----- Forwarded Message ----- 
From: "Les Lemke" <lesle...@webenet.net> 
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 
Subject: Obama surrenders gulf oil to Moscow --- The Russians are coming - to 
drill [ for oil ] in our own backyard!! 

In case someone hasn't figured it out yet, Obama is an enemy of The People of 
these United States!!!!! 


Obama surrenders gulf oil to Moscow 

The Russians are coming - to drill in our own backyard 


The Obama administration is poised to ban offshore oil drilling on the outer 
continental shelf until 2012 or beyond. Meanwhile, Russia is making a bold 
strategic leap to begin drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico . While the 
United States attempts to shift gears to alternative fuels to battle the 
purported evils of carbon emissions, Russia will erect oil derricks off the 
Cuban coast. 

Offshore oil production makes economic sense. It creates jobs and helps fulfill 
America's vast energy needs. It contributes to the gross domestic product and 
does not increase the trade deficit. Higher oil supply helps keep a lid on 
rising prices, and greater American production gives the United States more 
influence over the global market. 

Drilling is also wildly popular with the public. A Pew Research Center poll 
from February showed 63 percent support for offshore drilling for oil and 
natural gas. Americans understand the fundamental points: The oil is there, and 
we need it. If we don't drill it out, we have to buy it from other countries. 
Last year, the U.S. government even helped Brazil underwrite offshore drilling 
in the Tupi oil field near Rio de Janeiro. The current price of oil makes 
drilling economically feasible, so why not let the private sector go ahead and 
get our oil? 

The Obama administration, however, views energy policy through green eyeshades. 
Every aspect of its approach to energy is subordinated to radical environmental 
concerns. This unprecedented lack of balance is placing offshore oil resources 
off-limits. The O Force would prefer the country shift its energy production to 
alternative sources, such as nuclear, solar and wind power. In theory, there's 
nothing wrong with that, in the long run, assuming technology can catch up to 
demand. But we have not yet reached the green utopia, we won't get there 
anytime soon, and America needs more oil now. 

Russia more sensibly views energy primarily as a strategic resource. Energy is 
critical to Russia's economy, as fuel and as a source of profit through export. 
Russia also has used energy as a coercive diplomatic tool, shutting off natural 
gas piped to Eastern Europe in the middle of winter to make a point about how 
dependent the countries are that do business with the Russians. 

Now Russia is using oil exploration to establish a new presence in the Western 
Hemisphere. It recently concluded four contracts securing oil-exploration 
rights in Cuba's economic zone in the Gulf of Mexico. A Russian-Cuban joint 
partnership will exploit oil found in the deep waters of the Gulf. 

Cuba has rights to the area in which drilling will be conducted under an 
agreement the Carter administration recognized. From Russia's perspective, this 
is another way to gain leverage inside what traditionally has been America's 
sphere of influence. It may not be as dramatic as the Soviet Union attempting 
to use Cuba as a missile platform, but in the energy wars, the message is the 
same. Russia is projecting power into the Western Hemisphere while the United 
States retreats . The world will not tolerate a superpower that acts like a 
sidekick much longer. 



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