[cia-drugs] The USA to confront IRAN militarily prior to November elections.

2008-09-28 Thread Bob Donatelle

In 2004 Bush scared Americans with the Bogey Man and the Terrorists
so that even though they hated Bush,   Americans re-elected him.

I have been warning for a long time that Bush will provoke Iran militarily 
just prior to the November elections so that 
McCain can come across as the Military Hero America needs

The Dutch have just discovered this to be part of Bush's plan to make McCain win

Subject: September Surprise By Justin Raimondo

September Surprise 
By Justin Raimondo
Get ready for it…

September 3, 2008

While the rest of the pundits opine about the meaning and implications
of Sarah Palin's ascension from small town mayor to prospective vice
president – and whether or not her daughter's private life is fair
game for any media outlet other than the National Enquirer – those of
us whose job it is to stand watch on the ramparts and report the real
news are wondering when – not if – the War Party will pull a rabbit
out of the proverbial hat. For months, I've been warning in this space
that an American attack on Iran is imminent, and now I see that the
Dutch have reason to agree with my assessment. Their intelligence
service reportedly has pulled out of a covert operation inside Iran on
the grounds that a U.S. strike is right around the corner – ina
matter of weeks, according to De Telegraaf, a Dutch newspaper.

As the story goes, the Dutch had infiltrated the purported Iranian
weapons project and were firmly ensconced when they got word that the
Americans are about to launch a missile attack on Iranian nuclear
facilities. They wisely decided to close down the operation and pull

Remember, the Israelis have been threatening to strike on their own
for months: what's changed is that now, apparently, the U.S. has caved
in to what is a blatant case of blackmail and has agreed to do the job
for them.

We haven't heard much about Iran lately, at least compared to the
scare headlines of a few months ago, when rumors of war were swirling
fast and furious. The Russian threat seems to have replaced the
Iranian threat as the War Party's bogeyman of choice. What we didn't
know, however, is that the two focal points are intimately related.

According to this report by veteran Washington Times correspondent
Arnaud de Borchgrave, the close cooperation of the Israelis with the
Georgian military in the run-up to President Saakashvili's blitz of
South Ossetia was predicated on a Georgian promise to let the Israelis
use Georgia's airfields to mount a strike against Iran.

The main problem for Tel Aviv, in making its threats against Iran at
all credible, has been the distance to be covered by Israeli fighter
jets, which would have a hard time reaching and returning from their
targets without refueling. With access to the airfields of the Israel
of the Caucasus, as de Borchgrave – citing Saakashvili – puts it, the
likelihood of an Israeli attack entered the world of real
possibilities. De Borchgrave avers:

In a secret agreement between Israel and Georgia, two military
airfields in southern Georgia had been earmarked for the use of
Israeli fighter-bombers in the event of pre-emptive attacks against
Iranian nuclear installations. This would sharply reduce the distance
Israeli fighter-bombers would have to fly to hit targets in Iran. And
to reach Georgian airstrips, the Israeli air force would fly over

The attack ordered by Saakashvili against South Ossetia the night of
Aug. 7 provided the Russians the pretext for Moscow to order Special
Forces to raid these Israeli facilities where some Israeli drones were
reported captured.

Reports of anywhere from 100 to 1,000 Israeli advisers in Georgia do
not bode well for the situation on the ground. With the Israelis
already installed in that country, the logistics of carrying out such
a sneak attack are greatly simplified. Israeli pilots would only have
to fly over Azerbaijan, and they'd be in Iranian airspace – and within
striking distance of Tehran.

