China's expanding military contacts in Latin America worries U.S. 

U.S. government is concerned about China's expanding military, 
economic and other efforts in the Western Hemisphere, a State 
Department official last week said. 

"We have noted, and are following closely, what appear to be 
expanding military-to-military contacts between China and countries 
in the region," said Charles S. Shapiro, principal deputy assistant 
secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs. 

The U.S. Southern Command, the military command responsible for 
Latin America, said defense officials from China have made 20 visits 
to Latin America and the Caribbean and nine Latin defense chiefs 
have visited China. 

"In addition, we are watching closely increased educational 
exchanges between China and several Latin American and Caribbean 
countries, and seek to ensure that they do not undermine the 
commitment of Latin American militaries to democracy and civilian 
control," Shapiro told a Senate subcommittee. 

"As China considers arms sales to the region, we will apply our 
general policy of seeking transparency and accountability in these 
sales and are concerned about the risk of diversion of weapons to 
illegal armed groups, which threaten the peace and security of the 

U.S. estimates of Chinese military assistance to the hemisphere are 
not reliable, he said. "However, we note that U.S. military 
assistance is preconditioned on adherence to basic principles of 
good governance and transparency, and we encourage China to adopt 
similar principles," Shapiro said. 
China has supplied military goods to Cuba in recent years. 

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