Remember, regardless of who is president, as Kucinich said: " As president,I 
will need a very good congress, and the majority would be better."
So we still must get 2/3 of the Congress, both the House and Senate to really 
restore our Constitutional Laws.
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Louisiana Senator
Mary Landrieu
Senator Landrieu has toiled tirelessly to make all of the resources needed for 
Hurricane Katrina recovery. MORE
Political Roundup
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Hall of Shame
Republicans: Is this it?
Pryor working on consumer protection
Interview: U.S. Senate Candidate Rick Noriega on the Issues
Disappearing Act 
  Finer Man 
Gordon Smith Offers Praise for GOP Obstruction
New Video: Schaffer's Disappearing Act
The Roadblock Republicans
Mitch McConnell: Year in Review
January: McConnell Called Himself Bush's "Strongest Supporter" On Iraq. 
In an interview discussing Iraq and the President's proposed troop escalation, 
McConnell described himself as "the strongest supporter of the president you 
could find in the Senate on this effort."
  February: McConnell Blocked Senate Escalation Debate, Arguing Many GOPers 
Don't Want a Debate. 
Leading the fight to block a Senate debate on Iraq in February, McConnell said, 
"let me just say there are many members on my side who would argue that we 
shouldn't be having this debate this week at all." Headlines across the country 
accused the McConnell-led Senate Republicans of blocking the essential debate.
  March: McConnell Holds Muti-Million Dollar Fundraiser With Bush, While 
Fighting his Battles in the Senate.  
On March 1, the Washington Times ran a headline that said, "McConnell fighting 
Bush's battles in Senate."  The next day, President Bush traveled to Kentucky 
for a fundraiser with McConnell that raised $2.1 million for McConnell and the 
National Republican Senatorial Committee.
  April: McConnell Voted Against War Funding Bill That Would have Set a New 
Course in Iraq. 
In April, McConnell voted against a $124 billion Fiscal Year 2007 Supplemental 
spending bill, which would have begun bringing U.S. troops home from Iraq by 
October 1, with a goal of having most troops home by March 31, 2008. In 
addition to the withdrawal, the bill provided billions of dollars for military 
equipment and health care for active duty military and returning veterans.
  May: McConnell Endorsed Scandal-Plagued Gov. Ernie Fletcher, Saying He Had 
"Never Met a Finer Man."   
In May, McConnell endorsed Republican Ernie Fletcher for Governor of Kentucky, 
saying, "I have never met a finer man than our governor, Ernie Fletcher." In 
2006, Fletcher was indicted on three misdemeanor charges for allegedly doling 
out state jobs to political supporters. The indictments came after Fletcher 
pleaded the Fifth Amendment and declined to answer questions before a grand 
jury. In August 2006, Fletcher admitted to wrongdoing in his administration as 
part of an agreement to drop the charges, but a grand jury report released 
later said that Fletcher oversaw a "widespread and coordinated plan" to avoid 
state hiring laws.  Fletcher also pardoned every member of his administration 
that was involved with the scandal.  
  June: McConnell Held Up Essential Ethics Reform and 9/11 Commission 
On a single day in June, McConnell blocked congressional Democrats' attempts to 
move forward with a sweeping lobbying reform bill and a bill to implement the 
recommendations of the 9/11 Commission.
  July: Republican Senator Accuses McConnell of "Dereliction of Duty" for 
Actions on Immigration. 
In July, columnist Bob Novak wrote, "I asked one of the few conservative 
Republican senators who stuck with President Bush on immigration to assess how 
Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell handled the issue. Asking not to be 
quoted by name, he replied: ‘If this were a war, Sen. McConnell should be 
relieved of command for dereliction of duty.' Not only did the minority leader 
end up voting against an immigration bill that he said was better than the 2006 
version he supported, he abandoned his post, staying off the floor during final 
stages of the debate." 
  August: McConnell Led the Fight Against Expanding Health Care to Over 3 
Million Uninsured Children. 
In August McConnell voted against bipartisan legislation to expand children's 
health care to an additional 3.2 million kids across America.  The day before, 
McConnell voted for and cosponsored a watered down bill that would  have 
eliminated coverage for 3.2 million kids that were covered under the bipartisan 
proposal.  The GOP alternative also changed reimbursement rules putting the 
coverage of hundreds of thousands of children in danger.
