[cia-drugs] Mass action. Mexico election fraud listed point-by-point. Cartoons.

2006-08-06 Thread Eco Man

   Millions protesting in Mexico City for weeks now.The plutocracy is about to fall in Mexico. Is the U.S.  Bush-ocracy about to fall, too? Will your vote count in the USA?  Is revolution imminent in the USA too?  The Emperor Wears No Clothes! See images at the end.     See much more detail here:  http://www.alternet.org/story/39763 http://www.narconews.com http://www.phillyimc.org/or/2006/08/27235.shtml         Forward please---     http://www.nwprogressive.org/weblog/2006/08/breaking-mass-action-follows-mexicos.html     Sunday, August 06, 2006BREAKING - Mass Action Follows Mexico's Election Tribunals Order of Only a Partial Recount   Supporters of Manuel Lopez Obrador have stormed the streets of Mexico City and threatened to occupy the airport after only a partial recount of the disputed July 2 presidential election was ordered by the Federal Electoral Tribunal.(http://www.examiner.com/printa-206051~Thousands_of_Mexicans_Protest_Election.html)"Vote by Vote!"
 chants drowned out the judge's statements as the decision was announced on television. A recount of 12,000 polling places was ordered, while claims of arithmetical errors in at least 72,000 have been raised. Lopez Obrador has appealed for calm, but the situation remains unstable.Lopez Obrador and his supporters have occupied the streets of Mexico City for several weeks. Over a million supporters massed last Sunday. The announced winner, Felipe Calderon, is a member of the ruling PAN party, and would likely continue the corporate-friendly practices of current president Vincente Fox. Lopez Obrador has called for policies to build Mexico's economy from within. His plans have been likened to those of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.Evidence of possible fraud were itemized at the Philadelphia Independent Media Center in an August 2 story by Jonathan David. The list
 includes:(quote)Mexican television news reporters hacked into the computers of the IFE and found that the IFE and PAN had been sharing data on registered voters before the election, in clear violation of the nation’s election laws.  Most exit polls showed AMLO [Lopez Obrador, from his initials "Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador"] ahead throughout the day of the election. In the preliminary vote count on the evening of the election, July 2, Calderón never trailed. (Ian Welsh, July 16, 2006)  The IFE preliminary results of the election showed Calderón ahead from the beginning. At first the margin of lead was by 7 %. As the night wore on, Calderón’s per cent lead declined to under 1 % but
 the actual number of votes that he remained ahead remained constant. Political scientists and statisticians have claimed that this irregularity is not really possible. Some have suggested that a silent algorithm may have been added to the computerized tallies. Others have suggested that the tally may have begun with Calderon having a pre-existing bank. (James K. Galbraith, “Doing Math In Mexico: While Mexicans take to the streets over the presidential vote, democracy's fairweather friends are standing silent.”)  There was a significant drop off of votes for López Obrador as the actual ballot counting raced toward the finish line. “Vote drop offs” mean that while a ballot was caste and tallies were recorded for local officials and for legislators, no choice for presdent had been
 made. Thus, there were many more ballots caste than there were votes for president. Election specialists maintain that this kind of drop off never happens: voters are motivated to vote by the person at the top of the ticket, not by those at the bottom. (Ian Welsh, July 16, 2006)  All reports of ballot boxes that have been opened and recounted show that the recounts differ significantly from the official tally sheets (called acta-s) recorded on election day. The difference has been that López Obrador received more votes than officially noted and Calderón received fewer than recorded. Even New York Times, through its reporters Ginger Thompson and James C. McKinley Jr has noted this trend. (Ian Welsh, July 16, 2006)  Current
 President Vincente Fox of the PAN consulted on the telephone with the head of the electoral commission (IFE) on the night of the elections, in apparent violation of Mexico’s electoral laws (http://www.narconews.com/Issue42/article1961.html  López Obrador has turned over a 900 page document to the TRIFE of evidence of fraudulent practices close to half of Mexico’s 133,000 polling places. Aside from the evidence of massive vote drop off, ballots have been found in the trash on the side of roads videos made of workers stuffing ballet boxes and changing tallies sheets, recordings were made of telephone conversations between PRI and PAN workers to challenge PRD in some voting places, and the intervention of current President Vincente Fox. (Radio interview with Matt Pascarella podcast on KPFT)  In a potential conflict of interest, one of Calderón’s brother-in-laws co-founded a computer company named Hildebrando hire

[cia-drugs] Bob Chapman: No question that Venezuela will be attacked and invaded!

