Here we are again. Another meeting this year in May 31-June 3, 2007.  Why isn't 
there a web site on this topic?  These are the people who are planning the new 
world order, and also our North Atlantic Union, which is the forerunner of the 
Big Brother New World Order (Police State)!
  Theresa J. Steed
  -<Bilderberg Conf. May 31-J03 + You Receive-What They Believe-You De   Posted 
by: "Useful Idiot" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   autodelete66   Thu Apr 5, 2007 6:58 am 
(PST)   -<Bilderberg Conf. May 31-June 03 - Istanbul 
+ You Receive What They Believe You Deserve>-
------------ --------
http://www.bilderbe htm#bb2007

The Bilderberg Conference 2007 

Please feel free to speculate and discuss 
possible venues and dates here - 
http://www.bilderbe viewforum. php?f=3 

Join PEPIS here 
http://groups. group/pepis/

04Apr07 - Bilderberg 2007 in Istanbul btw May 31-Jun 03 
http://www.bilderbe htm#bb2007

17Jan07 - American Chronicle - 
You Receive What They Believe You Deserve
http://www.bilderbe htm#deserve

04Apr07 - Bilderberg 2007 in Istanbul btw May 31-Jun 03 

Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 18:34:14 -0700 (PDT) 
Subject: Bilderberg 2007 in Istanbul btw May 31-Jun 03 
Hi Tony, 
Referring to one of the participant -Cengiz Candar (turkish jurnalist) 
- the meeting will be held in Istanbul between May 31-June 03 
http://www.referans gazetesi. com/haber. aspx?HBR_ KOD=63588& ForArsiv= 1 


http://www.american chronicle. com/articles/ viewArticle. asp?articleID= 19256

You Receive What They Believe You Deserve 

Nancy Levant 
January 17, 2007 

The global Government Movement 
was designed by the wealthiest men in our world. 
It was designed to support 
their corporations, 
their foundations, 
their opinions, and the continuance of 
their family dynasties. 
It was designed to merge their corporate powers 
with and into governmental powers. 
It was designed to hand themselves total control 
of the world€ ¦’²s wealth, which means land. 

They achieved their missions, first and foremost, 
by capturing financial control of research and development, 
and they did so by funding research and development 
via their corporate foundations. 

They also created the United Nations. 
They created Private Clubs that could operate in secret, like 
the Council on Foreign Relations, 
the Bilderberg Group, 
the Trilateral Commission, etc., and they also 
Created Training Grounds for future comrades 
via the Secret Societies 
inside of their Ivy League Universities. 

The lives and perks of such people 
are beyond what commoners can imagine. 
The power and the money at their disposal are, frankly, 
beyond our comprehension. 

It is, in fact, mostly impossible for commoners to believe. 
Hence, the current state of their global affairs exists. 

Our € ¦’³freedom€ ¦’´ is no more than a figment of Our Imaginations 
and truly an untruth. 
We have no freedom. 
It is, in fact, nonexistent. 

Politicians are no longer politicians. 
They work for the world€ ¦’²s elite and 
represent No Common Man or country. 
They are highly paid - brainwashers, 
- visioning facilitators, - deceivers, - liars, and - thieves. 

We are forced to pay their salaries. 
We are forced to fund all global governance initiatives, 
which literally stole the wealth, property, savings, 
and security of every commoner on the planet. 

The wealth that was amassed in the last 3 Decades 
by these criminals truly is beyond comprehension 
€ ¦’¶ literally beyond the comprehension of common people. 

We live in unfathomable states of ignorance. 
We have been robbed blind, 
yet we still can€ ¦’²t acknowledge the theft of our money, 
livelihoods, children, potential, nation, and future. 

The truth be told, we are no longer American people. 
We are Communists living amidst a bureaucratically evolving 
dictatorship that has been steadfastly planning for our awakening. 

As we recently discovered, the rest of our American military 
will be leaving the homeland very soon € ¦’¶ the young men 
and women who are told they are protecting their homeland. 

They have closed many of our homeland military bases, 
while building global bases on foreign soil, and at the same time 
they have raised new paramilitary forces on American soil. 

In fact, there are so many new paramilitary forces on the homeland 
that, again, one cannot fathom their power, their intentions, 
or their loyalty to another system of governance. 

Equally, the American commoner does not realize 
that he is now under the governing auspices of regional governors 
€ ¦’¶ governors that were appointed to power (not elected to power) 
€ ¦’¶ and that we, the people, don€ ¦’²t even know 
who they are, 
what they are doing, 
where they are located, or to 
whom they serve. 

These new governing bodies in the United States were illegally raised, 
and they were raised without the knowledge of the American people. 

The problem is the American people are clueless 
as to what is/was legal in the United States. T
he regional system of governance was crafted and raised 
by our elected representatives. 

We paid their salaries as they constructed a dictatorship on American 
soil according to the plans and dictates of their master handlers. 

They committed treason. 
Their intentions were to overthrow Constitutional America 
and every right granted to each and every one of us. 

Their missions were accomplished. 
America is no longer America, 
and we are no longer people with rights and freedom. 
I suggest to you that you have no freedom whatsoever. 

We could look to the powers of our state capitols,
but unfortunately for us, our state governors are also no longer 
working for the United States or the people of the individual states. 

They are working for the Federal government, which is not 
an American entity nor working under Constitutional Law. 

The Federal government is a global governing body operating 
under Communitarian Law, which is the same system of law 
used by the European Union. 

America is a global region that is merging with 
Mexico and Canada into the North American Union. 

These global regions serve under the auspices of the emerging 
global economy, or one system of economics, which was invented 
and implemented by the marriage of international banks 
to transnational corporations. 