  September: McConnell Pledged to "Support the President" in Opposition to 
Children's Health Bill. 
In September, along with voting against the initial version of the children's 
health bill, McConnell signaled he would vote "no" on the final version of the 
bill as well, saying, "I intend to support the president."
  October: McConnell Knew That His Office Spread Erroneous Rumors Against 
Child, But He Still Claimed There Was No Involvement. 
In October, a McConnell aide admitted that he had sent an email to reporters 
highlighting charges made on conservative blogs accusing the family of a child 
who helped promote the children's health program of being undeserving of 
federal assistance. McConnell was aware that his staff was personally involved 
in smearing the family. But asked in an interview if his office had encouraged 
reporters to investigate the family of a young boy who had promoted the SCHIP 
program, McConnell repeatedly denied any involvement adding, "there was no 
involvement whatsoever….None." 
  November: McConnell's Handpicked Governor Loses Reelection Bid By 18-Points.  
In November, McConnell's handpicked Kentucky Gubernatorial candidate, Ernie 
Fletcher lost his bid for reelection.  Not only had McConnell picked and 
encouraged Fletcher to run in 2003, but he also heavily campaign for him in his 
2007 race.  In the final days of the campaign, McConnell appeared with Fletcher 
and praised him as "extremely intelligent" and of "wonderful character," 
McConnell even recorded radio ads for Fletcher calling him "the best governor 
for Louisville in my lifetime…" 
  December: McConnell Tried to Justify Iraq Deaths by Saying That the Soldiers 
Weren't "Draftees"  
In December, the Grayson County News Gazette reported that McConnell said, "I 
won't tell you everything is great in Iraq; it is not. But we want to keep a 
steady flow of funds so that we don't disrupt the military.  Unfortunately, 
most of our friends on the other isle are having a hard time admitting things 
are getting better; some days I almost think the critics of this war don't want 
us to win. Nobody is happy about losing lives but remember these are not 
draftees, these are full-time professional soldiers." 
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  Environment activists block EU building By RAF CASERT, Associated Press 
41 minutes ago
  BRUSSELS, Belgium - Environmental activists blocked the entrance to the main 
European Union building Monday with a 10-foot-high wall to protest the bloc's 
refusal to protect threatened stocks. 
"Shut down until the stocks recover," activists demanded, chaining themselves 
to the 60-foot-long wall that wrapped around the building entrance.
  The protest kept some EU bureaucrats from getting to work. Police removed the 
activists and the wall by midmorning.
  The stunt comes as EU ministers prepare for talks Tuesday on next year's 
fishing quotas.
  Many fish stocks in European waters are dwindling to critically low levels — 
but activists say fishermen are allowed to continue catching fish well beyond 
scientific advice.
  "Every year, the ministers decide on the fishing stocks and how many can be 
caught and show their incompetence," said Greenpeace biologist Ires Menn. "That 
is why we are closing off the building."
  EU's fisheries chief Joe Borg admitted that "most stocks remain overfished" 
in Europe.
  But along Europe's Atlantic and Baltic coasts, fishermen are complaining that 
years of stringent quotas have brought them to the brink of bankruptcy. In 
France, fishermen have gone on strike to protest rising fuel costs that have 
cut further into their profit margins.
  The prospects for the recovery of fish stocks were dim but there was some 
hope for cod. After years of decline, the ICES scientific agency announced that 
it would no longer recommend a full ban on fishing cod in the North Sea.
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          Recommend It: 
  Please go down to the bottom of the page and make calls to the senators who 
will be standing with Senator Dodd.  SenatorDodd
has been watching this to be sure that this administration is not allowed to 
break laws.  We must preserve our Constitutional Laws,
no one is above them. you will find the list of senators who will be standing 
with him.  Go to the bottom of this article and find the names and phone 
  Who Will Stand with Chris Dodd for the Constitution?
  Posted by Scarecrow , Firedoglake at 6:19 AM on December 17, 2007.