2006-08-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Published: Sunday, August 06, 
2006Bylined to: Bob 

Bob Chapman: No question that 
Venezuela will be attacked and invaded!
FORECASTER editor Bob Chapman writes: Our intel sources tell us that the neocon elitists are building a 
ring of bases surrounding Venezuela. We all know what has been going on in 
Colombia and the same is happening in Peru and Paraguay.
There is no question in our mind that eventually 
Venezuela will be attacked and invaded.

  In fact, Medivacs have already been sent to Colombia, 
  Paraguay and Peru.
The big buildup has begun.
We hope President Chavez is listening and is expanding his 
army on the ground. He will need all the help he can get once this gets 
underway. We expect an attack will come before Venezuela takes delivery of their 
new aircraft and helicopters ... he should expedite delivery if that is 
Last year Iran invested US$1 billion in Venezuela, most of 
it in the oil, gas and engineering sectors. On his recent visit to Iran, 
President Chavez invited President Mahmound Ahmadinejad to make further 
investments in the Orinoco region. Both Presidents not only have oil in common 
as members of OPEC, but they also share a dislike of elitist US foreign policy. 

What a joke.
Sweden has shown how neutral it is ... Saab says it cannot 
continue sales of defensive armaments, such as anti-aircraft and anti-tank 
devices to Venezuela, because of the US arms embargo. Well who 
cares. The Venezuelans will simply buy from Russia and China. Note 
should be made for future reference. Sweden is controlled by the elitists so 
don’t do business with them in the first place ... perhaps the Swiss may step 
The Venezuelan government decided to withdraw 
the Venezuelan charge d’affaires from Israel in rejection of Israeli’s military 
actions that have killed and displaced thousands of Lebanese people. 

Caracas real estate prices jumped 
20% in the first half of the year, reflecting a surge in government subsidies 
for homebuyers and a shortage of housing. 
INTERNATIONAL FORECASTER P. O. Box 510518, Punta Gorda, FL 33951, USABob 

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[cia-drugs] Another Karl Rove Special

2006-08-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

obviously since one photo was allegedly 
altered, there must necessarily be no atrocities whatsoever.  

Reuters admits altering 
Beirut photo
Reuters withdraws photograph 
of Beirut after Air Force attack after US blogs, photographers point out 
'blatant evidence of manipulation.' Reuters' head of PR says in response, 
'Reuters has suspended photographer until investigations are completed into 
changes made to photograph.' Photographer who sent altered image is same Reuters 
photographer behind many of images from Qana, which have also been subject of 
suspicions for being staged Yaakov Lappin 

A Reuters photograph of smoke rising from buildings in Beirut has been 
withdrawn after coming under attack by American web logs. The blogs accused 
Reuters of distorting the photograph to include more smoke and damage. 

The photograph showed two very heavy plumes of black smoke billowing from 
buildings in Beirut after an Air Force attack on the Lebanese capital. Reuters 
has since withdrawn the photograph from its website, along a message admitting 
that the image was distorted, and an apology to editors.

Reuters withdraws doctored 
In the message, Reuters said that "photo editing software was improperly used 
on this image. A corrected version will immediately follow this advisory. We are 
sorry for any inconvience." 

Reuters' head of PR Moira Whittle said in response: "Reuters has suspended a 
photographer until investigations are completed into changes made to a 
photograph showing smoke billowing from buildings following an air strike on 
Beirut. Reuters takes such matters extremely seriously as it is strictly against 
company editorial policy to alter pictures." 

