Paul Newman is a great American, and he is expressing the truth that we all 
agree with. His letter to us shows his confindence in our internet patriots and 
doers.  It is time to respond to words of truth and peace.  We must take an 
active role in this endeavor if we ever will have the strength in our 
Democratic Congress to take our country back and put all this imperalism to 
rest once and for all.  We have had a long hard fight, but our job is not over 
yet.  Do not stop now! we are just now getting some things done towards saving 
the America we all love and our Constitution as well.. Hang in there, we can do 
it!  We know the truth when we hear it, let's roll up our sleeves and take our 
country back starting NOW!  we can do it, collectively we can do it!!!
  Theresa J. Steed
  Dear Ms.Steed,
  When our country has been as deliberagtely misled and suffered as much damage 
as it has over the last
  six years, I believe it's every American's job to step up and do something 
about it.
  I know you do, too. Or you would't have done as much to help get Democrats 
elected last year.
  America isn't of the people, by the people and for the people any more.  It's 
about something  completely different. And completely wrong.
  Think about it!
  Our troops are stuck in a war that's gone on longer than our involement in 
World War II and cost us more than Vietnam - and still George Buch refused to 
change course!
  Gas is headed towards $4 a gallon but still the Bush administration sits on 
it's hands.  Or worse, pushes to destroy some of our last wild places just to 
get a few more month'
  or worse, pushes to destroy some of our last wild places just to get a few 
more months' worth of profit for BIg Oil.  
  Over45 million Americans don't have health insurance. And more are losing 
their jobs every day. And still the Bush administration just ignores them.
  Our national debt has shot up by some $3 trillion and to hear George Bush 
talk you'd think the most important thing right now is to give more tax breaks 
to rich guys like me.
  I am just as frustrated as you are that we haven't made more progress with a 
Democratic Congress.  But Democrats have only a one-seat majority in the Senate 
and the GOP has used filibusters and veto threats to stop them from moving our 
country forward.
  Just the same, our best defense against this adminimstration is a Democratic 
Senate. And I'm going to do everything I can to help elect more Democratic 
Senators so the Senate can start acting in the Interest of the American People. 
 Because no matter who wins the White House in 2008, we have to make surewe 
have a working majoirty.
  Theresa, I know you agree - and that's why I'm asking you to join me in 
supporting the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, I'm throwing my weight 
behind the DSCC because no other organization - not even the DNC - is focused 
just on electing Democrats to the Senate. And they need your help now if 
democrats are going to strengthen our majority in 2008. 
  The DSCC plans to raise $3.7 million for the Media Response Project by 
September 30.  A group of Senate Demcorats believes in it so much that they 
will raise the funds to match whatever we can raise before then on a on-to-one 
basis.  So you'll be doing twice as much to help if you contribute today!  So 
when GOP Sentors try to block question into the last six years of all-GOP rule, 
the DSCC will make sur
voters know about it.  When this administration panders to the extreme right, 
the DSCC will hold their feet to the fire.  And when they run ads that distort 
the truth and smear our candidatges, we'll call them on it.
  Now let me give you another reason to make that contribution right now.
  The way politics works is that the earlier you can fill the war chest, the 
more likely you are to win.  If the DSCC has a lot of cash to show potential 
challengers to GO
  right now, the more likely they will run - because they know the 
  DSCC has what it takes to back them all the way.
  And early support means more staffers in key states to watch the polls and 
get out the vote - which means those challengers have an even better chance of 
winning come Election Day.
People like you and me have to get in involved because things have gone so 
wrong in our country that we can't sit back and let the fringe groups and 
coporate money decide our agenda.
I really do beleive it's our job to do something, about this! And what I hope 
you'll do is support the DSCC's Media Response Project with $75, $100 or even 
  A lot of people know me as an actor, and a few more know me as a salad 
dressing and popcorn 'mogul'. But at this point in my life, I'm just trying to 
make a difference in the things that I think are important.
  2008 isn't just another election. It's our chance to fix what's happened to 
us and get our country back.  We accompolished something important by taking 
back the Senate last year. But next year, we have to take even more seats so we 
can fix this mess.
  A person can only be judged by his or her actions.  Not by good intentions or 
beliefs.  Right now, we need action!
Yours sincerely,
  Paul Newman
PS. That matching dollar offer to Democratic senators made will make a big 
difference in how much money the DSCC can raise.  So please get your 
contribution in by September 30 and do twice as much to help us win in 2008!
Go to the website save postage by contributing 
online. OR  Mail your contributions to Paul Newman DSCC - Committed to Electing 
a Demcoratic Senate, P.O. Box 96047, Washington,DC 20077-7245

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