Faced with this fait accompli – if the Dutch are to be believed – the
Americans seem to have capitulated. In which case, we don't have much
time. Although de Borchgrave writes whether the IAF can still count
on those air bases to launch bombing missions against Iran's nuke
facilities is now in doubt, I don't see why the defeat of the
Georgians in Saakashvili's war on the Ossetians has to mean the plan
to strike Iran via Georgia has been canceled. Indeed, reading de
Borchgrave's riveting account of the extent of the Tel Aviv-Tbilisi
collaboration, one finds additional reasons for all concerned to go
ahead with it:

Saakashvili was convinced that by sending 2,000 of his soldiers to
serve in Iraq (who were immediately flown home by the United States
when Russia launched a massive counterattack into Georgia), he would
be rewarded for his loyalty. He could not believe President Bush, a
personal friend, would leave him in the lurch. Georgia, as Saakashvili
saw his country's role, was the 'Israel of the Caucasus.'

Re: [cia-drugs] 911 Pan Am 103 Heroin Ops For Apartheid

2008-09-28 Thread Bob Donatelle
Please cut the Israeli propaganda
Most of us know that 9/11 was not an Arab operation
but was produced by the US govt with the help of Israel's MOSSAD--
 like the 1993 WTC bombing..

- Original Message 
From: muckblit [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 11:58:04 AM
Subject: [cia-drugs] 911 Pan Am 103 Heroin Ops For Apartheid

After Daniel Hopsicker ramped up coverage of 911 funding through Pan
Am 103 Lockerbie bomber and CIA asset Monzer Al Kasser, as of
9/11/2001 the Syrian chokepoint for Lebanese heroin, Monzer Al Kasser
has been rounded up like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Amed Omar Saeed
Sheikh. When reporters like Daniel Pearl and writers like Bernard
Henri Levy(Who Killed Daniel Pearl) starting asking uncomfortable
questions, KSM and Saeed Sheikh and Monzer Al Kasser are finally
incarcerated, but only to put up a wall to keep reporters out.

Thanks to Hopsicker, we can now add Syrian intel to Pak and Saudi
intel active in Porter Goss' hometown leading up to 911.

Pak intel's funding of chief hijacker Mohamed Atta is well documented
in mainstream news. See Paul Thompson and Bernard Henry Levy, India
Times, London and US newspapers. Hopsicker also found Saudi intel
close to several 911 hijackers, and Lebanese heroin families
apparently using Atta as a copilot, which would explain why he and the
other hijackers acted more like drug gangsters than religious fanatics.

The reason I bring this up now is that it has occured to me that
global heroin politics are receiving a facelift and makeover.
Apparently CIA made a deal with Lebanese heroin families, not Syrian
intel. Monzer Al Kasser is a Syrian, but a CIA asset first, since he
placed a CIA bomb on Pan Am 103 at Frankfurt. The CIA bomb had a Swiss
timer purchased by Prescott Bush's Gehlen Org. CIA owns Monzer Al
Kasser. After 911, Richard Armitage told Syria to let his poppies go
and leave the promised land to the Shiites who predominate in the
Bekaa Valley. I guess having Shiites control Lebanese poppies and
resurrecting the Taliban in Afghanistan works for Israel and the US today.

After Russell Opium Trust (ROT) mercs liberated poppies but not women
in Afghanistan in 2001, poppy production went from 0 to 130% of the
world's annual consumption, or 3800 tons of opium. Afghan women have
been burning themselves alive with gasoline, hundreds of women every
year, in protest of Russell Opium Trust (ROT) funding of misogynist
war lords to the detriment of the Afghan central government and Afghan
women. US money goes to men with guns in the poppy fields, not to a
central government far from precious CIA poppies. Appreciate the heart

To divert blame for raising poppy production from zero under Taliban
to 3800 tons of opium a year under Russell Opium Trust (ROT), Taliban
has been resurrected to serve as heroin strawman for Afghanistan.
Additionally, in preparation for Obama's victory over military
keynesian McCain, Afghanistan' s Helmand Valley opium growing region
has been attributed to Taliban control, Pak Pashtun smuggler zone has
been attributed to al-CIA-duh, and Helmand of course borders demonized
Iran. Add to that the attribution of Lebanese Bekaa Valley heroin to
Shiites, also linked to Iran, and a new Israeli apartheid expansionism
arises from the ashes of 911.