"As soon as the allegation came to light, the photograph, filed on Saturday 5 
August, was removed from the file and a replacement, showing the same scene, was 
sent. The explanation for the removal was the improper use of photo-editing 
software," she added.

Earlier, Charles Johnson, of the Little 
Green Footballs blog , which has exposed a previous attempt at fraud by a 
major American news corporation, wrote : "This Reuters photograph shows blatant evidence of 
manipulation. Notice the repeating patterns in the smoke; this is almost 
certainly caused by using the Photoshop “clone” tool to add more smoke to the 

News version of photo 
(Photo: Reuters)

Johnson added: "Smoke simply does not contain repeating symmetrical patterns 
like this, and you can see the repetition in both plumes of smoke. There’s 
really no question about it." 
Speaking to Ynetnews, Johnson said: "This has to cast doubt not only on the 
photographer who did the alterations, but on Reuters' entire review process. If 
they could let such an obvious fake get through to publication, how many more 
faked or 'enhanced' photos have not been caught?" 

   A series of close ups are then posted on the blog, showing 
that "it’s not only the plumes of smoke that were 'enhanced.' There are also 
cloned buildings." The close ups do appear to show exact replicas of buildings 
appearing next to one another in the photograph. 

The Sports 
Shooter web forum , used by professional photographers, also examined the 
photo, with many users concluding that the image has been doctored.

'Looks so obviously 

 "I'll second the cloned smoke...but it looks so obvious that I 
don't know how the photographer could have gotten away with it," wrote one user. 

After further research, Johnson posted a photograph he says is the original 
image taken before distortions were made, showing much lighter smoke rising. 

  Other blogs have also analyzed the photographs, and reached 
similar conclusions, such as Left 
& Right , which states: "The photo has been doctored, quite badly." 

The author of the Ace of 
Spades blog wrote: "Even I can see the very suspicious "clonings" of picture 
elements here. And I'm an idiot."

The Hot Air blog also looked at the photo, describing the image as "the worst 
Photoshop I have ever seen." 
Adnan Hajj, the photographer who sent the altered image, was also the Reuters 
photographer behind many of the images from Qana – which have also been the subject 
of suspicions for being staged. 
"A photographer who would blatantly falsify an entire 'news' image would 
certainly not be above posing and staging photographs of rescue workers," 
Johnson concluded. 

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[cia-drugs] Thousands of troops say they won't fight

2006-08-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Thousands of troops say they 
won’t fightBy Ana RadelatGannett News 

Swept up by a wave of patriotism after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Chris 
Magaoay joined the Marine Corps in November 2004.
The newly married Magaoay thought a military career would allow him to 
continue his college education, help his country and set his life on the right 

