(Some of you might recall, a few years back lynn Cheney asked Libermamn to be 
on her board of directors in getting political professors fired from their 
universities.  I guess this is her baby!
POLITICS, NEWS, FINANCE mparent7777 Marc Parent mparent CCNWON My archived blog 
is at: http://mparent7777.blogspot.com/
  Saturday, September 1, 2007
Norman Finkelstein: “I fully expect to be arrested,” Sept 5 
  Fri 31 Aug 2007
  Posted by Cecilie Surasky 
After losing tenure because of an unprecedented campaign of outside 
interference waged by Alan Dershowitz, who has no academic background in in 
Middle East or Israeli history or politics , DePaul University has decided to 
unilaterally cancel Holocaust Industry author Norman Finkelstein’s classes and 
shut down his office. This despite overwhelming approval of his scholarship by 
his peers at the school, and a remaining one-year contract.
  When classes start on September 5, Finkelstein promises
  “As usual I will show up for class on the first day and go to my office. I 
fully expect to be arrested.”
  Fox News reports:
  Meanwhile, a faculty advocacy group sent the university a letter demanding 
the administration reinstate Finkelstein or hold a hearing with an elected 
faculty body to show cause for the suspension.
  “There ought to be a hearing before any such action is taken,” said Robert 
Kreiser, senior program officer for the American Association of University 
  Administrative leave with pay isn’t justification for removing Finkelstein 
from teaching, Kreiser said.
  “They have the burden of demonstrating that there was good reason to suspend 
him,” Kreiser said.
  For a man who is a son of Holocaust survivors and who has been targeted by 
critics because he “believes that some Jews have exploited the Holocaust,” 
Finkelstein must have felt some tragic sense of validation while watching 
demonstrations in Israel earlier this month by Holocaust survivors and their 
familes. There are 250,000 survivors still living, but it turns out barely, in 
Israel. A government report said about a third live in poverty. Thousands took 
to the streets when the state offered to help out with insulting $20.00 monthly 
payments, prompting Israeli historian Tom Segev to say, “it could be that 
Germany treated the survivors better than the State of Israel did.” 
  So who got all those reparation payments? It wasn’t the Holocaust survivors 
of Israel.
  Educational Institutions , Alan Dershowitz
Parent CCNWON at 7:06 AM     
  Labels: Academia, Alan Dershowitz, Censorship, Israel, Israel lobby, Norman 
Finkelstein, police 
  Mon Sep 3, 2007 11:28 am (PST) 
http://tinyurl. com/3aezna
  see also View all web results for chertoff attorney general
Chertoff to replace Gonzales as attorney general?
  OfficialWire: Michael Chertoff As Attorney General?Does Chertoff, an Israeli 
citizen, warrant becoming attorney general of the United States? Does any of 
this make any sense to you? ...
officialspin. com/main. php?action= recent&rid= 21370 - 41k - Cached - Similar 
  Chertoff has much more directly relevant experience than Gonzales had when 
the latter was nominated to be attorney general, Chertoff's tenure as ...
commentisfree. guardian. co.uk/marcy_ wheeler/2007/ 08/goodby_ gonzales. htl
  Speculation grows about Chertoff as attorney general -- www.newsday. 
com/news/ nationworld/ nation/ny- ustown0828, 0,6753978. story - 
  By Frosty Wooldridge
August 30, 2007
NewsWithViews. com
  On 9/11, the United States suffered its worst terrorist attack in the 
history of the Republic. Burning World Trade Center towers featured black 
smoke, people jumping out of windows—and ultimately, magnificent skyscrapers 
collapsing like water falling over the edge of Niagara Falls.
  Meanwhile, President Bush read a children’s story to an elementary 
classroom for eight minutes after being told that two commercial jets ran 
into the WTC towers.
  Cogent arguments based on investigations by serious Americans 
projected an inside job. Did the president of the U.S. know about 9/11 like 
Franklin D. Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor? Why didn’t the CIA splice the 
pieces together long before the event? What subliminal message did our 
leaders ignore when Muslims in U.S. flight schools learned how to fly 
commercial jets with no interest in the skills of take offs and landings? 
What about demolition explosives purported in the third building that 
collapsed, but was not hit by airplanes? How could so many Muslims from 
dangerous countries be given visas so nonchalantly? Was CIA chief George 
Tenant playing Foosball with Joey on “Friends” every day while pretending to 
protect our country?
  Fast forward: Alberto Gonzales, an “anchor baby” as well as a card 
carrying La Raza advocate--achieved the highest lawyer status in the nation 
with his appointment as U.S. attorney general. During his term, by his own 
incompetence and disarray, the rule of law in America degraded to that of a 
third world country. Only token prosecutions resulted for employers of 
illegal aliens—which encouraged more lawbreaking nationwide. Top federal 
attorneys either quit or suffered firings.
  Meanwhile, Gonzales’s lackey in Texas, Johnny Sutton, prosecuted U.S. 