  Dodd and friends know how important it is to stop the atrocious Intelligence 
Committee bill and they need your help. Post Tools
  Gutting the Constitution
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  Gonzales Stripped of His "Lawyer of the Year" Title
Sometime today, Chris Dodd will take the floor in the US Senate and begin 
talking -- a filibuster -- and what he has to say touches on the most important 
issues facing this country. The immediate topic will be a bill to provide 
retroactive immunity to telecom companies who violated the law by helping the 
Bush Administration illegally spy on Americans. But the larger issue is whether 
Congress will ever hold a lawless executive branch responsible for its criminal 
Senator Dodd will not be alone; a handful of Democratic Senators -- including 
Russ Feingold and Ted Kennedy -- will be there to support him, and for those 
who promised to help, this is the time. They have to help him because their 
party's so-called leadership has failed, again, in an all too familiar pattern 
of ineptitude and enabling.
  Dodd and friends know how important it is to stop the atrocious Intelligence 
Committee bill, a bill that in addition to granting the telecoms immunity, does 
far too little to repair the damage Congress did last August to the 4th 
Amendment, individual liberty and privacy when they passed the dishonestly 
named Protect America Act (PAA).
Kennedy was right about this scoundrel new Attorney General!! Just as bad as 
the one we just got rid of. 
  Name/ Fax/ Phone
  Feingold (202) 224-2725 (202) 224-5323
  Dodd (202) 224-1083 (202) 224-2823
  Obama (202) 228-4260 (202) 224-2854
  Sanders (202) 228-0776 (202) 224-5141
  Menendez (202) 228-2197 (202) 224-4744
  Biden (202) 224-0139 (202) 224-5042
  Brown (202) 228-6321 (202) 224-2315
  Harkin (202) 224-9369 (202) 224-3254
  Cardin (202) 224-1651 (202) 224-4524
  Clinton (202) 228-0282 (202) 224-4451
  Akaka (202) 224-2126 (202) 224-6361
  Webb (202) 228-6363 (202) 224-4024
  Kennedy (202) 224-2417 (202) 224-4543
  Boxer (415) 956-6701 (202) 224-3553 
  Tagged as: dodd, domestic spying, warrantless wiretapping
  Scarecrow is a regular blogger for FireDogLake
  Return to PEEK  » Post Tools:  EMAIL  PRINT  5 COMMENTS  PERMALINK 
Mon, 17 Dec 2007 16:36:13 GMT 
From: "Alexandra Russell," <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: "Theresa J. Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: 24 Hours Left to Stop Big Media 
Dear Theresa J.,  
Only 24 hours to stop Big Media from getting even Bigger! 
  Call Your Senators 
  In less than 24 hours, the Federal Communications Commission plans to vote 
through rules that will let the largest media companies swallow up more local 
newspapers and TV stations. 
  If you care about the dismal state of the media, we need you to stop what 
you're doing and lend a hand. 
  We need to get at least 100 calls to every U.S. senator before 5:00 p.m. 
today asking them to pressure the FCC to delay tomorrow's vote. The Media 
Ownership Act of 2007 (S. 2332) is waiting for a vote on the Senate floor. Your 
call will make a real difference. 
  We have 24 hours to Stop Big Media. Call your Senators today. 
  Senator John Cornyn
(202) 224-2934 
  Senator Kay Hutchison
(202) 224-5922 
  Calling your senators is really easy and extremely effective in showing 
support for legislation. Here's what to say: 
  "I am calling to urge the Senator to support the Media Ownership Act of 2007 
(S. 2332). This important legislation will stop the FCC's plan to further 
consolidate media across America. The FCC's plan will drown out the few 
remaining independent voices and create less local reporting and quality 
journalism. Thank you." 
  Tell Us About Your Calls 
  Letting media kingpins buy more newspapers and television stations will make 
our dismal media worse. 99% of Americans -- liberal and conservative -- are 
saying they don't want it to happen. 
  Just last week, senators from both parties berated FCC Chairman Kevin Martin 
about his big giveaway to Big Media. He didn't flinch. He is ignoring you and 
Congress, but together we can stop them. 
  We need 10,000 calls today. Urge your friends and neighbors to make the 
phones on Capitol Hill ring off the hook: 
  24 Hours to Stop Big Media:
Tell Your Friends. 
  Please make a call now. Stand up for local media, diverse perspectives, and 
quality journalism. Raise your voice. 
Alexandra Russell
Program Director
Free Press 
  P.S. Check out today's New York Times editorial about tomorrow's vote at the 
View more information about this campaign at: 
  Tell your friends about this campaign at: 
  If you received this message from a friend, you can click here to become a 
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