Ritual Abuse Conference - August 2010

Dioceses  oust abusers they had pledged to monitor By RACHEL ZOLL (AP) 
NEW YORK  — At the peak of the Roman Catholic clergy sex abuse crisis, the 
discipline plan  American bishops adopted prompted dioceses to remove nearly 
all accused clergy  from the priesthood. Some of the men, however, were 
considered too old or sick  to be kicked out. Instead, bishops barred those 
clerics from functioning as  priests and promised to keep watch over them in 
supervisory programs that would  keep the men far from children.
But interviews with canon lawyers, church  child protection officials and 
experts who advise them found that, eight years  after the plan was approved, 
few of those diocesan programs exist. Church  leaders are more likely to 
oust a cleric from the priesthood than monitor him.  

Child abuse witnesses get death threats  04 Jul 2010 Police  investigating 
claims of child abuse by Belgian clergy say they are probing death  threats 
against witnesses and magistrates. The threats have been made to  witnesses 
who gave information to the police and to the magistrates who may end  up 
judging the case. Last month, police raided a meeting of Catholic bishops as  
part of a probe into allegations of child abuse by priests in Belgium.  

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