-<50K Iraqi Refugees Forced Prostitution
  + D.C. Madam on Cheney in MP3= 10,000 Clients in 13 yrs-
  Dis-Member in November. 2008 - Our Own Impeachment Party
    It is not about Getting Mad - It is about Getting Even !
  '50,000 Iraqi refugees' forced into prostitution 
  Women and girls, many alarmingly young, 
  who fled the chaos at home are being further betrayed 
  after reaching 'safety' in Syria 
  By Nihal Hassan in Damascus 
Published: 24 June 2007 

    It's Monday night in a dingy club on the outskirts of the Syrian capital. 
  Two dozen girls are moving half-heartedly on the dance floor, 
  lit up by flashing disco lights. 
  They are dessed in tight jeans, low-cut tops and knee-high boots, 
  but the girls' make-up can't disguise the fact 
  that most are in their mid-teens. It's a strange sight 
  in a conservative Muslim country, but this is the sex business, 
  and it's booming as a result of the war in Iraq.
  Backstage, the manager sits in his leather chair, doing business. 
  A Saudi client is quoted $500 for one of the girls. 
  Eventually he beats it down to $300. Next door, in a dimly lit room, 
  the next shift of girls arrives, taking off the black all-covering 
  abayasthey wear outside and putting on lipstick and mascara.
  To judge from the cars parked outside, the clients come from 
  all over the Gulf region - many are young Saudi men escaping 
  from an even more conservative moral climate. 
  But the Syrian friend who has brought me here tells me that 
  95 per cent of the girls are Iraqi.
  Most are unwilling to talk, but Zahra, an attractive girl 
  with a bare midriff and tattoos, tells me she's 16. 
  She has been working in this club 
  since fleeing to Syria from Baghdad after the war.
   She doesn't like it, she says, "but what can we do? 
  I hope things get better in Iraq, because I miss it. 
  I want to go back, but I have to look after my sister".
   Zahra points to a thin, pubescent girl with long black hair, 
  who seems to be dancing quite happily. 
  Aged 13, Nadia started in the club two months ago.
  As the girls dance suggestively, allowing their breasts 
  to brush against each other, one winks at a customer. 
  But these girls are not just providing the floor show - 
  they have paid to be here, and they need to pick up a client, 
  or they'll lose money. If successful, they'll earn about $60, 
  equivalent to a month's wages in a factory.
  There are more than a million Iraqi refugees in Syria, 
  many are women whose husbands or fathers have been killed. 
  Banned from working legally, they have few options outside 
  the sex trade. No one knows how many end up as prostitutes, 
  but Hana Ibrahim, founder of the Iraqi women's group Women's Will, 
  puts the figure at 50,000.
  I met Fatima in a block of flats operating informally as a brothel 
  in Saida Zainab, a run-down area with a large Iraqi population. 
  Millions of Shias go there every year, because of the shrine 
  of the prophet Mohamed's granddaughter. 
  "I came to Syria after my husband was killed, leaving me 
  with two children," Fatima tells me. 
  "My aunt asked me to join her here, and my brothers pressured me to go." 
  She didn't realise the work her aunt did, and she would be forced 
  to take up, until she arrived.
  Fatima is in her mid-20s, but campaigners say the number 
  of Iraqi children working as prostitutes is high. Bassam al-Kadi 
  of Syrian Women Observatory says: 
  "Some have been sexually abused in Iraq, but others are being 
  prostituted by fathers and uncles who bring them here 
  under the pretext of protecting them. 
  They are virgins, and they are brought here like an investment 
  and exploited in a very ugly way."
  Further viewing: Nihal Hassan and Nima Elbagir's report 
  will appear on 'More4 News' at 8pm tomorrow 

  The Free Press <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  D.C. Madam reveals Cheney in MP3 - 10,000 Clients in 13 yrs
  The Free Press offers this breaking news story 
  via the Progressive Revolution Radio program:

[Editor's note]: 
  The D.C. madam spoke about the reason she is facing RICO 
charges, insisting that her case is a "political case." 
  About her records, she said "...once these records are released 
  en masse to a multitude of responsible investigators and journalists 
  be they independents or mainstream, the truth will be gotten to. 
  And in those records there are probably 20, 50, 100, possibly more, 
  Randall Tobiases, Dick Morrises, Harlan Ullmans, and yes, 
  the name of Dick Cheney has been touted 
  on more than one occasion in those records.
 And, can you imagine the -
  - it will be Watergate times how many people!" 
  The D.C. Madam says her client list includes 10,000 people 
  over "13 or so years." 

http://radio.freepress.org is a streaming media project of freepress.org, 
Bob Fitrakis, Editor.

