------ Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" <dasg...@aol.com>
> Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 16:52:26 EDT
> To: Robert Millegan <ramille...@aol.com>
> Cc: <ema...@aol.com>, <j...@aol.com>, <jim6...@cwnet.com>, <l...@legitgov.org>
> Subject: Independent Investigation Into Pentagon Attack Yields Alarming
> Information

>   Independent Investigation Into  Pentagon Attack Yields Alarming Information
>  8/30/2009   
> http://www.news-n-views.com/asp/articlenews.asp?art_id=2560&issue_date=8/30/20
> 09&place=0659587&edent=2167894
> A three year independent investigation into the September  11, 2001 attack on
> the Pentagon has yielded new eyewitness evidence which,  according to the
> Southern California-based researchers who conducted the  investigation,
> ³conclusively (and unfortunately) establishes as a  historical fact that the
> violence which took place in Arlington that day  was not the result of a
> surprise attack by suicide hijackers, but rather a  military black operation
> involving a carefully planned and skillfully  executed deception.²
> They have compiled the most pertinent  testimony into an 81 minute video
> presentation entitled National Security  Alert, which has earned the respect
> and praise of a growing number of  distinguished academics, journalists,
> writers, entertainers, pilots, and  military personnel.
> The investigation involved multiple trips to  the scene of the crime in
> Arlington, Virginia, close scrutiny of all  official and unofficial data
> related to the event, and, most importantly,  first-person interviews with
> dozens of eyewitnesses, many of which were  conducted and filmed in the exact
> locations from which they witnessed the  plane that allegedly struck the
> building that day. It was primarily  conducted by two men named Craig Ranke
> and Aldo Marquis, also known as  Citizen Investigation Team, or CIT.
> ³There were a growing number of people in the United  States and around the
> world who were suspicious of the government¹s story  about what had happened
> at the Pentagon that day,² Ranke explains. ³The  doubts were initially fueled
> by the dubious damage to the building, which  seemed incompatible with a 757
> crash, the deliberate lack of transparency  by the authorities, and many other
> issues, but they really intensified  after a team of professional pilots
> (Pilots for 9/11 Truth) analyzed the  data obtained from the National
> Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) via a  Freedom of Information Act request
> in 2006, which was supposedly from the  black box of American Airlines Flight
> 77, and found that the last reported  altitude of the plane was far too high
> to have struck the light poles or  the building. This meant that either the
> plane did not cause the observed  physical damage, that the government had
> released fraudulent data, or  both.²
> ³We were tired of the cover-up, but we were also frustrated  with the dead-end
> theorizing that was taking place², says Marquis of the  project¹s genesis. ³We
> knew that the only way we were ever going to know  what had really happened
> was if we actually went to the area, knocked on  doors, and interviewed
> everyday people about what they saw.²
> When  these eyewitness accounts are aggregated, they paint a very disturbing
> picture, say the researchers.
> ³To put it as concisely as possible,  the plane had to have flown on a very
> specific flight path in the final  seconds before it reached the Pentagon in
> order to have caused the  observed damage, starting with the light poles that
> were photographed on  the ground and ending with the directional damage to the
> building itself  which was outlined in detail by the American Society of Civil
> Engineers,²  explains Ranke. ³The government claims the plane flew on this
> flight path  and hit the building. The eyewitnesses in all of the most
> critical vantage  points, on the other hand, independently, unanimously, and
> unequivocally  report a drastically different flight path, proving that the
> plane  absolutely could not have hit the light poles or the building. It is a
> non-controversial scientific fact that a strike from this trajectory would
> have caused a very different damage path.²
> It wasn¹t just  witnesses who watched the plane approach the building that the
> team spoke  with, however.
> ³We¹ve also published our interview with a Pentagon  police officer who saw
> the plane flying away from the Pentagon immediately  after the explosion²,
> says Marquis. ³We already knew that the plane could  not have hit based on the
> testimony of the witnesses on the other side of  the building who watched it
> approach, but it was still vindicating to get  this kind of confirmation.²
> A 2006 Scripps Howard/Ohio University  poll found that ³More than a third of
> the American public suspects that  federal officials assisted in the 9/11
> terrorist attacks or took no action  to stop them so the United States could
> go to war in the Middle East.²  Nevertheless, Ranke and Marquis acknowledge it
> is still quite  controversial to claim, as they do, that ³criminal elements
> within the  U.S. government² were complicit in the attacks.
> ³If you are  skeptical of (or even incensed by) this statement we do not blame
> you,²  reads a note on the front page of their website,
> CitizenInvestigationTeam.com. ³We are not asking you to take our word for  it,
> nor do we want you to do that. We want you to view the evidence and  see with
> your own eyes that this is the case. We want you to hear it  directly from the
> eyewitnesses who were there, just as we did.²
> Many people seem to be taking them up on this offer. Their  video has already
> received almost 70,000 views online since it was first  posted to their
> website a few weeks ago with only a grass roots  promotional effort behind it.
> Perhaps more notable than the size of  the audience, however, is the caliber
> of some of the people in it. A  newly-published compendium of endorsements on
> the  CitizenInvestigationTeam.com website includes praise from a wide array of
> distinguished and well-respected Americans.
> Emmy-award winning actor and former president of The  Screen actors Guild, Ed
> Asner, calls the film a ³reasoned, and methodical  look at witness testimony
> the day the Pentagon was attacked on Sept.  11th².
> Prolific non-ficition author Dr. Peter Dale Scott,  Professor Emeritus of the
> University of California, Berkeley affirms that  the film ³successfully rebuts
> the official account of Flight 77¹s flight  path on 9/11 as it approached the
> Pentagon².
> ²If you accept the placement of the plane as independently  and unanimously
> reported by the witnesses presented in CIT's video  National Security Alert,
> science proves that it did not cause the physical  damage at the Pentagon on
> 9/11/2001², says FAA certified pilot Robert  Balsamo.
> Dr. David Ray Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor  Revisited: 9/11, the
> Cover-Up, and the Exposé and many other titles, says  he is ³pleased to be
> able to recommend this important film with  enthusiasm², while scholar,
> author, and radio host Dr. Kevin Barrett says  that the film proves ²that the
> official version of the attack on the  Pentagon is false, and that the attack
> must have been a deceptive military  operation, not the kamakaze crash of a
> hijacked commercial jet.²
> Scott McKinsey, an award-winning network television  director, says ³The DVD
> offers no theorizing or speculation; only  corroborated eyewitness evidence
> contradicting the official flight data to  support an overwhelming argument
> that a plane did not slam into the  Pentagon on 9/11².
> Architect Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and  Engineers for 9/11
> Truth (AE911Truth.org), a coalition of over 700  professional architects and
> engineers calling for a new independent  investigation of the destruction of
> the three skyscrapers in New York on  9/11 (the third was World Trade Center
> 7), calls the film ³long overdue,  but worth waiting for² and says that it
> ³deserves serious  attention².
> Retired Navy Commander and aviator James R.  Compton calls National Security
> Alert ³the best reporting I've seen in a  long, long time² and ³a must see for
> every citizen in our  country².
> ²Government and media figures who dare ignore  evidence this conclusive do so
> at their own peril², warns Lt. Col. Shelton  Lankford, a retired Marine pilot
> who has flown 303 combat  missions.
> The full quotes  from these individuals and others can be read at:
> http://www.CitizenInvestigationTeam.com/praise.html
> <http://www.citizeninvestigationteam.com/praise.html>
> National Security Alert can be viewed for free online  at
> http://www.CitizenInvestigationTeam.com/nsa.html
> <http://www.citizeninvestigationteam.com/nsa.html>

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