The wicked ENDTIME - NOT the RIGHTEOUS!  

--- On Tue, 7/20/10, James Rucker, 
<> wrote:

From: James Rucker, <>
Subject: It’s working -- confronting Tea Party racism
To: "Nathaniel X Vance" <>
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 5:23 PM

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Key Tea Party leaders remain silent on racism

Join us in forcing them to confront racism, or admit the Tea Party is a home 
for it:

Dear Nathaniel,

Since Friday, more than 35,000 of you have demanded that Tea Party leadership 
act after one of the movement's most prominent leaders, Mark Williams, attacked 
the NAACP with a racist blog post and several offensive statements.1,2  Under 
pressure on Sunday, the National Tea Party Federation sent a Black spokesperson 
on TV to announce that it had cut ties with Williams, and his group, the Tea 
Party Express.3

It's a step in the right direction, but it's clearly not enough.  The Tea Party 
leaders you'd actually recognize, people like Sarah Palin and Dick Armey, have 
stayed silent or denied that any racism exists in their ranks.4  And there's 
been no attempt to tackle the systemic problem of racism within the Party.  
It's time for leadership to speak up.

If the Tea Party is serious about not being a home for racism there are two 
things all its leaders and groups must do now:

Publicly make clear that Mark Williams and the bigotry he stands for aren't 
welcome in the Tea Party movement


Adopt a clear policy stating that racist and bigoted rhetoric and imagery will 
not be tolerated — by leaders, groups, or candidates — and will result in 
expulsion from Tea Party organizations

You can help us force the hand of Tea Party leaders by calling on them to come 
out of the shadows and speak up. They need to make a choice — get serious about 
confronting the racism in their movement, or show, with their inaction, that 
they welcome and rely on bigotry as a part of their movement.

Either way, we need you to make it happen.  Please take a moment to add your 
voice now, and then ask your friends and family do the same:

While it's important to acknowledge that one group, the Tea Party Federation, 
met part of our demands on Sunday, the reality is that they did it in the most 
cynical way possible.  When they dropped Williams, they refused to acknowledge 
the fact that Williams went unchallenged as a key leader after he called the 
President an "Indonesian Muslim turned welfare thug"5 — or after one of many 
other racist rants.6  They tried to downplay Williams' role in the movement and 
maintained that there was no pattern of racism or bigotry in their movement.

How it started

On Tuesday of last week, the NAACP passed a resolution calling on the Tea Party 
to denounce the racist elements within its ranks, a bold and important move.7  
On Thursday, Mark Williams of the Tea Party Express (one of the movement's most 
prominent leaders) responded by publishing a blog post full of nasty racist 
stereotypes about Black people.8  On Friday, thousands of ColorOfChange members 
took action to back up the NAACP and demand that Tea Party leaders expel 
Williams, and what he represents, from their movement.9

On Sunday, the National Tea Party Federation (one of several national Tea Party 
groups) banished Williams and the Tea Party Express, but they refused to take 
responsibility for confronting this element of their movement, and have 
continued to attack the NAACP for raising the issue in the first place.10  
Meanwhile, the Tea Party Express is defending Williams, refusing to remove him 
from their leadership, and attacking the Tea Party Federation as an 
illegitimate group that doesn't really represent the Tea Party.11

For the Tea Party movement to show that it's serious about confronting the 
racism within its ranks, prominent Tea Party leaders need to denounce Williams 
and the bigotry he represents, and they need to make themselves publicly 
accountable for purging racism from their movement.

It's time to give the Tea Party a choice — speak up and act, or make clear that 
the Tea Party is a home for racists and racism.  You can help make that happen. 
Please add your voice and ask your friends and family to do the same:

Thanks and Peace,

-- James, Gabriel, William, Dani, Milton and the rest of the 
   July 20th, 2010
Help support our work. is powered by YOU — your energy and 
dollars. We take no money from lobbyists or large corporations that don't share 
our values, and our tiny staff ensures your contributions go a long way. You 
can contribute here:


1. “Tea Party Leader Mocks NAACP ‘Coloreds’ In Online Screed,” Media Matters, 

2. “Tea Party Leaders: We’re Not Racist! The NAACP Is! (AUDIO),” TPMDC, 

3. “Tea Party leader says he’s done talking about race controversy,” CNN, 

4. “The Charge of Racism: It’s Time to Bury the Divisive Politics of the Past,” 
Sarah Palin, 7-13-2010

5.“‘Tea Party’ Leader Melts Down On CNN: Obama Is An ‘Indonesian Muslim Turned 
Welfare Thug,’” Huffington Post, 9-15-2009

6. “Tea Party Express’ Mark Williams: King Of ‘Accidental’ Racism”, TPM 
Muckraker, 7-19-2010

7. “NAACP Delegates Unanimously Pass Tea Party Resolution,” NAACP, 07-13-2010

8. See Reference 1

9. email on Mark Williams, 7-16-2010

10. “Tea Party Objects to NAACP’s ‘Selective Racism’,” CBS News, 7-18-2010

11. “Tea party groups fire on each other,” Politico, 7-19-2010

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