Presto chango, Osama bin Laden's sanctuary between Pakistan and
Afghanistan has worked so well that the Helmand Valley in Afghanistan
has been added to the off-the-map zone and CIA sanctuary of bin Laden.
Now Pak ISI, CIA, and MIb have Helmand Valley, Afghanistan,
denominated as Afghan Taliban controlled, and Pakistan's Pashtun
smuggler zone, home of Osama bin Laden, sanctuary of al-CIA-duh. Pak
ISI needs the Pashtun smuggler zone to hide from democracy in
Pakistan. Pakistan is not a democracy, as its new Ngo Dinh Diem deja
vu figurehead is not Choudhry or Nawaz Sharif.

Syria out of Lebanese Bekaa Valley, Shiites in control, associated
with Iran. Helmand Valley in control of Afghan Taliban, conveniently
resurrected after CIA brought opium production up from zero to 3800
tons a year. Pak frontier provinces bordering Afghanistan conveniently
off-the-map to reporters, sanctuary for Pak ISI, CIA Laos opium vets,
Osama, and al-CIA-duh.

Shiites controlling Bekaa Valley works for Israeli apartheid. That is
how 911, and then Laos and Afghan heroin lord Richard Armitage kicking
Syrians out of Bekaa Valley, works for Israeli apartheid to sustain US
white phosphorus holocaust on mideast civilians. McCain says he is a
zionist, and Israeli apartheid expansionism works as US policy. Palin
said that if Israel bombs Iran without consulting the US that would be
fine with her as long as Israelis believed that US interests would be
served. Israeli bombs speak for her, because McCain said that Israeli
apartheid works for US unilateral expansionism based on
British-Israeli- US apartheid as modelled in Palestine.



2008-09-18 Thread Bob Donatelle
Bernays was the architect of the Creel Commission---which got the USA into WW1 
just as a truce was underway.

The Creel Commission was a PR group that worked up the American people to hate 
Germans---so that they would be willing to go to war---which they did---and the 
devastating defeat of Germany with the subsequent Treaty of Versailles crushed 
Germany so severely that it paved the road for Hitler.

So we can thank Bernays for creating Hitler.

- Original Message 
From: roscoe drummond [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 8:15:40 AM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] FREUD, BERNAYS AND REICH

Okay RoadsEnd,, why don't you now  tell us what was, in your words, very good 
about it.


RoadsEnd [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote: 
Tis very good.  


On Sep 16, 2008, at 9:57 PM, Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:

Haven't seen this yet, but it looks good.  -Vmann

http://tracker. conspiracycentra l.net/torrents- details.php? id=1777

The Century Of The Self - Part 1of4
Happiness Machines

The story of the relationship between Sigmund Freud and his American nephew, 
Edward Bernays. Bernays invented the public relations profession in the 1920s 
and was the first person to take Freud's ideas to manipulate the masses. He 
showed American corporations how they could make people want things they didn't 
need by systematically linking mass-produced goods to their unconscious desires.

Bernays was one of the main architects of the modern techniques of 
mass-consumer persuasion, using every trick in the book, from celebrity 
endorsement and outrageous PR stunts, to eroticising the motorcar.

His most notorious coup was breaking the taboo on women smoking by persuading 
them that cigarettes were a symbol of independence and freedom. But Bernays was 
convinced that this was more than just a way of selling consumer goods. It was 
a new political idea of how to control the masses. By satisfying the inner 
irrational desires that his uncle had identified, people could be made happy 
and thus docile.

It was the start of the all-consuming self which has come to dominate today's 

http://tracker. conspiracycentra l.net/torrents- details.php? id=1778

The Century Of The Self - Part 2of4
The Engineering of Consent

The programme explores how those in power in post-war America used Freud's 
ideas about the unconscious mind to try and control the masses.

Politicians and planners came to believe Freud's underlying premise - that deep 
within all human beings were dangerous and irrational desires and fears. They 
were convinced that it was the unleashing of these instincts that had led to 
the barbarism of Nazi Germany. To stop it ever happening again they set out to 
find ways to control this hidden enemy within the human mind.