We, the world€ ¦’²s people, 
are the laborers to this new economic system 
€ ¦’¶ nothing more € ¦’¶ nothing less. 

America is lowering its standard of living, 
while the Third World is raising its living standards. 
Once € ¦’³equity€ ¦’´ is achieved, we will all live meager lives 
in service to corporations IF AND ONLY IF 
we comply with this New World Dictatorship. 

This, my stupid American friends, is Communism. 
Now, let€ ¦’²s look at some trends in our new world. All public schools 
and daycare centers in America are literally crawling with 
- € ¦’³mental health / social / emotional / literacy€ ¦’´ Professionals 
- literally crawling with them. 
This cannot be denied. 

They are also pigeon-holing every American child 
into labor-destined categories, while € ¦’³assessing€ ¦’´ 
the € ¦’³social€ ¦’´ condition of students and their families. 
This also cannot be denied. 

Food delivery is changing all across the U.S. Meat 
is becoming unaffordable by design at the United Nations, who has 
determined that people need to eat predominantly vegetarian diets. 

We have been made squeamish about beef and poultry 
via Mad Cow and Bird Flu media frenzies. 

Equally, we note all the new brand meats 
in all our groceries stores € ¦’¶ brands we€ ¦’²ve never seen, 
which come from outside of the United States. 

All of us older Americans also note that meat 
is very different than it use to be in taste, color, and texture. 
Weekly or monthly food deliveries are being advertised 
as fabulous and successful weight loss alternatives, 
but in actuality, we are witnessing a desensitizing tactic 
that benignly introduces the concept of food rationing. 

We see this same desensitizing tactic with implantable ID chips, 
which we are told helps to curb kidnappings. 

The truth is that sub-dermal chips are now being considered 
for all newborns (much like mandatory Social Security numbers). 
Food control and rationing is coming in the form of 
€ ¦’³here are your rations € ¦’¶ and that€ ¦’²s it.€ ¦’´ 

We have already witnessed the closing of smaller food markets 
all across America. Eventually, I suggest that € ¦’³stores,€ ¦’´ 
and the freedom we have to use them, 
will cease to exist minus some transnational superstores, 
where we have witnessed a decline in our quality food supply. 

Our health and health care is deteriorating. 
Most American people cannot afford quality health care. 
Quality care has become the venue for the very rich, 
and millions of American people have been bankrupted 
by our health care system. 

As such, our global representatives now prepare our regional 
health care system, which will, again, lower the availability 
of quality medical treatment for all € ¦’¶ and particularly for the elderly, 
the infirmed, and the undesirable elements of our new society. 

€ ¦’³Co-housing,€ ¦’´ and the creation of American € ¦’³villages€ ¦’´ headed up 
by € ¦’³facilitator€ ¦’´ appointed governors, is the new housing mandate 
of our representatives and their United Nations€ ¦’² masters 
(The U.N. calls them € ¦’³human settlements. ) 

If you want a shocking awakening, type the word 
€ ¦’³Co-housing€ ¦’´ into your search engines and go onto 
some of the co-housing community websites. 

Read their € ¦’³missions€ ¦’´ and thoroughly investigate all their menu items. 
See Communist sectors all dolled up American media-style. 
See what it€ ¦’²s like to live as a community laborer 
according to dictatorship, spies, and total control and propaganda. 

To end, all pending legislation € ¦’¶ all of it € ¦’¶ is 
1) unknown to the American public, and 
2) destroying every single freedom that you thought was secured 
by the Constitution of the United States. 

The people running this country are not American 
by any stretch of the imagination. T
hey are Communist sympathizers, employees, and facilitators. 
We€ ¦’²ve been had. We€ ¦’²ve been lazy. 
Now, we will get what they think we deserve. 
We€ ¦’²re on our own. 
============ =========
- The Real Question is:
Which AIPAC Zionist Approved & Controlled Candidate 
- are We Allowed to Choose from?

============ =========
Dysfunctional Bush Bumperstickers:
Support the BUSH - 30% MAJORITY!
97% of Sunnis and 66% of Shias
Want U.S. to Stay!

============ =========
- If you get a chance,
- Always Choose RepukeLican LIARS
It's Harder to Catch DeMockRat LIARS.
============ ========= =
"A Society that is in its higher circles and middle levels 
widely believed to be a network of smart rackets 
does not produce men with an Inner Moral Sense; 
- a society that is merely expedient 
does not produce men of conscience. 
A society that narrows the meaning of "success" to the big 
money and in its terms condemns failure as the chief vice, 
raising money to the plane of absolute value, 
will produce the sharp operator and the shady deal. 

Blessed are the cynical, 
for only they have what it takes to succeed." 
~ The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills 
============ ========= ====
People Likely Criminally Involved in the 9-11 Conspiracy
http://www.indybay. org/newsitems/ 2007/03/10/ 18375283. php

The Foulest of Them All
http://www.dieoff. org/page168. htm
============ ========= =
"The Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave 
them the Power to Create Money, and with a flick of the pen 
they will create enough money to buy it back again. 

However, Take Away from them the power to create money, 
and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear 
and they ought to disappear, for a better world to live in. 

But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay 
the cost for your own slavery, let them continue to create money."
~ Sir Jostah Stamp, Former Director of the Bank of England.
============ ========= ==
Patriot Act 5 Disclaimer Notice:
This post and all my past and future posts
represent Parody and Satire and are all intended
for Entertainment and Amusement purposes Only.

It's Time for Congress to Get a Moral Backbone .gif

http://www.rutherfo Commentary/ DeckofCards. gif

Plan against the New World Order http://100777. com/plan
Introduction and Mission Statement http://100777. com/

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