Border Patrol officers Ramos and Campeon for shooting a drug smuggler in the 
butt. A judge gave those men, who upheld the law and protected American 
citizens, 12 year prison terms.
  Back in the saddle in Washington, DC, Scooter Libby, a convicted 
felon, received commutation of his crime without jail time. In other words, 
our laws couldn’t touch the privileged and powerful.
  Further incredulity: Gonzales fired eight federal attorneys without 
cause. Gonzales proved SO bad an attorney general that he faced 
“impeachment” for his inability or sheer corruption-- to operate competently 
at that level. Senators called for his resignation. This week, he vanished 
like a snowflake in Tucson, Arizona in July!
  Back-step: A man named Michael Chertoff, who carries duel citizenship 
as a citizen of Israel first and the United States second—took over from 
Thomas Ridge as the chief of Homeland Security.
  Under Chertoff, millions of illegal aliens continued overrunning U.S. 
borders despite and since 9/11. Drugs flooded into the United States 
unimpeded by the Border Patrol which is undermanned and understaffed. Ten 
percent of those illegals consist of sex offenders, felons and drug runners 
such as MS-13 gang members. Thousands of U.S. citizens have died at the 
hands of illegal aliens. Chertoff conducted token raids on meat packing 
plants in 2006. No employers suffered prosecution of any kind.
  Two years ago: Hurricane Katrina wreaked havoc on the Gulf Coast. It 
caught Chertoff with his pants around his ankles. Under director Mike Brown 
in concert with Chertoff, FEMA moved millions of dollars of packed ice 
around in 18 wheelers for months after the hurricane as reported by Brian 
Williams at NBC. Incompetence set a new benchmark for “The Peter Principle.”
  Today, Michael Chertoff’s name floats around the Beltway as the new 
attorney nomination to take Gonzales’ place. Talk about collusion of 
  To top it off, Chertoff stated that new terrorist attacks remain 
imminent in the United States. Duh! With wide open borders for the past six 
years, this is a given!
  Am I living in a nightmare or am I dreaming this stuff up? How could a 
man who sports Israeli citizenship and passport make his way to the top 
echelon of American power? That’s like Michael Vick operating a dog fighting 
kennel and running for the president of the Humane Society! How could 
Chertoff be promoted after demonstrating gross incompetence?
  Does anyone realize that since the S.1639 failed in June, tens of 
thousands of illegal aliens crossed our borders? That any number of them 
could be terrorists? How do I know? I’ve spent weeks on the border from 
Texas to California. It’s an open playground for anyone who wants to cross.
  Does anyone realize that the president of the United States hires 
incompetent people? Does he do it on purpose? What motivates Bush’s 
decisions against our country’s security? Why?
  A mother of a U.S. Army trooper said last week, “Why am I going to my 
son’s funeral and Bush is going to his daughter’s wedding?”
  I might add, “As I witness this invasion of my nation, will I live to 
see the death and funeral of my own country?”
  If 20 million illegal aliens won’t satisfy Bush to “do the jobs 
Americans won’t do,” then will another 20 million illegal aliens make him 
happy? The fact is: they’re still streaming over the borders Chertoff swore 
to protect.
  If Bush succeeds with his open borders, Robert Rector of the Heritage 
Foundation predicted an added 70 million immigrants within several decades. 
What’s left of our country for us?
  Does Chertoff, an Israeli citizen, warrant becoming attorney general 
of the United States? Does any of this make any sense to you?
  Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts
  E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale
  Website: www.FrostyWooldridg e.com
  To top it off, Chertoff stated that new terrorist attacks remain 
imminent in the United States. Duh! With wide open borders for the past six 
years, this is a given!
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 Mon, 3 Sep 2007 14:42:52 -0400 (EDT) 
From: "AlterNet Environment" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Could You Survive on a Landfill? | Why Enviros Sell Out 
   Headlines Newsletter
September 4th, 2007
All stories, blogs, and video »   
  Dumped: Could You Survive on a Landfill?By Simon Usborne, Independent UK
Some unsuspecting reality TV contestants who signed up for an "eco-challenge" 
were dumped on a landfill for three weeks and learned to survive on other 
people's garbage. Read more »
Could you survive on landfill for the three weeks? In this issue, read Simon 
Usborne's story about some unsuspecting reality TV show contestants that signed 
up for an "eco-challenge."
  Also this week, Megan Tady explores why some national environmental groups 
are caving to Big Coal and other industry giants; Doug Pibel offers some wisdom 
about how communities can keep corporations out of their towns; and Marilyn 
Berlin Snell exposes a surprising new force that is fighting to save Latin 
America's environment.
  Thanks for reading and happy holiday,
  Tara Lohan, Managing Editor
  Why Are Some Environmental Groups Caving to Industry?
By Megan Tady, In These Times
A recent victory for coal plants in Texas is just another reminder of how 
"compromise" with polluters won't get the environmental movement anywhere.
  Latin America's Surprising New Eco-Warriors
By Marilyn Berlin Snell, Sierra Magazine
As North American companies raze the forests and mountains in Latin America, 
defense for the land is coming from an unlikely place. 