In peace...

  The Free Press

  None are more Enslaved than those 
  who Falsely Believe they are Free. ~ Goethe
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  Have Fun Trashing Scam & Spam!
  Abuse Issues and IP Addresses
  To Find and Expose.
  Tutorial on Querying ARIN's WHOIS 

  Is that e-mail message a Scam?
      General (USA) Taguba said to Seymour Hirsch, that after Gen. 
  Abazaid told him that the Abu Graib Report would only hurt him. 
  - His reply to Abazaid : I have been in the US Army 32 years 
  and this is the first time l think l am in the Mafia.

  Finnegan, The Squirrel Puppy 
  (WARNING! Lethally Cutesy!!)
  Would you RFID Chip this Baby?
  - For Zionism to Win -
  Honest Jews Must keep their Mouth Shut.
    Don't "Socialize with Social Lies".
    (((((Sonnets for a DEAF CULTURE)))))
  - Funding the Hitler Project - (75K)

  Uraniun for All
  Description:  Video I made in Melbourne, Australia for a laugh. 
  I wanted to see if Aussies really had any idea of the potential 
  time-bomb they were sitting on. China wants to buy a lot of this stuff, 
  I guess coz the supply of oil's not too dependable any more.. 
  Everything you always "Didn't-wanna-know" about DU
  15 Identity Coerrections
  David Horowitz
  The upshot is: I believe speakers like DH, Ann Coulter, and others 
  cannot be approached with sincere argument, but 
  CAN be subverted through identity correction. 
  Take their message to the logical extreme - even quoting 
  from their own publications, if possible - but instead of 
  - presenting their views as if they belong in the mainstream, 
  - demonstrate how extremist they really are, foam at the mouth, etc., 
  while still blending in with the true believers and supporters.
  "That's how WE pander to social conservatives..."
    Useful Idiot is a politically explosive term,
  exposing what many of us are, inadvertantly.
  Basically using our human instincts, to be diverted to evil ends.

      (Best to Copy and Paste URLs, then carefully 
    Close up any Spaces created by list posting )
    - West's Transnational Oligahchy -
        140+ Miscreants - behind the NWO 

    Learn who Tries to Control OUR PLANET. (Graph)

  All the Connections - Pick your Local Target (People & Orgs.) 
  (After Opening, Click inside Lower Right corner to enlarge )
    Leaked Video of US troops in Iraq. 
  They're tired of the war, America is tired of the war, 
  and the so is the rest of the world. We can't say we agree 
  with what these soldiers are saying, we think it's very sad 
  that this is their attitude toward these Iraqi kids...
  but this is a reflection of their frustration with their own situations 
     ~  when will this bloody war finally just be over?


  Possum News Network:
  ...Because the Truth is out there somewhere...
  Skull & Bones .gif
  ZioNazi Medal? Zionist Star with Swastika on Opposite side

  Exposing Satanism, Witchcraft and the Satanic New World Order


  Video about Uranium Weapons in Afghanistan 
  I hope you will watch this short video taken by Dr. Muhammed Miraki 
  in his native Afghanistan. If there is any doubt about what uranim 
  weapons do to the developing fetus, this film makes it horribly clear.
    Stick this in the Face of - The Right to DeForMed Life Types -
  FREE: Bloodspots for a Literary Rating system:
    (to Paste into posts, depending on severity of content.)
  (a good way to Triage your Posts)

  Patriot Act 5 Disclaimer Notice: 
This post & all my past & future posts 
represent parody & satire & are all intended 
for entertainment and amusement only.

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