------ Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" <dasg...@aol.com>
> Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 08:10:13 EST
> To: Robert Millegan <ramille...@aol.com>
> Cc: <ema...@aol.com>, <j...@aol.com>, <jim6...@cwnet.com>,
> <christian.r...@daegis.com>
> Subject: The Young Have No Jobs but the Old Get Social Security, so .. MUG THE

> "Oh dear, oh dear, whatever shall we do?  Life would be GRAND if only we
> didn't have to waste our trillions in tax-free unearned income on the 'help.'
> Why are there SO MANY of them now?  What's the un-messiest way to 'thin the
> herd'?  What did we use on the bees that bothered our rosebuds?"
> Greek crisis may store hidden benefits for Europe
> Brian Love 
> <http://blogs.reuters.com/search/journalist.php?edition=us&n=brian.love&;> ,
> European Economics Correspondent - Analysis
> Mar 2, 2010
> http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6211DP20100302
> PARIS (Reuters) - Greece's debt crisis may end up helping Europe in the long
> run if it pressures governments to start addressing the potentially colossal
> costs of pensions and healthcare in coming decades.
> During the boom years of the past decade, racy rates of economic growth and
> ultra-cheap credit gave governments less incentive to prepare for a looming
> surge in the retiree population, and they were under little if any financial
> market pressure to do so.
> But pension reforms being launched in Spain, France and Greece suggest the
> Greek crisis is now focusing governments' attention on those problems, and
> even giving them the political cover to act.
> "Greece's woes have dragged everyone's longer-term fiscal prospects under the
> harsh lights of the interrogation room, and several countries have realized
> that in the longer term, they're all like Greece," said UniCredit economist
> Marco Annunziata.
> "One quick look at the consequences seems to be enough to send them scrambling
> for remedial action. If that is the case, we should all be grateful to
> Greece."
> Politicians facing voters every few years tend to balk at reforms that
> compromise their hopes of a return to office but pension age increases would
> conceivably be harder to reverse than tax hikes. And the pressure is on right
> now.
> Indeed, the debts that the financial markets are so nervous about in Greece
> and several other European countries are dwarfed by estimates of the burden on
> governments if their commitment to future pensions is added to the mix.
> U.S. economist Jagadeesh Gokhale calculates that adding all such "off balance
> sheet" liabilities would leave Greece with a debt worth 875 percent of gross
> domestic product rather than the 120 percent of GDP officially forecast for
> this year.
> For the EU as a whole, the burden would have to be restated at more than 434
> percent of GDP, roughly five times the official count.  He estimates Spain's
> total burden at 244 percent of GDP, Germany's 418 percent, Britain's at 442
> percent and France's at 549 percent, versus a Greece-like U.S. figure of 890
> percent.
> Gokhale, who wrote a report on the issue last year for the Cato Institute, a
> Washington think-tank, uses his figures to argue that governments should
> gradually withdraw and let the private sector handle pensions and healthcare.
> But that ignores another option; pension and healthcare benefits are a social
> contract any government can rewrite and that is what Greece, Spain and soon
> probably France are doing by raising the retirement age at which people are
> entitled to a pension.
> In Britain, the opposition Conservative party is promising to do something
> similar if it wins an election later this year and the Danish government spoke
> again of reforming the country's early retirement system when it said last
> week it would step up fiscal consolidation efforts in the years ahead.
> Street protests last week over plans to raise Spain's retirement age to 67
> from 65 show how fast the Socialist government there chose in the face of
> immediate pressures to take steps that will ease the longer-term financial
> strains of an aging population.
> Greece, desperate to convince debt investors that it can fix its ragged public
> finances, is also considering plans to raise average retirement age to 63 from
> 61 along with tax reforms and a brief amnesty for tax evaders that may boost
> notoriously weak government revenues longer term.
> And in France, President Nicolas Sarkozy is working on more reforms of the
> pay-as-you-go pension system that could feasibly push retirement age beyond a
> current average of 60, in addition to other structural cost-cutting steps such
> as non-replacement of one in two retiring civil servants.
> The reasons for taking such painful measures have been clear for some time but
> are becoming more so as financial markets grow wiser to the extra debt
> governments are saddled with as they emerge from recession.
> For much of the time since it joined the monetary union in 2001, Greece
> enjoyed trouble-free access to relatively cheap credit on bond markets but the
> speed at which that benign climate came to an end has delivered a wake-up for
> more than Greece.
> The total sovereign debt of the 27 European Union countries is set to increase
> by about a third between 2008 and 2011 alone, from 63 to 84 percent of GDP,
> the European Commission says.
> That increase largely reflects the damage recession caused to public finances
> through lost government income and higher public spending but it comes at a
> particularly inauspicious moment as the costs of catering to an aging
> population accelerate.
> With the number of pensioners set to more than double [in comparison to] the
> working-age population in the next 50 years, the Commission estimates that
> government spending on pensions, healthcare and other age-related areas will
> rise on average by 4.3 percentage points of GDP, from an EU average of 23.2
> percent in 2010.
> Greece faces a particularly daunting challenge if it does not alter policy;
> the Commission estimates that [Greece's] age-related spending needs will rise
> about four times more than the EU average, or 16 percentage points, over those
> 40 years.
> The fact that European governments appear to be concentrating at the moment on
> steps to limit structural spending drift rather than temporary tax hikes is
> "particularly welcome" as a result, said Deutsche Bank economist Gilles Moec.
> Tens of thousands of protesters took to the Athens streets to protest over
> government austerity last week and the specter of pension reform sparked
> protests too in Spain and France.
> Unfortunately for many governments, old age is not the only additional strain
> public finances have to bear as Europe crawls out of recession with a banking
> sector that is still dependent on massive public support.
> Ireland has for example created a "bad bank" to buy stricken land and property
> development loans from the country's troubled banks at a price of some 54
> billion euros, money that bad bank could in theory recoup over time.
> Add that 54 billion of contingent "bad bank" liabilities and Ireland's debt
> ratio soars from the official 78 percent of GDP to 110 percent of GDP. Even
> there, the bad bank liabilities are just a part of "off-balance-sheet"
> commitments that would push the grand total to 405 percent of GDP in Gokhale's
> calculations.
> Dublin has EU approval to keep the bad bank liabilities "off balance sheet,"
> just as the White House did after the mortgage finance agencies Fannie Mae and
> Freddie Mac were taken under state control last September.
> If all those off-balance-sheet commitments were accounted for, Cato's Gokhale
> says EU governments would on average need to set aside 8.3 percent of GDP
> every year until 2050 to cope, or else gradually raise taxes to 60 percent of
> GDP.
> While they offer a pointer, his calculations remain controversial because they
> lump debt that governments have raised and must repay in bond markets with
> contingent liabilities they can alter through policy change.
> "It is too early to consider our affluent societies doomed, but it is clear
> severe adjustments will have to be made," said Pierre Cailleteau, head of
> global sovereign ratings at Moody's Investors Service.

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