The otherwise obsolete AK47 assault rifle is the world's most reliable
suicide weapon, a veritable Shoot Me sign, since it is not accurate at
a hundred yards. Putin's best weapon is no weapon, but just to wait 
for sappers to look bad with Bush and Blair.

Pravda predicted in spring of 2003 that US troops would be out-flanked
by something like the cell-phone activated roadside bombs which drew
blood from Americans, neutralizing the bully image and making it a
war. Subsequently US airborne troops donated 380 tons of HMX
super-high explosive to a hundred waiting Sunni trucks, and roadside
bombs bloodied US troops and made it a war. Then British SAS special
forces, who had many years ago taught Mao-Mao Countergang false flag
ops to CIA, planted HMX bombs at Shiite mosques, and were caught and
exposed in major mainflush print media. Predictably the Shiite
majority won elections, took over policing, and Shiite interior police
death-squadded Sunnis instead of British SAS troops. Civil war further
justified US meddling, extending the window of opportunity for war
profiteering by Dick Cheney's Halliburton and Sam Bush's Merchants of
Death Bureau.

Admittedly the speculative possibility that Barbara Bush may have been
conceived by her mother's dalliance with Aleister Crowley must seem
less interesting that the certainty that Sam and Prescott Bush
conceived Adolf Hitler in the same year of 1924, but torpedoes away,
damn the Bismarck. Konrad Adenauer was unable in the 1930's to block
Sam and Prescott Bush's puppet Adolf from coming to absolute power in
Germany. A few years later their machine placed Saddam Hussein in
charge of Iraq, and here we are.

But it doesn't work. As oligarchy mercenary William Colby used to
say,"We always fail". Just wait. Ethiopian proxies now in Somalia, and
Israeli proxies in Lebanon in summer of 2006, knew they had to get
out, not occupy, or they would be looking like Paul Bremer and Dub
with Iraq and Afghanistan and Katrina and Vietnam. "We always fail".
Just wait. No hurry. Hold on to deep drilling technology, the best
weapon against the Peak Oil scam. It will fail, too, just don't help
it too much to fail. A man drove two hundred miles on a cup of water
in his gas tank, without centralized distribution of hydrogen by
Rockefeller Bush Warco. Let them build hydrogen stations and the truth
will cut them off at the knees. We may seem to bleed a lot before
then, but less than the other way. "We ALWAYS fail". Thus crimes
against nature are folly, Haman's Gallows. But tax the oligarchs, like
 taxing Al Capone.

Oil was $16 a barrel when Putin came in. He would not really want to
bust the Peak Oil myth then. And now he needs Venezuela, and Venezuela
needs the Peak Oil myth to keep oil near thirty dollars a barrel,
below which Venezuela does not supercede Saudi Arabia. Putin had to
risk selling off Russian drilling to Israeli oligarchs. Lies are
capital, too, right up to the brink of a Dark Age with Bush's nuclear
stupidity. We could lose everything.


--- In, RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Begin forwarded message:
> > Date: January 2, 2007 12:02:36 PM PST
> > Subject: Stratfor Analysis: Israel's Proxy War on Russia
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > STRATFOR Analysis
> > January 17, 2005
> >
> > ... Even Putin's political offensive against Russian oligarchs,  
> > many of whom are Jews and Israeli citizens, has not spoiled the  
> > growing ties between Israel and Russia. Though Putin's government  
> > forced three oligarchs out of the country (Boris Berezovsky,  
> > Vladimir Gusinsky and Alexander Smolensky) and put the fourth on  
> > trial (Mikhail Khodorkovsky), a significantly larger number of  
> > oligarchs with Israeli citizenship continue to enjoy powerful  
> > business positions in Russia under Putin's patronage.
> >
> > However, when Israel started tacitly supporting anti-government  
> > political forces in Russia, Putin and the Russian Security Council  
> > saw it as a violation of Russia's developing trust in its new  
> > Israeli friends. Russian intelligence sources say Israel, acting  
> > through Israeli financiers born in the former Soviet Union (FSU)  
> > and consulting with Mossad, has given major financial and  
> > organizational support to anti-government groups in the FSU, mainly  
> > in Russia and Ukraine. At first Putin tolerated it, sources say,  
> > but events in Ukraine -- where the support of oligarchs with  
> > Israeli citizenship seemed to play a major role in the success of  
> > the anti-Russian "Orange Revolution" -- proved to be too much.
> >
> > Putin was told, for instance, that several thousand army tents and  
> > hundreds of portable ovens to warm up demonstrators were paid for  
> > by <Russia Mafia kingpin> Semen Mogilevich, a Jewish Ukrainian  
> > oligarch with dual citizenship (Israel and Ukraine) and with strong  
> > ties to U.S. and Israeli financial and government circles.
> >
> > Putin's once arch-foe in Russia, Boris Berezovsky, an Israeli  
> > citizen enjoying refugee status in Britain, also has contributed  
> > organizationally and financially to the Orange Revolution in  
> > Ukraine. Happy with its success, Berezovsky -- who has never hidden  
> > his lifetime goal of removing Putin from power -- immediately  
> > landed in Kiev after the final round of voting to congratulate pro- 
> > West winner Viktor Yushchenko.
> >
> > Moreover, quoting Israeli government sources, Israeli television  
> > news reported Jan. 12 that Putin believes the Israeli government  
> > knew about funds provided by Israeli financiers to Yushchenko's  
> > campaign. Furthermore, according to media reports, sources close to  
> > Putin claimed the Israeli government also was backing elements in  
> > Russia's opposition movement.
> >
> > Finally, Putin was told by Russian intelligence that with the  
> > success of the pro-Western movement in Ukraine, the oligarchs --  
> > Berezovsky, Mogilevich, and others with Israeli citizenships --  
> > already were working with their allies in Israel, Britain and the  
> > United States in planning a similar "revolution" in Russia. Putin  
> > would be overthrown, and an openly pro-Western regime would be  
> > installed that would take good care of the oligarchs and their  
> > business interests.
> > ...
> >
> > Sources in the Kremlin say Putin would expect Israel and the United  
> > States to stop what the Russian government perceives to be meddling  
> > in Russia's internal affairs. While Israel might give some  
> > assurance that it will lessen its contacts with Russian Jewish  
> > oligarchs, it is unrealistic to expect that oligarchs such as  
> > Berezovsky and Gusinsky, viewing Putin as their deadly foe, will  
> > stop their anti-Kremlin acvities.
> >
> > Nor would it be feasible to expect that the oligarchs, many of whom  
> > are Israeli citizens and investors in Israel's economy, would ever  
> > be deprived of Israeli support. It is even less likely that the  
> > second Bush administration, apparently set on continuing its  
> > geopolitical offensive against a weakened Russia, will change its  
> > course.
> >
> > Facing this reality, Putin will have to make a choice: Should he  
> > again go for unilateral concessions, which has been a pattern in  
> > his relations with the West, or should he finally strike back?  
> > Since it would not be a direct political move against the United  
> > States but rather against Israel, we expect he might still sanction  
> > some arms sales to [Israel's Arab enemies].
> >
> > This is especially likely, given that Arab and Muslim states are  
> > actively courting Russia in hopes of obtaining some political  
> > support to offset U.S. policy in the Middle East.

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