Less than two years later, Magaoay became one of thousands of military 
deserters who have chosen a lifetime of exile or possible court-martial rather 
than fight in Iraq or Afghanistan.
“It wasn’t something I did on the spur of the moment,” said Magaoay, a native 
of Maui, Hawaii. “It took me a long time to realize what was going on. The war 
is illegal.”
Magaoay said his disillusionment with the military began in boot camp in 
Twentynine Palms, Calif., where a superior officer joked about killing and 
mistreating Iraqis. When his unit was deployed to Iraq in March, Magaoay and his 
wife drove to Canada, joining a small group of deserters who are trying to win 
permission from the Canadian government to stay.
“We’re like a tight-knit family,” Magaoay said.
The Pentagon says deserters like Magaoay represent a tiny fraction of the 
nation’s fighting forces.
“The vast majority of soldiers who desert do so for personal, family or 
financial problems, not for political or conscientious objector purposes,” said 
Lt. Col. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the Army.
Since 2000, about 40,000 troops from all branches of the military have 
deserted, the Pentagon says. More than half served in the Army. But the Army 
says numbers have decreased each year since the United States began its war on 
terror in Afghanistan.
Those who help war resisters say desertion is more prevalent than the 
military has admitted.
“They lied in Vietnam with the amount of opposition to the war and they’re 
lying now,” said Eric Seitz, an attorney who represents Army Lt. Ehren Watada, 
the first commissioned officer to refuse deployment to the war in Iraq.
Watada is under military custody in Fort Lewis, Wash., because he refused to 
join his Stryker brigade when it was sent to Iraq last month.
Watada said he doesn’t object to war but considers the conflict in Iraq 
illegal. The Army has turned down his request to resign and plans to file 
charges against him.
Critics of the Iraq war have demonstrated on the lieutenant’s behalf. 
Conservative bloggers call him a traitor and opportunist.
Joe Davis, spokesman for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, said deserters aren’t 
traitors because they’ve done nothing to help America’s enemies. But he rejects 
arguments that deserters have a moral right to refuse to fight wars they 
consider unjust.
“None of us can choose our wars. They’re always a political decision,” Davis 
said. “They’re letting their buddies down and hurting morale - and morale is 
everything on the battlefront.”
Because today’s military is an all-volunteer force, troops seeking objector 
status must convince superior officers they’ve had an honest change of heart 
about the morality of war.
The last time the U.S. military executed a deserter was World War II. But 
hundreds face court-martials and imprisonment every year.
Members of the armed forces are considered absent without leave when they are 
unaccounted for. They become deserters after they’ve been AWOL for 30 days.
A 2002 Army report says desertion is fairly constant but tends to worsen 
during wartime, when there’s an increased need for troops and enlistment 
standards are more lax. They also say deserters tend to be less educated and 
more likely to have engaged in delinquent behavior than other troops.
Army spokesman Hilferty said the Army doesn’t try to find deserters. Instead, 
their names are given to civilian law enforcement officers who often nab them 
during routine traffic stops and turn them over to the military.
Commanders then decide whether to rehabilitate or court-martial the alleged 
deserter. There’s an incentive to rehabilitate because it costs the military an 
average of $38,000 to recruit and train a replacement.
Jeffry House, an attorney in Toronto who represents Magaoay and other 
deserters, said there are about 200 deserters living in Canada. They have 
decided not to seek refugee status but instead are leading clandestine lives, he 
Like many of the people helping today’s war resisters, House fled to Canada 
to avoid the Vietnam War. About 50,000 Americans sought legal residency in 
Canada during the Vietnam era.
“You would apply at the border and if you didn’t have a criminal record, you 
were in,” House said.
He said changes in Canadian law make it harder for resisters to flee north. 
Now, potential immigrants must apply for Canadian residency in their home 
countries. Resisters say that exposes them to U.S. 
"If A Nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a 
state of civilization, it expects what neve

Re: [cia-drugs] Over 100 Dead Scientists & Microbiologists - The Master List

2006-08-06 Thread Arlene Johnson
Christina Borjeson knows the inside story of how TWA 800 came to be shot down. 
But CBS didn't want her to divulge it; that's why CBS fired her. I have always 
wondered who was on that plane that would cause the US government to want to 
shoot it down. Now this exposes it. Thanks Norgesen.


