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Israel is Deporting Jerusalem Christians 

Jun. 20th, 2008 at 10:28 AM 

Israeli Christians: Police indifferent to threats against us 

19  Jun 2008 

Author: Laity Committee in the Holy Land 


Tel: 054 779 7719 -050 5545 179 

Fax: +972 2 6271574 

P.O.Box: 19055 


Hundreds of Jerusalem Christians are loosing residency rights in their City due 
to policies of the Israeli Ministry of Interior. The policy that aims to reduce 
the number of non-Jews in the City takes its toll on families and individuals 
who hold residency permits at foreign countries. No matter how long they travel 
abroad, no matter if they were born in Jerusalem before or after Israel 
occupied East Jerusalem, they are considered visitors in their own city. 

Palestinian Christians who make today not more than 9,000 will lose 15% of 
their population as a result of this policy. While Jews from all over the world 
and even converts to Judaism are allowed to immigrate to Israel under the 
Israeli Law of Return, the indigenous Jerusalemites are considered temporary 
residents. Originally, Seven years of being out of Jerusalem was the deadline 
for losing one's right to live in his own city. Now, only a proof of residency 
in another country is enough for Israel to consider Jerusalem as not "the 
center of life" for this person or family and thus deny them the right of 
living in their home town once they travel abroad. 

In addition to this particular policy, the Israeli authorities are still 
implementing other regulations aiming at further decreasing the numbers of 
Palestinian, Christians and Moslems, in Jerusalem. From freezing the law of 
family reunion to impossible requirements for building in the city, to the 
Separation Wall that separated hundreds from the center of Jerusalem. 
Palestinian Christians of the city will soon lose half of their population. 


Tags: christians, ethnic cleansing, immigration, israel, jerusalem, jews 
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MARC PARENT, mparent7777, mparent, ccnwon

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