Sigmund Freud's daughter, Anna, and his nephew, Edward Bernays, provided the 
centrepiece philosophy. The US government, big business, and the CIA used their 
ideas to develop techniques to manage and control the minds of the American 
people. But this was not a cynical exercise in manipulation. Those in power 
believed that the only way to make democracy work and create a stable society 
was to repress the savage barbarism that lurked just under the surface of 
normal American life.

http://tracker. conspiracycentra l.net/torrents- details.php? id=1779

The Century Of The Self - Part 3of4
There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads: He Must Be Destroyed

In the 1960s, a radical group of psychotherapists challenged the influence of 
Freudian ideas in America. They were inspired by the ideas of Wilhelm Reich, a 
pupil of Freud's, who had turned against him and was hated by the Freud family. 
He believed that the inner self did not need to be repressed and controlled. It 
should be encouraged to express itself.

Out of this came a political movement that sought to create new beings free of 
the psychological conformity that had been implanted in people's minds by 
business and politics.

This programme shows how this rapidly developed in America through self-help 
movements like Werber Erhard's Erhard Seminar Training - into the irresistible 
rise of the expressive self: the Me Generation.

But the American corporations soon realised that this new self was not a threat 
but their greatest opportunity. It was in their interest to encourage people to 
feel they were unique individuals and then sell them ways to express that 
individuality. To do this they turned to techniques developed by Freudian 
psychoanalysts to read the inner desires of the new self.

http://tracker. conspiracycentra l.net/torrents- details.php? id=1780

The Century Of The Self - Part 4of4
Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering

This episode explains how politicians on the left, in both Britain and America, 
turned to the techniques developed by business to read and fulfil the inner 
desires of the self.

Both New Labour, under Tony Blair, and the Democrats, led by Bill Clinton, 

[cia-drugs] How does Bill Clinton KNOW 911 was an Inside Job (?)

2008-07-14 Thread Bob Donatelle
    OF SEPTEMBER 11th, 2001 

I saw a video of ex-President Bill Clinton speaking before a crowd and someone 
asked him a question about 911 being an Inside Job  and Clinton  screamed back 

That told me that Bill Clinton KNOWS that 911 was an Inside Job---and was 
trying to intimidate the questioner into silence.
I guess the next question to be asked could have been
  Mr Clinton, Please tell us what you know about the 
100 persons
    who during your administration  had crossed you, 
and  then either 
   committed suicide or mysteriously died unexpectedly
The answer would have been   HOW DARE YOU !   HOW DARE YOU!!!
I'm glad that Clinton showed the world that he knows that 911 was an Inside 
Job. What a fool!


Re: [cia-drugs] Assassination Rumors Fly as British Spy Chief Falls Ill

2008-07-12 Thread Bob Donatelle
In a statement Scotland Yard ruled it was a non suspicious incident.
That above statement makes ME  Suspicious.
 How come immediately the Yard finds 'non-suspicious a guying of no cause???

- Original Message 
From: norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 6, 2008 8:51:25 AM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Assassination Rumors Fly as British Spy Chief Falls Ill

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ps.com, Mary Hartman hartmanmary98@ ... wrote:
Very odd.   Discussed this with two Mayo physicians, one who is THE toxicology 
man for a seven state area.  
He said, It's extremely odd for someone to just lapse into a coma.  
- Original Message 
From: Vigilius Haufniensis thehatefulnerd@ ...
Sent: Friday, July 4, 2008 4:10:54 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Senior UK intelligence official in coma
this seems odd.
 Original Message  