Arlene Johnson

-Original Message-
>From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Aug 5, 2006 7:59 PM
>Subject: [cia-drugs] Over 100 Dead Scientists & Microbiologists - The Master 
>B16098 / Fri, 16 Jun 2006 23:09:18 / Miscellaneous
>?While some of these deaths may be purely coincidental and seem to pose no 
>connection, many of these deaths are highly suspicious and appear not to be 
>random acts of violence. Many are just plain murders.
>If you see any incorrect dates or errors, please provide me with accurate 
>information, Thank you!
>Peace, Mark?
>[ LINK ]
>List mirrored below. Rest in peace.
>Awoken Research Group
>In the 1980?s over two dozen science graduates and experts working for Marconi 
>or Plessey Defence Systems died in mysterious circumstances, most appearing to 
>be ?suicides.? The MOD denied these scientists had been involved in classified 
>Star Wars Projects and that the deaths were in any way connected.
>Judge for yourself?
>March 1982: Professor Keith Bowden, 46?Expertise: Computer programmer and 
>scientist at Essex University engaged in work for Marconi, who was hailed as 
>an expert on super computers and computer-controlled aircraft.?Circumstance of 
>Death: Fatal car crash when his vehicle went out of control across a dual 
>carriageway and plunged onto a disused railway line. Police maintained he had 
>been drinking but family and friends all denied the allegation.?Coroner?s 
>verdict: Accident.
>April 1983: Lt-Colonel Anthony Godley, 49?Expertise: Head of the Work Study 
>Unit at the Royal College of Military Science.?Circumstance of Death: 
>Disappeared mysteriously in April 1983 without explanation. Presumed dead.
>March 1985: Roger Hill, 49?Expertise: Radar designer and draughtsman with 
>Marconi.?Circumstance of Death: Died by a shotgun blast at home.?Coroner?s 
>verdict: Suicide.
>November 19, 1985: Jonathan Wash, 29?Expertise: Digital communications expert 
>who had worked at GEC and at British Telecom?s secret research centre at 
>Martlesham Heath, Suffolk.?Circumstance of Death: Died as a result of falling 
>from a hotel room in Abidjan, West Africa, while working for British Telecom. 
>He had expressed fears that his life was in danger.?Coroner?s verdict: Open.
>August 4, 1986: Vimal Dajibhai, 24
>NOTE: My records show this date to be Oct. 1986?Expertise: Computer software 
>engineer with Marconi, responsible for testing computer control systems of 
>Tigerfish and Stingray torpedoes at Marconi Underwater Systems at Croxley 
>Green, Hertfordshire.?Circumstance of Death: Death by 74m (240ft.) fall from 
>Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bristol. Police report on the body mentioned a 
>needle-sized puncture wound on the left buttock, but this was later dismissed 
>as being a result of the fall. Dajibhai had been looking forward to starting a 
>new job in the City of London and friends had confirmed that there was no 
>reason for him to commit suicide. At the time of his death he was in the last 
>week of his work with Marconi.?Coroner?s verdict: Open.
>October 1986: Arshad Sharif, 26?Expertise: Reported to have been working on 
>systems for the detection of submarines by satellite.?Circumstance of Death: 
>Died as a result of placing a ligature around his neck, tying the other end to 
>a tree and then driving off in his car with the accelerator pedal jammed down. 
>His unusual death was complicated by several issues: Sharif lived near Vimal 
>Dajibhai in Stanmore, Middlesex, he committed suicide in Bristol and, 
>inexplicably, had spent the last night of his life in a rooming house. He had 
>paid for his accommodation in cash and was seen to have a bundle of 
>high-denomination banknotes in his possession. While the police were told of 
>the banknotes, no mention was made of them at the inquest and they were never 
>found. In addition, most of the other guests at the rooming house worked at 
>British Aerospace prior to working for Marconi, Sharif had also worked at 
>British Aerospace on guided weapons technology.?Coroner?s verdict: Suicide.
>January 1987: Richard Pugh, 37?Expertise: MOD computer consultant and digital 
>communications expert.?Circumstance of Death: Found dead in his flat in with 
>his feet bound and a plastic bag over his head. Rope was tied around his body, 
>coiling four times around his neck.?Coroner?s verdict: Accident.
>January 12, 1987: Dr. John Brittan, 52
>NOTE: My records show this one to be 1986?Expertise: Scientist formerly 
>engaged in top secret work at the Royal Col

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: C.I.A. Worker Says Message on Torture Got Her Fired

2006-08-06 Thread Arlene Johnson
Norgeson asked a question "Who would want to get behind it?" So let me attempt 
to answer that question.
The person(s) who would want to get behind that are the idiots who believe 
Bush's lies, i.e. the brainwashed in the country.
They're also the ones who believe that we have a democracy, freedom of speech, 
and other wonderful ideals.

