------ Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" <dasg...@aol.com>
> Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 22:33:54 EDT
> To: Robert Millegan <ramille...@aol.com>
> Cc: <ema...@aol.com>, <j...@aol.com>, <jim6...@cwnet.com>
> Subject: "CIA Gone Rogue" -- Secret CheneyBush Programs Embedded in
> Pentagon/CIA/DHS

> On the Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC today, two stories that, arguably, may be
> interconnected: (1) The right-wing fundamentalist Christian "cult" called "the
> Family" which, behind the scenes, is handling damage control for exposed
> Republican hypocrites Sen. Ensign and Gov. Stanford (both of them "cult"
> members), and (2) the buried-in-the-late-Friday-newscycle revelations about
> WHY CIA director Leon Panetta pulled the plug on a CIA program he himself
> discovered only by accident, telling the Select Committee on Intelligence
> behind closed doors that the CIA has been lying and keeping both the president
> and Congress in the dark.
> [1] 
> "The Bush White House so strictly controlled access to its warrantless
> eavesdropping program that only three Justice Department lawyers were aware of
> the plan, which nearly ignited mass resignations and a constitutional crisis
> when a wider circle of administration officials began to question its
> legality, according to a watchdog report released Friday.   The unclassified
> summary by five inspectors general from government intelligence agencies
> called the arrangements 'extraordinary' ..."  "The information on the program
> had been so closely held that [Cheney's chief of staff David] Addington denied
> a request by the National Security Agency's inspector general to see a copy of
> the Justice Department memo supporting the Terrorist Surveillance Program."
> ... "The White House had found it much easier to go it alone, in secret."
> In fact, very few officials at intelligence agencies like the NSA, FBI or CIA
> were allowed to know about the program's existence because Dick Cheney's
> office had restricted the "need to know" to only a few key operatives (who,
> presumably, were diehard far-rightwing extremists loyal to Der Fuehrer) [who
> are still in place, unexposed, still carrying out Dick Cheney's orders behind
> the Democratic President's back].
> http://freeinternetpress.com/story.php?sid=22073
> [2]
> Clips of sermons preached at "The Family" and an interview with a person who
> infiltrated the "Christian" cult attested to the fact that the group, hiding
> behind the name "Jesus," demands the same kind of blind self-sacrificing
> loyalty as demanded of Nazi Party members under Hitler and Red Guards under
> Mao Tse-Tung, both cited as "admirable examples" to be emulated ... Not at all
> coincidentally, "the Family" has a long history of sponsoring allegedly
> evangelical "missions" to Third World dictatorships for the benefit of the
> GOP's ultra-rich and war profiteers.  It's also consistent with its unique
> "Christian leadership" training for Republican political wannabes (who get to
> use the "discreet" back-channel financing of this secret society as a
> stepping-stone to public office), who are explicitly told that --using the
> example of King David, sinner, adulterer and murderer-- when one is "chosen BY
> GOD" to "lead," "the [Biblical] rules no longer apply."
> [For more see 
> http://www.amazon.com/Family-Secret-Fundamentalism-Heart-American/dp/006055979
> 9]
> The CheneyBush dictatorship left "stay-behinds."  It doesn't matter who's
> "president" anymore.
> Without the knowledge or awareness of the executive branch, congress, or the
> directors of federal intel agencies, top-secret domestic intelligence programs
> crafted by Dick Cheney that were "UNRELATED TO TERRORISM" <paraphrasing the
> inspector generals' report just released*> -- i.e., presumably used by
> Republicans POLITICALLY for blackmail, obstruction of justice, and possibly
> assassinations as well-- CONTINUE TO OPERATE inside the federal government
> behind the deepest cover.
> Never mind elections --"Darth Vader" is STILL running the US government by
> remote control.
> ---------------
> *"... were determined not to have any connection to terrorism"
> http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/07/10/warrantless-wiretapping-yielded-lim
> ited-results-report-says/?test=latestnews
> <http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/07/10/warrantless-wiretapping-yielded-li
> mited-results-report-says/?test=latestnews>
> Looking for love this summer? Find it now on AOL Personals
> <http://personals.aol.com/?ncid=emlcntuslove00000003> .

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