This article really points towards an international fascist conspiracy 
against the majority of the people of the West by Bush and his minions.  One 
should read it in that light, and think about what that means, and who might be 
part of this conspiracy, and what its aims are.

Note: forwarded message attached.

End the oppression of cannabis and its consumers. Self defense is always 
correct, and it is never illegal.  b_jb2001

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March 19, 2007 -- Democratic Party sources have reported to WMR that Karl Rove 
and a team of Republican Party election manipulators he has used in the past 
for tampering with U.S. elections, particularly in Florida, Ohio, and New 
Mexico, are under investigation by the Italian government of Prime Minister 
Romano Prodi and the opposition Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) of Mexico. 

The sources report that investigators are looking at alleged technical and 
strategic advice given by Rove and GOP election tampering consultants to Silvio 
Berlusconi's government, particularly the arch-neo-cons in the Berlusconi 
Cabinet -- then Interior Minister Beppe Pisanu and Foreign Minister Ginafranco 
Fini. Although polls before the April 2006 election indicated that Prodi's 
Center-Left coalition was far ahead of Berlusconi's right-wing/neo-fascist 
alliance and exit polls also indicated a large Center-Left win, Prodi squeaked 
by with a mere 0.1 percent of the vote. Our sources claim that Rove and his 
Italian counterparts severely miscalculated in their planning for tampering 
with the Italian election returns. Rove and his advisers forgot to include the 
expatriate Italian vote in their calculations. The 2006 national elections were 
the first in which Italians abroad were allowed to vote and by failing to 
calculate those votes, Berlusconi lost by a hair, despite the vote counting 
fraud that reportedly also included siphoning blank protest votes to the 
Berlusconi column.

Similarly, PRD officials are also looking at Rove and his team's involvement in 
providing election tampering assistance to conservative National Action Party 
(PAN) candidate Felipe Calderon in last July's Mexico presidential election. 
Calderon beat PRD candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador by a razor-thin 0.6 
percent. However, as with Italy, pre-election polls and exit polls showed the 
PRD candidate with a commanding lead. Ballot boxes were found in garbage dumps 
in pro-PRD precincts. In addition, votes for the PRD were either shaved from 
the total count and some precincts were not even counted.

Some of the financial support for Republican interference in the Italian and 
Mexican elections may have been laundered through the U.S. taxpayer-funded 
National Endowment for Democracy, which, in turn, funds the International 
Republican Institute (IRI), an arm of the Republican Party. The IRI has been 
involved in funding election campaigns in Venezuela against Hugo Chavez and in 
Haiti against Jean-Bertrand Aristide. 

Rove now under investigation for election fraud by Italian and Mexican 
officials. Is an INTERPOL Red Notice for Rove in the offing?

Italian government and PRD officials have been in direct contact with 
Democratic Party election experts concerning the suspected international vote 
fraud committed by the GOP and Rove. If Rove is asked to testify in Italy about 
his contacts with Berlusconi government officials and refuses, he will have 
more than U.S. congressional subpoenas to worry about -- he could be faced with 
an INTERPOL Red Notice, a international arrest warrant recognized by INTERPOL 
member states. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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