January 26, 2007 -- Deputy White House Director of Communications for Policy 
and Planning Cathie Martin, who was Vice President Dick Cheney's chief media 
adviser, testified at the Scooter Lobby trial yesterday that Cheney and Libby 
orchestrated the media attack on Ambassador Joseph Wilson and his covert CIA 
agent wife, whose identity was compromised in the White House retaliatory 
conspiracy against the Wilsons. So far, Fitzgerald has presented evidence of a 
deep White House conspiracy to punish the Wilsons for an op-ed Ambassador 
Wilson wrote in the New York Times highlighting that Bush's comments in his 
2003 State of the Union address about Iraq trying to obtain yellowcake uranium 
from Niger was bogus. However, Fitzgerald took the road of trying to nail Libby 
for perjury and obstruction of justice, giving former White House Press 
Secretary Ari Fleischer and, possibly, Karl Rove, immunity from obstruction 
and/or perjury charges and the much more serious criminal conspiracy charges 
that would also implicate Cheney and George W. Bush. In a previous statement by 
Theodore Wells, Libby's attorney, Rove was considered a top priority for 
protection from an indictment because of his important role in securing Bush's 
re-election in 2004. Fitzgerald has always claimed that he would not allow 
politics to influence his criminal probe. However, in giving Rove a 
pre-election pass and running out the statute of limitations clock to the point 
the Wilsons were forced to file a civil suit against the key White House 
perpetrators, including Cheney, Libby, and Rove, last June, Fitzgerald has 
consistently shown he follows a political time clock in a very political 
criminal case that rivals Watergate and Iran-contra in the involvement of 
senior White House officials in a major criminal conspiracy.

There is also a reference to the State of the Union -- that Bush's inclusion of 
the yellowcake intelligence was a "serious mistake" and that "Bush needs to 
explain." If Cheney, Libby, and/or Martin believed that Bush made a serious 
mistake and then proceeded to attack Joe Wilson, who merely stated such in his 
New York Times OP-ED, the crimes of the White House are even more serious. 

The production by Fitzgerald of handwritten notes from Martin at yesterday's 
trial prove that Cheney, Libby, and others conspired in the assault against the 
reputation of Joseph Wilson and the public airing of his covert CIA wife's 
identity. And the Martin notes also point out the close propaganda relationship 
before the Iraq War between Cheney's office and certain Washington, DC 
journalists. In fact, the planned use of Washington journalists to convey the 
White House's attack against the Wilsons puts into the garbage can any notion 
of the journalistic "independence" of NBC Meet the Press host and DC bureau 
chief Tim Russert, the Washington Post's Bob Woodward and Walter Pincus, the 
New York Times' David Sanger, and certain "newsmag" reporters in Washington, 
certainly a reference to Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News & World Report -- all 
corporate-controlled propaganda contrivances. These "Julius Streichers" of the 
Bush regime are as guilty for carrying the water for the Bush White House as 
the actual perpetrators of the Iraq-Niger bogus intelligence and the attack 
plan against the Wilsons.


Cheney's media adviser Cathie Martin wrote down Cheney's options for attacking 
the Wilsons in the media. First was to go to White House lickspittle and 
General Electric (major defense contractor)/NBC employee Tim Russert. The memo 
also mentions "leak" to Sanger (David Sanger NYT), Pincus (Walter Pincus, 
Washington Post), and "newsmag." In February 2004, Bush said, "If there's a 
leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is . . . If the person has 
violated law, that person will be taken care of . . . Leaks of classified 
information are bad things." There is also a reference to Bob Woodward and 
calling intelligence and sitting in a room and debate. Martin crossed out the 
names of National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley and Scooter Libby (Scooter) 
as action managers for the leak. However, Cheney's (VP), Donald Rumsfeld's, and 
Condoleeza Rice's (Condi) names are left intact. This memo is the smoking gun 
for the criminal conspiracy against the Wilsons, one that also compromised 
Brewster Jennings & Associates and their work to stem the flow of weapons of 
mass destruction. The memo is actionable evidence against Cheney, Libby, Rice, 
and Hadley. Libby's defense team has already implicated Karl Rove. The written 
memos being produced by both sides in the Libby trial are the "Watergate 
tapes," the smoking guns to justify immediate articles of impeachment against 
Bush and Cheney.



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