So toward that end, I established a new Blog yesterday. It's called "usa is a 
corporation now" and it is at http://usaisacorporationnow.blogspot.com

If there is anyone on this list who feels that the US is a democracy, check out 
this Blog. Others please pass it along to people you know who think that the US 
is a democracy that we are losing.

We can't lose what we never had; we have never had a democracy.


Arlene Johnson

-Original Message-
>From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Aug 5, 2006 3:19 PM
>To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: C.I.A. Worker Says Message on Torture Got Her Fired
>Message to All Army Interrogators 
>Hey guys, I read the latest Esquire magazine where an Army interrogator talked 
>about interrogation techniques they used. It was shocking, but not entirely 
>surprising. What Econo-Girl found surprising was that the interrogators were 
>being lied to by military attorneys.
>The Army interrogators were told that the Geneva Conventions didn't apply to 
>the people they were questioning. Why? Because the Attorney General said so. 
>Now of course, no other U.S. Attorney General has ever held that opinion and 
>no court has ever agreed with him, but never mind. The non-attorney 
>interrogators were told that if anyone went to prison for what they were 
>doing, it would be the lawyers telling them it was OK.
>Come, now. You're sober, right? How could you possibly believe that? When has 
>a pencil-necked attorney ever stuck his head out? 
>Believe Econo-Girl when she tells you that if you did it, you will be nailed 
>for it. Wasn't Ollie North? Except you won't be getting a radio show out of 
>the deal. After all, you'll be a torturer. Who would want to get behind that?
>A little escape to the beach has done a lot to clarify things for Econo-Girl. 
>Most of the post that started this whole mess was about outlining the law to 
>non-attorneys who might be put in compromising legal positions. I saw it as a 
>way of empowering them to say 'no' to prison for themselves. In retrospect, 
>that's what got me fired. Not the sentence fragment that everyone is so 
>hysterical about. I was going to expose the legal lie.
>The Importance of Being Earnest 
>When Econo-Girl made the ill-fated decision to criticize torture she was being 
>a naive fool. After all, hadn't the DoD and the CIA both decided to adhere to 
>the Geneva Conventions? I really meant what I said, but apparantly they did 
>not. Hence, the termination of employment.
>Ah, well. What's done is done and there are no regrets, although a little 
>pain. At a certain point in one's spiritual development, beliefs and actions 
>must agree. That, in the end, is what happened. It was a process I didn't have 
>full control of. There was a lot of profit in compartmentalization, after all.
>Econo-Girl has the full support of many in the intelligence field. She knows 
>this because she is continually approached and thanked for her outspokeness. I 
>thank you in return. Your words of support have meant a lot to me.
>Refuting a Defense of Torture: Saving Lives 
>A couple of recurring arguements are made to defend the practice of torture, 
>one of which is that if it will save lives. Such a discussion often goes like 
>"So if some guy knows about an attack, and torture will get him to talk, it 
>will save lives. So torture is OK then."
>The fallacy of that point is it rarely is the case that the government knows 
>exactly who knows of an impending attack. How is it that you are going to know 
>the guy sitting in front of you has the information to save lives? These 
>terrorist cells practice compartmentalization of information, so only a few 
>will know enough details to tip off authorities. How could someone tell if 
>they have that guy in custody? Of course, they won't. 
>So what are the options then? An interrogator could torture every person who 
>hits the radar screen of suspicion. You know, just in case. And the whole time 
>tell himself that he is saving lives. Another option is to choose someone who 
>seems like a leader, and torture that guy until something good comes out. Of 
>course, such things tend to be self-fulfilling prophesies. 
>This entire point of view is supported by the belief that people tell the 
>truth under physical duress. How about that they will tell you anything to get 
>the pain to stop? That seems more likely.
>--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Arlene Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: