
The BBC.
  Read and discover things you should know.
  Theresa J. Steed
PalastHow do I know? I have the caging lists…
I have them because they are attached to the emails Rove insists can’t be 
found. I have the emails. 500 of them — sent to our team at BBC after the 
Rove-bots accidentally sent them to a web domain owned by our friend John 
Wooden.   - BBC's Greg Palast

  The Goods on Goodling and the Keys to the Kingdom

#65279;Call your reps and senators on this one   The Goods on 
Goodling and the Keys to the Kingdom  by Greg Palast

This Monica revealed something hotter — much hotter — than a stained blue 
dress. In her opening testimony yesterday before the House Judiciary Committee, 
Monica Goodling, the blonde-ling underling to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales 
and Department of Justice Liaison to the White House, dropped The Big One….And 
the Committee members didn’t even know it.

Goodling testified that Gonzales’ Chief of Staff, Kyle Sampson, perjured 
himself, lying to the committee in earlier testimony. The lie: Sampson denied 
Monica had told him about Tim Griffin’s “involvement in ‘caging’ voters” in 

Huh?? Tim Griffin? “Caging”???

The perplexed committee members hadn’t a clue — and asked no substantive 
questions about it thereafter. Karl Rove is still smiling. If the members had 
gotten the clue, and asked the right questions, they would have found “the keys 
to the kingdom,” they thought they were looking for. They dangled right in 
front of their perplexed faces.

The keys: the missing emails — and missing link — that could send Griffin and 
his boss, Rove, to the slammer for a long, long time.

Kingdom enough for ya?

But what’s ‘caging’ and why is it such a dreadful secret that lawyer Sampson 
put his license to practice and his freedom on the line to cover Tim Griffin’s 
involvement in it? Because it’s a felony. And a big one.

Our BBC team broke the story at the top of the nightly news everywhere on the 
planet - except the USA - only because America’s news networks simply refused 
to cover this evidence of the electoral coup d’etat that chose our President in 

Here’s how caging worked, and along with Griffin’s thoughtful emails themselves 
you’ll understand it all in no time.

The Bush-Cheney operatives sent hundreds of thousands of letters marked “Do not 
forward” to voters’ homes. Letters returned (”caged”) were used as evidence to 
block these voters’ right to cast a ballot on grounds they were registered at 
phony addresses. Who were the evil fakers? Homeless men, students on vacation 
and — you got to love this — American soldiers. Oh yeah: most of them are Black 

Why weren’t these African-American voters home when the Republican letters 
arrived? The homeless men were on park benches, the students were on vacation — 
and the soldiers were overseas. Go to Baghdad, lose your vote. Mission 

How do I know? I have the caging lists…

I have them because they are attached to the emails Rove insists can’t be 
found. I have the emails. 500 of them — sent to our team at BBC after the 
Rove-bots accidentally sent them to a web domain owned by our friend John 

Here’s what you need to know — and the Committee would have discovered, if only 
they’d asked:

1. ‘Caging’ voters is a crime, a go-to-jail felony.

2. Griffin wasn’t “involved” in the caging, Ms. Goodling. Griffin, Rove’s 
right-hand man (right-hand claw), was directing the illegal purge and challenge 
campaign. How do I know? It’s in the email I got. Thanks. And it’s posted below.

3. On December 7, 2006, the ragin’, cagin’ Griffin was named, on Rove’s 
personal demand, US Attorney for Arkansas. Perpetrator became prosecutor.

The committee was perplexed about Monica’s panicked admission and accusations 
about the caging list because the US press never covered it. That’s because, as 
Griffin wrote to Goodling in yet another email (dated February 6 of this year, 
and also posted below), their caging operation only made the news on BBC 
London: busted open, Griffin bitched, by that “British reporter,” Greg Palast.

There’s no pride in this. Our BBC team broke the story at the top of the 
nightly news everywhere on the planet — except the USA — only because America’s 
news networks simply refused to cover this evidence of the electoral coup 
d’etat that chose our President in 2004.