Senior UK intelligence official in coma
Associated Press - July 4, 2008 5:03 PM ET 
LONDON (AP) - Britain's top intelligence official is in a London hospital after 
falling into a coma.
Foul play isn't suspected in Joint Intelligence Committee chairman Alex Allan's 
sudden illness. A government spokeswoman says he fell ill several days ago and 
remains unconscious.
Allan's collapse hadn't been made public until today.
Toxicology tests have been performed to determine whether the 57-year-old might 
have been poisoned, but officials haven't found any indication of foul play.
The tests were done as a precaution in part because of the 2006 death of a 
former Russian spy who died in a London hospital after being exposed to a 
radioactive element.
Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not 
be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.http://www.nebraska 
.tv/Global/ story.asp? S=8621296nav=menu605_ 2 
British spy chief in coma as Yard denies assassination claims
By Benedict Brogan
Last updated at 4:34 PM on 04th July 2008
The head of the Government's top spy committee is in a coma in hospital after 
falling mysteriously ill, it emerged today. 
Intelligence chief: Alex Allan, 56, is seriously ill in hospital after 
collapsing at his home
Alex Allan, who chairs the Joint Intelligence Committee, was found collapsed at 
home on Monday and his condition is said to be critical.
Scotland Yard denied speculation that he may have been the victim of an 
assassination attempt aimed at the heart of Britain's intelligence community.
Security sources denied any connections with the murder of Russian agent 
Alexander Litvinenko in 2006 or recent rumours of an attempt against KGB 
defector Oleg Gordievsky.
Mr Litvinenko died after his tea was poisoned with radioactive polonium 
allegedly by members of the Russian security services.
Mr Gordievsky was taken ill last autumn and has told friends he was the victim 
of a deliberate attack, a claim the security services have denied.
Mr Allan, who is responsible for assessing material produced by the UK's three 
main spy agencies, is one of Whitehall's most senior civil servants.
As a close adviser of the Prime Minister he has intimate knowledge of security 
matters raised by MI5, MI6 and GCHQ and would be an obvious target for foreign 
intelligence services.
Alexander Litvinenko shortly before he died from poisoning. Russia is now the 
third biggest threat to national security
The Metropolitan Police rushed officers to his bedside as soon as Mr Allan was 
taken to hospital after being alerted that he was a senior figure from the 
world of intelligence.
But their inquiries produced no evidence of foul-play or any suggestions that 
he might have tried to take his own life. In a statement Scotland Yard ruled it 
was a non suspicious incident.
Sources said it appeared that Mr Allan had fallen ill at home at some point at 
the weekend and lay undiscovered until Monday afternoon.
It's a mystery. He's suffered some fairly traumatic and sudden illness that 
hasn't been helped by the fact that he lay undiscovered for some time, a 
friend said.
Friends who saw him last week said he appeared his usual ebullient self 
although he later complained of feeling unwell. He had discussed with 
colleagues his plans for the summer.
It also appeared that Mr Allan, who is well known in Whitehall as a fan of the 
1970s American cult group the Grateful Dead, visited a site dedicated to the 
band on Saturday morning. 
Mr Allan led the disciplinary proceedings into a member of the JIC staff who 
was investigated earlier this year for the loss of top-secret documents on a 
His wife, the artist Katie Clemson, died last year after a seven year battle 
against cancer.
Seriously ill: Allan was a close adviser of Tony Blair on security matters
A Cabinet Office spokeswoman said: We can confirm that Alex Allan was taken 
ill on Monday and transferred to a London hospital. We cannot discuss his 
condition as it is a private matter.

Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: Bush-Cheney Crony Got Iraq Oil Deal

2008-07-12 Thread Bob Donatelle
Just in case y'all don't realize it
 ---Ahmed Karzai---Afghanistans head---and American stooge
---used to be the main man for the American Oil company Unocal.
Now you know the rest of the story

- Original Message 
To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs Cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, July 6, 2008 12:47:51 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Fwd: Bush-Cheney Crony Got Iraq Oil Deal

Begin forwarded message:

From: Consortiumnews. com consortiumnews@ mail.democracyin action.org
Date: July 5, 2008 8:32:04 PM PDT
Subject: Bush-Cheney Crony Got Iraq Oil Deal
Reply-To: consortiumnews@ mail.democracyin action.org