  Iraq Vets Facing a New Gulf War Syndrome?
By Carla McClain, Arizona Daily Star
Some young men and women who survived the war are now facing a death sentence 
from cancer. Is it the depleted uranium?
   How to Keep Corporate Giants Out of Your Town
By Doug Pibel, YES! Magazine
The dumping of waste and the mining of resources by large corporations are 
bleeding communities dry. But across the country, many are learning ways to 
keep the big boys out.
"World Video Middle East Europe Latin America Africa Asia Canada 
Australia/Antarctica Kevin Sites Search:   All News Yahoo! News Only News 
Photos Video/Audio  Advanced "
U.S. Poverty Data Raise New Questions About Cost of War Haider Rizvi, OneWorld 
Fri Aug 31, 6:19 PM ET
NEW YORK, Aug 31 (OneWorld) - It is one of the most affluent countries in the 
world, but sill millions of people in the United States find it very difficult 
to put a nice meal on their dinner table. 
Nationwide, more than 36 million people, or nearly 13 percent of the total 
population, lived in poverty last year, according to the U.S. Census Bureau 
report released this week.
  Among those officially considered "poor," over one third are children, most 
of them non-white minorities such as African Americans, Latinos, and Asians. 
  The data reveals continued inequality and concentration of wealth in the 
United States, with the top 20 percent of households receiving over 50 percent 
of the nation's income, while the lowest 20 percent got just a little over 3 
  "The impact of race, ethnicity, and gender is extremely disturbing," notes 
Roberta Spivek of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), a Quaker 
organization involved in numerous campaigns for economic and social rights. 
  According to the data, more than 8 percent of non-Hispanic whites, about 10 
percent of Asians, over 20 percent of Hispanics, and some 24 percent of African 
Americans are "poor."
  Although the Hispanic poverty rate went down by about 1 percent last year, 
African Americans and non-White Hispanics are still about three times more 
likely than whites to be poor. 
  Single mothers figure among the nation's poor who suffer the most. "Being a 
single mother has an alarming effect," Spivek noted, reflecting on the 
gender-specific aspect of the numbers.
  The data shows that more than 28 percent of women raising their children 
without husbands are condemned to suffer from poverty. Those married but 
impoverished are estimated to be around 5 percent. 
  The official poverty threshold in 2006, which many experts believe to be too 
low, was $20,614 for a family of four, about $16,000 for a family of three, 
around $13,000 for a family of two and a little over $10,000 for an individual. 
  Last year, according to the census report, about 47 million Americans had no 
access to health insurance. Once again, official figures suggest that most of 
those who lack health care are individuals and families from non-white 
  In Spivek's analysis, Hispanics, American Indians, and Alaska natives are 
three times more likely than whites to lack access to medical care.
  Noting that currently the U.S. government spends about $720 million a day on 
the war in Iraq, Joyce Miller, a human rights activist associated with AFSC, 
said that amount could buy school lunch for 1 million children. 
  With that money, according to her, the government could also provide over 
400, 000 children with health care. 
  Recent studies point out that over 23 million Americans seek emergency food 
each year. According to a study carried out by the California-based Institute 
for Food and Development Policy, about 13 million American children worry where 
their next meal is coming from "because their parents do not earn enough to pay 
for food, rent, heat, health care, and transportation." 
  The AFSC figures on the Iraq war are based on a statistical analysis done by 
Nobel Prize-winning economists Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes of Harvard 
  Their analysis includes $410 billion in Iraq supplemental funding bills, $160 
billion embedded in the Pentagon's annual budget, $290 billion for Iraq 
veterans' medical expenditures, and $191 billion in interest on the war debt. 
  "America's shameful poverty rate should lead every one to ask how we want to 
spend our tax dollars," said Miller, "on war or on education, health care, job 
training, and affordable housing?" 
  "Reducing poverty is not rocket science. We can go a long way by investing in 
education, health care, job training, and housing," she added. 
  In collaboration with a number of human rights groups, AFSC has led calls for 
a substantial increase in the minimum wage. It claims to have generated more 
than 100,000 phone calls to Congress in the last two years. 
  The phone call campaign helped encourage Congress' passage earlier this year 
of the first minimum wage raise in a decade. Many groups note, however, that 
even at the new rate, the federal minimum wage has failed to keep pace with 
inflation, and today's lowest-wage earning workers are worse off than those who 
earned minimum wage salaries decades ago. 
  AFSC and other humanitarian groups are now campaigning to make the minimum 
wage a true "living wage" and to increase human needs spending in the federal 
budget. But President George W. Bush has threatened to veto those increases by 
reasoning that the nation "can't afford it," according to AFSC. 
  In urging the Congress to adopt the human needs spending bills, the AFSC's 
Spivek said the nation should spend $720 million a day on ending poverty, not 
on war. 
  "It's a question of political will and citizens' action," she added in a 
statement. "It's a question of redirecting our resources away from war and tax 
breaks for the highest-income households, towards the common good." 

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