Begin forwarded message:

> From: Tony Gosling <>
> Date: June 5, 2010 2:59:57 AM PDT
> To:,
> Subject: [PEPIS] First confirmed Bilderberg 2010 attendees
> 04.06.10 :: BREAKING NEWS :: Photographers arrested and hunted down in the 
> hills.
> Photographers are being harrassed, followed by choppers and motorcycles by 
> police in the hills around the Dolce Sitges. 
> Two photographers in the hills had their rucksacks taken by police on 
> motorbikes who'd been informed of their whereabouts by choppers. Two more 
> photographers were detained for four hours. Another was told to delete 
> pictures or face 32 hours detention. 
> Over 300 police have been deployed at great cost to the Spanish tax-payer. 
> Military catamarans patrol the sea outside Sitges, there are choppers in the 
> sky and a no-fly zone has been imposed forcing local hang-gliders out of the 
> air. 
> 03.06.10 :: BREAKING NEWS :: First confirmed attendees
> Confirmed participants at this year's Bilderberg conference:
> 1. Marcus Agius: The chairman of Barclays and a senior non-executive director 
> on the BBC's new executive board; married to Katherine, daughter of Edmund 
> Leopold de Rothschild.
> 2. Josef Ackermann: The CEO of Deutsche Bank and a non-executive director of 
> Shell.
> 3. General Jack Keane: the former vice chief of staff of the US army and on 
> the board of the US defence conglomerate General Dynamics.
> 4. Juan Luis Cebrián Echarri: The CEO and co-founder of El Pais; the CEO of 
> Grupo Prisa (Spain's biggest publisher); on the board of directors of Le 
> Monde.
> 5. Richard Holbrooke: Barack Obama's special envoy to Afghanistan and 
> Pakistan and a member of the board of directors of the Council on Foreign 
> Relations.
> 6. Gustavo A Cisneros Rendiles: A Venezuelan media mogul – one of the world's 
> richest men.
> 7. Victor Halberstadt: Professor of public economics at Leiden University and 
> international advisor to Goldman Sachs. President of the International 
> Institute of Public Finance.
> 8. Roger Altman: The founder and chairman of Evercore Partners, "the most 
> active investment banking boutique in the world" (their website says).
> 9. Joaquín Almunia: Senior Spanish member of the European commission.
> 10. W. Edmund Clark: President and CEO of the TD Bank Financial Group.
> 11. Jan H.M. Hommen: Chairman of the ING Group.
> 12. Jyrki Katainen: Minster of finance in Finland, chairman of the Finnish 
> National Coalition party.
> Spotted...
> 13. John Ellkan, vice president of Fiat and the billionaire Agnelli family. 
> Spotted at the airport coming out of a huge private jet and being taken in 
> two Mercedes people carriers with tinted windows to the conference venue.
> Conveniently close...
> 14. Timothy Geithner is currently 'touring in Europe'. 
> +44 (0)7786 952037
> "Capitalism is institutionalised bribery."
> _________________
> "The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the 
> possessor from the community" Carl Jung 
> -- 
> Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
> discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
> power they wield? 
> There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
> mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
> nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
> souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony
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