Oilman Ray Hunt had close ties to the Bush family and Dick Cheney dating back 
years, giving him an important leg up in landing a controversial oil deal with 
Iraq's Kurdistan regional government. 
For the full story, go to Consortiumnews. com.
We have set a mid-year fundraising goal of $40,000. So far, we are only 
one-eighth of the way there. Please consider a tax-deductible donation to help 
us meet our goal.
You can donate by credit card online or by mailing a check. (For readers 
wanting to use PayPal, you can address contributions to our account, which is 
named [EMAIL PROTECTED] com.).
Or you can send a check to: Consortium for Independent Journalism (CIJ); Suite 
102-231; 2200 Wilson Blvd.; Arlington, VA 22201.

With donations of $100, we'll send you an autographed gift copy of our latest 
book, Neck Deep: The Disastrous Presidency of George W. Bush. (Or you can 
request that we substitute either Robert Parry's Lost History or his book on 
the rise of the Bush dynasty, Secrecy  Privilege.)

With donations of $150 or more, we'll send the hard cover version of Neck Deep. 
(We also have a few copies left of Parry's Trick or Treason, which we can 
substitute, if you wish, while supplies last.)

As always, thank you for your support!

To remove yourself from this list, click here: http://www.democrac yinaction. 
org/dia/organiza tions/consortium news/unsubscribe .jsp?remove



Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: Don't Look, Don't Tell

2008-07-10 Thread Bob Donatelle

Don't let Bush get away with it.
He is going to lplan with  Israel for Israel to attack Iran
---and that will be the mechanism for how the USA will get to be at war
   without Bush taking blame for it-
--and then, with the nation in a new war,
---the American public will be scared into voting for  McCain.



Re: [cia-drugs] Ron Paul

2008-07-10 Thread Bob Donatelle
I'll vote for Ron---if he runs.

- Original Message 
From: Mary Hartman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 11:56:04 AM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Ron Paul

Posted June 28th, 2008 by Jdayh 
NATIONNevada has set a landmark in the halls of history. Today they 
have reconvened and remade the NEVADA GOP...and even as I am posting this they 
are electing delegates to the NATIONAL CONVENTION.. ..(mostly, if not all, Ron 
NEVADAwith will allow them to NOMINATE HIM FROM THE FLOOR which is what 
this whole thing is really all about. Once he has a state that he legally 
wins(ie gets the majority of delegates for that state) He can then be nominated 
for President at the National Republican Convention. THIS MEANS THIS CAMPAIGN 
Here is a bit of information on how they are doing this legally
They did not have a quorum based on the old convention, but that convention has 
been invalidated due to rule breaking.(see below in bold) So now they have a 
new quorum with full attendance.Which means it is fully legal and shall 
withstand the scrutiny of legal challenges that may come
There is no former convention, the convention NEVER recessed. The convention 
has always been going on. Under RONR (10th. Ed.) sec. 20, p. 222, ln. 30,
A recess is a short intermission in the assembly's proceedings, commonly only 
of a few minutes, which does not close the meeting and after which business 
will immediately be resumed at exactly the point where it was interrupted. 
Thus, by definition, a recess can never be used to close a meeting. Under RONR, 
there are two types of recess: (1) a privileged motion to recess, requiring a 
majority vote, or (2) a unilateral recess being declared by the chair if it was 
provided for in the agenda or program. On April 26th, a RECESS was not provided 
for in the program or agenda (even though the agenda on April 26th. may have 
provided for ADJOURNMENT at a particular time, completely different from a 
Thus, the purported recess on April 26th. would have been valid ONLY if a 
motion to recess was made and seconded by the convention delegates, and the 
motion was voted on by a majority of delegates. Even then, however, the recess 
could not have been used to close the meeting.
For this reason shown above they now have a new quorum that is roughly 300 (a 
bit more) delegates. And now business is taking place with full legality and 
force of law behind them. WE THE PEOPLE SHALL AND WILL PREVAIL!
word to every man, women and creature that we can still win Ron Paul the 
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Re: [cia-drugs] Judge Napolitano Why The Patriot Act is Unconstitutional

