Feb. 25, 2010, 10:09 a.m. EST · Recommend (1) · Post:
Bernanke probing Goldman's dealings with Greece

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke 
revealed Thursday that the central bank is looking into Goldman Sachs 
Group Inc.'s dealings with the Greek government. "We are looking into a 
number of questions of Goldman Sachs' derivative arrangements with 
Greece," Bernanke said in testimony before the Senate Banking Committee. 
The European Union has demanded that the Greek government provide 
details of how it used currency swaps and other instruments. The New 
York Times reported that Greece in 2001 had borrowed billions, with the 
aid of Goldman Sachs /quotes/comstock/13*!gs/quotes/nls/gs (GS 156.36, 
-0.08, -0.05%) in a deal hidden from public view because it was treated 
as a currency trade rather than a loan. Bernanke also said the Fed was 
looking into trading of credit default swaps that allow financial firms 
and investors to bet that Greece will default on its debt. Bernanke said 
this trading was "counter-productive" and under review by the Fed and 
the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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