And now, not bothering to understand the astonishing revelation in Goodling’s 
confessional, they are missing the real story behind the firing of the US 
attorneys. It’s not about removing prosecutors disloyal to Bush, it’s about 
replacing those who refused to aid 

[cia-drugs] Re: Congress backed down. We must stand up.

2007-05-24 Thread Quechick Barnyard
John Please find Dennis Kucinich Speech from the House yestereday aired by 
CSPAN...there is not a word of it in the news papers.  The topic was that Bush 
administration has been trying to get the Iraqi Parliment to sign a contract to 
give 80% of their oil fields and future oil fields to the US and British Oil 
Corporations. This is what they had with Hugo Chavez and he pulled out of it 
and now is doing business with the other South American NAtions.
  So some of his speech mentions that the energy meeting way before the war was 
based on this topic... Iraq Oil... even before 911... no wonder cheney refused 
to allow Congress or the GOA to see the minutes of that meeting.
  Before Bush came into office we were buy 52 % of our oil from Venesuala.  now 
we are not even speaking to him.
  The New networks seem to go along with this administration.. However if we 
had the chairman of the FCC and had a democratic president, we could probably 
straighten out our hide the facts News Networks, for they ahve to have a 
liscense to operate.
  On the voting of Iraq funds:  this is the way most of the cold wars were 
ended, by stopping the funding and bringing our troops home immediately.. How 
can they say they want to keep soldiers out of harms way in iraq.. That is 
impossible, the only way we can get them out of harms way is to bring them home 
now.  So all in all I can see why the soldiers want out of iraq, for they are 
tired of killing Iraqi people and children for oil.  Enough is enough.

  Are you familiar with the North Atlantic Union, which is the forerunner of 
the New World Order?
  The bilderberg Group plans each year, the coming program... and it appears 
that they have the ear of this administration,  not the American People.  They 
asked bush to take the world's largest oil fields... with our military and our 
taxpayers money, just like the huge giganticTruckers Freeway will be built in 
mexico and US and on to Canada.. by American tax Payers.. Isn't this rather 
stretching it a bit?
  They are seeing to it also that the Countries mix right now again at the US 
Taxpayers expense.. What is this alla bout??  I only wish there were a way to 
take our country back and get the Patriot Act out and also the Military act 
which takes away our habeas Corpus.  The old Military bases are not turned into 
concentrations camps contract by Halliburton. We are in a big mess... It could 
be very simple to get out of.. I was told (don't know if it is true) that 
Senate Rule #22 can take only 41 senators to filibuster at the same time and 
stop a bill or act in its tracts and it doesn't take a president's signature 
for it will no longer exist.  Why couldn't we have tried this.. Poor Feingold 
tried and tried to do this but who stood with him.
  We need a president who will stand up for our laws and make sure to have an 
Atty general who will indeed inforce those  laws.
  Theresa J. Steed
John Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Theresa J., 

About an hour ago, the Senate caved to President Bush and sent him another 
blank check to continue the war in Iraq. 

This is a serious blow for all of us, but no one lost more today than the 
troops in the field who continue to sacrifice so nobly and their families still 
waiting back home. 

It's a hard moment, but you and I don't have the luxury of getting discouraged. 
We must remember: This is not over. For those of us committed to change, it has 
only begun. 

This weekend, thousands of us will take action in our communities to support 
the troops and end the war. We will speak out in public. We will send care 
packages to soldiers in Iraq. We will gather letters for Congress and the 
president. And on Memorial Day, we will remember and honor those who sacrificed 
everything for their nation. 

Join us: 


After tonight, one thing is now perfectly clear: No one else is going to end 
this war for us. Bush will not listen. Congress will not fight. There's no one 
left to lead the country now but we the people. 

Each of us has a duty and a responsibility to our troops and to each other to 
do all that we can to end this war. Under the Constitution of the United States 
of America, we the people are the sovereign and the ultimate deciders--and by 
all that I know is right we will succeed in bringing our troops home. 

Thank you for standing up. 

--John Edwards
Paid for by John Edwards for President 
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410 Market Street, Suite 400, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 (919) 636-3131. 
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