2008-07-09 Thread Bob Donatelle
The Nazis set fire to the Reichstag (Parliament)
 ---and blamed the Communists 
---and used the Reichstag fire to justify all kinds of erstwhile illegalities. 
And---the someones  set fire to the WTC 
 ---and blamed the Arabs
 ---and used the WTC fire to justify all kinds of erstwhile illegalities.
And when the Nazis were told that the Reichstag was on fire
---they did not rush out to do something about it---
they just sat there and continued drinking their beer---
and waited  till the next events unfurled---like they knew what was coming 
When Bush was told that  the WTC was on fire 
---he did not rush out to do something about it ---
---he just sat there and continued reading My pet Goat
---and waited till the next events unfurled---like he knew what was coming next.
When Hitler wanted to get control of the people,
 he passed the enabling Act.
When Bush wanted to get control of the people,
he passed the Patriot Act
Bush's Patriot Act versus Hitler's Enabling Act 
- Original Message 
From: Scott Munson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2008 10:19:27 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Judge Napolitano Why The Patriot Act is Unconstitutional

Judge Napolitano: Why The Patriot Act is Unconstitutional.
ctrl-subscribe@ yahoogroups. com   This short video says it all !!!Judge 
Napolitano: Why The Patriot Act is Unconstitutional
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=kNRSs6LsGeI
No Ice @ N Pole this summer?
http://www.independ ent.co.uk/ environment/ climate-change/ exclusive- 
no-ice-at- the-north- pole-855406. html

Rachel's #965: The Dirt on Cleaners http://www.rachel. org

Oil's rise is mainly dollar's devaluation, OPEC chief says
ctrl-subscribe@ yahoogroups. com
http://www.gata. org/node/ 6391/print

The Dow-Crash, The Dollar, Gold, and WAR!
cia-drugs-subscribe @yahoogroups. com
http://www.safehave n.com/article- 10635.htm

When Central Bankers Clash, Stock Markets can Crash
cia-drugs-subscribe @yahoogroups. com
http://www.safehave n.com/article- 10607.htm

EU Constitution Kingpin: We Will Ignore Referendums
infowarsnews- subscribe@ yahoogroups. com
http://www.infowars .net/articles/ june2008/ 270608EU. htm

Along For Fluoride 
http://rinf. com/alt-news/ contributions/ along-for- fluoride/ 3992
 If you knew that someone was putting poison into your water supply, what would 
you do? Call the authorities? Well don’t bother cos it’s the government wot’s 
doing it!

http://www.911forum .org.uk/board/ viewtopic. php?p=121340

Shape-shifting DARPA spybots that squeeze through cracks crevices
ctrl-subscribe@ yahoogroups. com http://aftermathnew s.wordpress. com/page/ 3

Bush Just Wants To PROTECT Us ...
All he asks is that you give up a few mere civil liberties in return: 
http://www.democrat icwarrior. com/forum/ showthread. php?t=67708

DAY 51- The True Story Of Waco is a one hour video added as a Special on 
6/27/08 to the http://www.truthque stonline. info/NEWS_ VIEWS.html page of the 
Truth Quest website. Also added is an article containing 3 short videos, which 
I have titled: WHAT ABOUT WTC-7 ?. It is a preview of a documentary coming 
out next month by Bermas that will be titled : FABLED ENEMIES. Look for it. 
Best wishes, Bob __._,_._

ctrl-subscribe@ yahoogroups. com
http://www.truthque stonline. info/NEWS_ VIEWS.html 


Re: [cia-drugs] Emergency Official Witnessed Dead Bodies In WTC 7

2008-06-30 Thread Bob Donatelle
It's very sad to know that your Government is crooked
---as crooked as other governments we were taught to not trust.

