"Theresa J. Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 09:20:06 -0700 
Subject: In Contempt of Congress 
From: "PFAW Activist Network" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
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Bush administration officials have yet to get the message that congressional 
subpoenas are not optional!
  Are you on board with our efforts to Hold Them in Contempt?
  Already signed?
  Forward this e-mail to five friends!
"The contempt of Congress vote is of grave importance to this nation. No one 
should stand idly by while this administration continues to operate above the 
law." – Rep. John Conyers, Chairman, House Judiciary Committee*
  Dear Theresa J.,
  Your calls for accountability are being heard by key members of Congress.
  Over the next several weeks, we'll be asking you to help keep grassroots 
pressure on Congress to move forward contempt proceedings against 
administration officials who haven’t complied with congressional subpoenas.
  A clear message must be sent that the Bush administration can no longer run 
roughshod over our constitutional system of checks and balances.
  If you have not signed People For's petition calling on Congress to "Hold 
Them in Contempt," please do so now. If you have, please make it your personal 
mission to get five friends to sign.
  Who is "them?" Since we are focusing on people who have tried to sidestep 
subpoenas from both the House and Senate, so far, "them" is:
  Former White House Counsel Harriet Miers
White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten
Karl Rove, the president’s chief political adviser 
And this list could grow to include aides to Vice President Cheney and others.
  All of these officials have used erroneous claims of "executive privilege" to 
withhold testimony, documents or other information from Congress in the ongoing 
investigation into the U.S. attorney purge. The House Judiciary Committee has 
already ruled Miers' and Bolten's claims to be invalid and Chairman Conyers 
will be seeking a vote by the full House shortly after Congress returns in 
September. That's why we're asking for your help now.
  The Bush administration has shown nothing but contempt for checks and 
balances, so it's only fitting that Congress hold administration officials in 
contempt for their flagrant noncompliance with congressional subpoenas.
  Are you on board?
  If you're already on board, recruit your friends and ask them to join the 
petition. In the coming weeks, we'll be coordinating with our allies on the 
Hill and several other partner organizations to create a massive groundswell in 
support of contempt citations.
  Thank you for being part of this critical first wave.
  -- Your Allies at People For the American Way
  * P.S. Here's Rep. Conyers' full statement:
  Congress will soon vote on contempt of Congress citations for White House 
Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten and former White House Counsel Harriet Miers. This 
vote is a pivotal point in history as the House of Representatives asserts its 
constitutional duty to provide executive branch oversight. This extraordinary 
step is necessary following the refusal of the White House to comply with 
subpoenas issued in the U.S. Attorney investigation. The contempt of Congress 
vote is of grave importance to this nation. No one should stand idly by while 
this administration continues to operate above the law.
  P.P.S. Earlier this week, Senator Patrick Leahy, the chairman of the Senate 
Judiciary Committee, also threatened contempt proceedings against 
administration officials for not providing documents and testimony in 
compliance with subpoenas.
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PFAW © 2007
  Fri, 24 Aug 2007 16:36:43 GMT 
From: "Tom Hughes, Democracy for America" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: "Theresa J Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: One Year from Today 
  Dear Theresa J,
One year from today, thousands of Democratic delegates from all across America 
will be arriving in Denver, Colorado for the 45th Democratic National 
Convention. The event generates incredible publicity for the nominee and 
highlights the successes of hard working progressive Democrats like you. That's 
why you should be a Grassroots Democratic Delegate.
  Find out how to become a Delegate to the Democratic Convention:
  We have been reshaping the party for over four years. Thousands of us joined 
the local party and ran for leadership roles. Hundreds of us ran for office in 
districts that hadn't seen a Democratic challenger in years, sometimes decades. 
Together, we elected our founder, Governor Dean, to Chair of the Democratic 
  We've worked to reenergize the party from the bottom up and the top down at 
the same time. Thanks to our boots on the ground and Governor Dean's 50 State 
Strategy, progressives made incredible gains in 2006, but we still have a long 
way to go. 
  Delegates participate in developing the national platform, and help chart a 
new direction for America and the Democratic Party. Let's make sure our 
progressive voices are heard. 
  If you want to be a delegate, your first step should be to contact your state 
party to determine what their process is. You can find the contact information 
for your state party and get started right now:
  Want another reason to go? This is going to be one heck of a party. This is 
our chance to thank Governor Dean for his leadership. Our chance to make sure 
the Democratic nominee never forgets the success of the 50 State Strategy, 
grassroots organizing, and people-powered campaigns. This is our chance to keep 
moving the party forward.
  Become a Democratic Delegate; America is worth it.
  Thank you for everything you do,
  Tom Hughes
Executive Director
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   Thu, 23 Aug 2007 17:26:44 -0500 (CDT) 
From: "Anthony D. Romero, ACLU" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: RE: Counting Sheep 
Check out the online version of our “Congress as Sheep” ad. Watch it here.
Dear Theresa, 
  Unbelievable. During the past two-weeks you have stepped up as never before 
and helped us demonstrate to our leaders in Congress that there will be a 
political price to pay if they refuse to defend our Constitutional freedoms. 
  In fact, you’ve stepped up in such a huge way we’ve decided to expand our 
efforts with an online version of our “Congress as Sheep” ads which will begin 
running today. You can see the online sheep ads here.
  Remember, this is only the beginning of our campaign to demand that Congress 
act immediately to restore the Constitution. We intend to create a groundswell 
that will force a timid Congress to clean up the mess it made when it gave Bush 
sweeping new powers to spy on Americans and by demanding that Members of 
Congress act now to disavow torture, restore habeas corpus, and shut down 
Guantánamo prison.
  There’s still time to support our campaign to show leaders in Congress the 
price of taking away our freedoms.
  Your support is more important than ever, as the Bush administration is 
already busy laying the groundwork for even more changes to FISA when Congress 
returns in the fall.
  Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell -- who played a large role 
in lobbying members of Congress to pass the recent FISA legislation -- has 
recently started stirring the pot anew. And he has repeatedly implied that 
those who insist on a full debate of these issues or who fail to bend to the 
Administration’s demands are putting American lives at risk.
  Continuing an appalling pattern under which government officials 
strategically and selectively disclose classified information in order to 
advance the administration’s legislative agenda, Director McConnell made 
politically motivated comments that included references to previously 
classified court rulings from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court 
(FISC). These are the same court orders that the ACLU has asked the FISC to 
disclose to the public.
  In the meantime, the Administration continues to stonewall congressional 
subpoenas requesting information on the government’s spying. It’s going to take 
continued and unwavering pressure from the ACLU and every one of our supporters 
to ensure that Congress stands up to this political maneuvering.
  Please make a gift to support our campaign to show leaders in Congress the 
price of taking away our freedoms.
  This may be one of the most important efforts you or I will ever be involved 
in. Let’s not let off the pressure for even one second.
  Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director
© ACLU, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor New York, NY 10004
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