Watch this excellent TV news report about a medical researcher named Paul
Polak who was replaced by two H-1B visa holders at the University of

The video is also archived on youtube at:

Notice anything ironic about the video? 

Here is your first clue to the question: Senator Durbin (D-IL) is the big
ham being interviewed in the video who is talking about his bill to reform
H-1B. He sounds like a true friend of the working men and women of the USA.
According to Durbin he would save people like Polak from being replaced by
H-1Bs. Suspicious yet? If not, you should be!

Second clue: Guess who introduced the DREAM ACT as an amendment to the
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 bill (HR 1585)?

I won't keep you guessing -- it was Senator Durbin!

Durbin even introduced his lousy excuse of an H-1B/L-1 visa reform to HR
1585 -- right after his sponsorship of the DREAM ACT. If you want to read
his cruel joke go here:

(254) S.Amdt. 2237 by Sen. Durbin [D-IL]
Amendment information not available.
Proposed: Jul 16, 2007. 

"H-1B and L-1 Visa Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act of 2007"
(255) S.Amdt. 2238 by Sen. Durbin [D-IL]
Amendment information not available.
Proposed: Jul 16, 2007. 

Be sure to read these excellent articles on the DREAM ACT:
A Sleeper Amnesty: Time to Wake Up from the DREAM Act
Treason Lobby's DREAM Act -- Amnesty For Anchor Adults

*****  SEE, I TOLD YOU SO!  *****

When Durbin introduced the H-1B reform bill I was one of the very few that
were skeptical. I received widespread criticism from immigration reformists
for questioning Durbin. Some people even accused me of being a "Democrat
Basher" -- which is kind of strange considering the large number of
newsletters I devote to bashing Republicans. Even Lou Dobbs was duped by
that snake. Dobbs gushed all over Durbin even to the point of plugging his
book, which I won't mention because I won't support his drivel with my
devalued U.S. dollars!

Just for the record, here are just a couple of those newsletters. 

2007-04-03 Dubin's bill on H-1BL-1 
2007-04-05 hoopla over DurbinGrassley bill to reform H-1BL-1 

*****  MY PREDICTION  *****

Senator Durbin introduced the reform bill in trade for support of the SKIL
bill. Now that the SKIL bill bit the dust you can bet that Durbin will let
this one die a silent death. Amd 2238 was a quid pro quo so that Durbin and
Grassley could use to vote for SKIL.


Sen. Durbin Wants to Change Visa Law to Protect U.S. Jobs  
Last Edited: Friday, 01 Jun 2007, 10:33 PM CDT  
Created: Friday, 01 Jun 2007, 7:13 PM CDT  

Chicago  --  Illinois Senator Dick Durbin has introduced a new bill that
takes aim at immigration and jobs in the U.S. He says it's time American
companies give qualified citizens the first shot at job openings. Anita
Padilla looks at the proposal and one man's frustrating job search. 

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