--- On Tue, 6/24/08, Scott Munson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Scott Munson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [cia-drugs] Emergency Official Witnessed Dead Bodies In WTC 7
Date: Tuesday, June 24, 2008, 1:00 AM

Emergency Official Witnessed Dead Bodies In WTC 7
doctorplum-subscrib [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
http://www.thealexj onesshow. com/articles/ june2008/ 230608-official- 
witnessed. html
http://www.thealexj onesshow. com/articles/ june2008/ 230608-official- 
witnessed. html

Emergency Official Witnessed Dead Bodies In WTC 7

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, June 23, 2008

Exclusive video of emergency official Barry Jennings discussing
explosions inside WTC 7 before either of the twin towers had collapsed
and having to step over dead bodies of victims as he attempted to
vacate the building has been released for the first time.

The clip, which was originally intended to feature in Loose Change
Final Cut but had to be withdrawn according to Jennings' wishes after
he had received threats, has now been made public in anticipation of a
BBC documentary about Building 7 which is expected to skew Jennings'
account in an attempt to reinforce the official story.

In reality, what Jennings witnessed completely contradicts the
official story of what happened to Building 7.

On the morning of 9/11 in his capacity as Deputy Director, Emergency
Services Department, New York City Housing Authority, Jennings and
Michael Hess, who is a founding Partner and Senior Managing Director
of Giuliani Partners LLC, visited the Office of Emergency Management
inside Building 7 only to find it had been abandoned.

Article continues w/clip:
http://www.thealexj onesshow. com/articles/ june2008/ 230608-official- 
witnessed. html

 - - --

Upon arriving into the OEM EOC, we noticed that everybody was gone, said 
Jennings. I saw coffee that was on the desk, the smoke was still coming off 
the coffee, I saw half-eaten sandwiches, he stated, adding that he and Hess 
were told to leave the building right away.

Jennings and Hess found a stairwell and descended the stairs.

When we reached the 6th floor the landing that we were standing on gave way, 
there was an explosion and the landing gave way, I was left there hanging, I 
had to climb back up and walk back up to the 8th floor, said Jennings.

The explosion was beneath meso when the explosion happened it blew us 
backboth buildings (the twin towers) were still standing, he added.

I was trapped in there for several hours, I was trapped in there when both 
buildings came down - all this time I'm hearing all kinds of explosions, all 
this time I'm hearing explosions, said Jennings, adding that when firefighters 
took them down to the lobby it was in total ruins.

For me to see what I saw was unbelievable,  said Jennings.

Barry Jennings.

The firefighters kept saying to Jennings do not look down because, according 
to Jennings, we were stepping over people and you can tell when you're 
stepping over people.

A police officer then told Jennings, you will have to run because we have 
reports of more explosions.

I'm just confused about one thingwhy World Trade Center 7 went down in the 
first place - I'm very confused about that - I know what I heard I heard 
explosions, said Jennings, adding that the explanation that the explosions 
were as a result of fuel oil tanks in the building did not add up.

I'm an old boiler guy, if it was a fuel oil tank it would have been one side 
of the building, he stated.

Footage inside the Millennium Hilton building lobby, which was closer to the 
WTC twin towers than Building 7, shows minimal damage after both towers had 
collapsed in comparison with devastating damage in the lobby of WTC 7, as 
reported by Jennings, before either tower had even collapsed.

Jennings' eyewitness report of explosions inside WTC 7 before the towers had 
collapsed as well as dead bodies inside the building completely contradicts the 
official story, which maintains that there were no fatalities inside Building 7.

If WTC 7 collapsed as a result of damage it sustained from the fall of the twin 
towers, as the official version claims, then why were explosions taking place 
inside the building before either tower had collapsed?

The BBC hit piece documentary, which airs on July 6th, features an interview 
with Jennings but according to Loose Change's Jason Bermas, the program will 
distort Jennings' comments in an attempt to sideline the shocking nature of 
what he witnessed and the blatant manner in which his experiences contradict 
the official story.

According to Bermas, during their interview with members of Loose Change, the 
BBC denied that Jennings had stepped over dead bodies when he left the 
building, a claim disproved by Jennings' own statements in the