I did not make clear that this is a TV story today 2/12/2007 and it's
all over the internet. A significant percentage of beekeeper's bees
are dying in their hives during the course of the winter. The story
says that they have lots of diseases, indicating that they have AIDS.
Real AIDS is caused by profiteering environmental pollution like
Zyklon-B Phosmet and malathion and HIV drugs.

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "muckblit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess we had better get out of Iraq in a hurry.
> Mites have previously killed all the wild bees in forests. Now the bee
> keepers are losing theirs to suppressed immune systems. In one case it
> looks like Zyklon-B for mosquitos is not such a great thing to spray
> on bees. Do you suppose Zykon-B Phosmet or malathion could be bad for
> humans? Duh.
> http://news.google.com/news?q=bees+dying
> http://www.google.com/search?q=bees+dying
> http://forums2.gardenweb.com/forums/load/organic/msg0915220332548.html?8
> Hi,
> I was out in the yard today and noticed there are dead bees on the
> sedums. One sedum plant had about 7 dead bees on it. It was like they
> were frozen in place on the blooms. Is this a natural phenomenon or
> something I have to worry about? Just a few days ago, the plants were
> covered with buzzing bees. 
> I know neither neighbor to either side of me sprays..they barely mow
> their lawn. The neighbors across the street don't to my knowledge
> either. One has a super lawn, but they have underground sprinklers, so
> that is the reason for it and I never have seen a company truck there,
> they take care of their own mowing and have never seen any of those
> signs on anyone's lawn. Being organic I am alert to those things.
> I did wonder if the town might have sprayed for mosquitos. I have a
> call in to the town to find out. I went around the yard quickly
> yesterday counting dead bees...25 dead, 25 that looked like they were
> almost dead and only 8 bees acting normally.

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