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Police State 2.0 is Here: Are YOU One of the 8 Million Targeted for Roundup by 
US Government?                        
   May. 20th, 2008 at 8:25 AM

MAIN CORE: US. Govt Database & Tracking System for 8 Million Americans 
Designated as Threats
'Big Brother' database for phones and e-mails
Is the government compiling a secret list of citizens to detain under martial 
The Enemy Is Always the State 
Silence is the Death of Liberty                                         
Police State 2.0: It's Here

Monday, 19 May 2008

                        High resolution cameras covering nearly every inch of 
public space.  National IDs crammed with biometric data.  Facial recognition 
software that can't be defeated even by plastic surgery.  And a massive 
database to connect the cameras, the IDs, all financial and medical data. 
  It's not merely resident in the mind's eye of a screenwriter of the next 
dystopian thriller.  According to Naomi Klein in the latest issue of Rolling 
Stone , China has already implemented much of the above and is only a year or 
two away from completing this Information Age 1984 with the eager help of U. S. 
corporations and an American government that looks the other way as anti-export 
laws are violated. 
 Klein says that the latest unrest in Tibet was a test for the ever-expanding 
system, called the "Golden Shield."  And the oppressive infrastructure earned 
at least an A-.  Dissident cell phones were jammed.  Information favorable to 
the protestors was blocked on the Internet.  Photos of the participants, 
especially the leaders, were rapidly disseminated on "Most Wanted" posters on 
the Internet and the protests were "spun" through Chinese media to make the 
Tibetans look like violent thugs. 
                                     Read more...                  

 Tags: activism, camps, china, internet, liberty, martial law, national 
'security', police state, spying, surveillance state, tibet
Link  to full article:

                                            MARC PARENT, mparent7777, mparent, 



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